General Examples ================ The example gallery provides you with some examples on the general usage of the psyplot framework and shows you some applications of the different plotter classes in the psyplot package. You can either download the examples as a Jupyter Notebook or as a converted python script. After downloading the jupyter-notebook, you can open it by typing:: $ jupyter notebook into the terminal and navigate to the file you downloaded. Note that the examples are python3 notebooks. If you are using python2, you might either open the notebook in an editor and rename ``'python3'`` in each of the files to ``'python3'``, or you create a new conda environment via:: conda create -n py35 python=3.5 source activate py35 conda install notebook ipykernel ipython kernel install --user and install the necessary modules into that environment. There are lot's of more examples out there for the - psy-maps_ plugin - psy-simple_ plugin - psy-reg_ plugin .. _psy-maps: .. _psy-simple: .. _psy-reg: