Source code for psy_reg.plugin

"""psy-simple psyplot plugin

This module defines the rcParams for the psy-simple plugin"""

# Disclaimer
# ----------
# Copyright (C) 2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 University of Lausanne
# This file is part of psyplot and is released under the GNU LGPL-3.O license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU LGPL-3.0 license for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU LGPL-3.0 license
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import six
from numpy import asarray
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import RcParams
from psy_simple.plugin import (
    try_and_error, validate_float, validate_none, validate_limits,
    validate_dict, validate_int, validate_cmap, validate_str,
    ValidateInStrings, safe_list, rcParams as psyps_rc)
from psyplot.compat.pycompat import map, filter
from psy_reg import __version__ as plugin_version

[docs]def get_versions(requirements=True): if requirements: import scipy import statsmodels return {'version': plugin_version, 'requirements': {'scipy': scipy.__version__, 'statsmodels': statsmodels.__version__}} else: return {'version': plugin_version}
[docs]def patch_prior_1_0(plotter_d, versions): """Patch psy_reg plotters for versions smaller than 1.0 Before psyplot 1.0.0, the plotters in the psy_reg package where part of the psyplot.plotter.linreg module. This has to be corrected""" plotter_d['cls'] = ('psy_reg.plotters', plotter_d['cls'][1])
#: patches to apply when loading a project patches = { ('psyplot.plotter.linreg', 'LinRegPlotter'): patch_prior_1_0, ('psyplot.plotter.linreg', 'DensityRegPlotter'): patch_prior_1_0, } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------- validation functions ------------------------------ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_iter(value): """Validate that the given value is an iterable""" try: return iter(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("%s is not an iterable!" % repr(value))
[docs]def validate_callable(val): if callable(val): return val raise ValueError('%s is not callable!' % str(val))
[docs]def validate_fit(val): def validate(val): if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and val.startswith('poly'): try: int(val[4:]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Polynomials must be of the form 'poly<deg>' " "(e.g. 'poly3'), not %s!" % val) else: return val elif hasattr(val, 'fit') and hasattr(val, 'predict'): return val return try_and_error( validate_callable, validate_none, ValidateInStrings('fit', ['fit', 'linear', 'robust'], True))(val) return list(map(validate, safe_list(val)))
[docs]class validate_list(object): """Validate a list of the specified `dtype` Parameters ---------- dtype: object A datatype (e.g. :class:`float`) that shall be used for the conversion """ def __init__(self, dtype=None, length=None, listtype=list): """Initialization function""" #: data type (e.g. :class:`float`) used for the conversion self.dtype = dtype self.length = length self.listtype = list def __call__(self, l): """Validate whether `l` is a list with contents of :attr:`dtype` Parameters ---------- l: list-like Returns ------- list list with values of dtype :attr:`dtype` Raises ------ ValueError""" try: if self.dtype is None: l = self.listtype(l) else: l = self.listtype(map(self.dtype, l)) except TypeError: if self.dtype is None: raise ValueError( "Could not convert to list!") else: raise ValueError( "Could not convert to list of type %s!" % str(self.dtype)) if self.length is not None and len(l) != self.length: raise ValueError('List with length %i is required! Not %i!' % ( self.length, len(l))) return l
[docs]def validate_stringlist(s): """Validate a list of strings Parameters ---------- val: iterable of strings Returns ------- list list of str Raises ------ ValueError""" if isinstance(s, six.string_types): return [six.text_type(v.strip()) for v in s.split(',') if v.strip()] else: try: return [six.text_type(v) for v in s if v] except TypeError as e: raise ValueError(e.message)
[docs]def validate_fix(val): if val is None: return [None] try: val = validate_float(val) return [[0, val]] except ValueError: pass msg = 'Values for the fix formatoptions must be of length 2!' validator = try_and_error(validate_none, validate_list(float)) try: val = validator(val) except ValueError: val = list(map(validator, val)) if not all(v is None or len(v) == 2 for v in val): raise ValueError(msg) else: if val is not None and len(val) != 2: raise ValueError(msg) return val
[docs]def validate_ideal(val): try: return validate_none(val) except ValueError: val = asarray(val).astype(float) if val.ndim == 1: return val.reshape(1, val.size).tolist() elif val.ndim == 2: return val.tolist() raise ValueError( "Only 1- and 2-dimensional arrays are allowed! Got %s" % (val, ))
[docs]def validate_param_bounds(value): if value is None: return [None] else: f = value[0] try: f = next(filter(lambda v: v is not None, validate_iter(value))) except StopIteration: return value else: try: f[0] except TypeError: # found only one tuple return [value] else: return value
[docs]def validate_p0(value): value = safe_list(value) for i, v in enumerate(value): value[i] = try_and_error(ValidateList(float), ValidateInStrings('p0', ['auto'], True))(v) return value
[docs]def validate_line_xlim(val): if isinstance(val, six.string_types): val = (val, val) val = asarray(safe_list(val)) if val.ndim == 1: val = asarray([val]) return list(map(validate_limits, val.tolist()))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ rcParams ------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: the :class:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams` for the psy-reg plugin rcParams = RcParams(defaultParams={ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------- Registered plotters ----------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'project.plotters': [ {'linreg': { 'module': 'psy_reg.plotters', 'plotter_name': 'LinRegPlotter', 'prefer_list': True, 'default_slice': None, 'summary': 'Draw a fit from x to y'}, 'densityreg': { 'module': 'psy_reg.plotters', 'plotter_name': 'DensityRegPlotter', 'prefer_list': False, 'default_slice': None, 'summary': ('Make a density plot and draw a fit from x to y of ' 'points')}, }, validate_dict], # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- Default formatoptions ----------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Linear regression 'plotter.linreg.xrange': [ 'minmax', validate_limits, 'The fit limits of the line plot'], 'plotter.linreg.yrange': [ 'minmax', validate_limits, 'The fit limits of the line plot'], 'plotter.linreg.line_xlim': [ 'minmax', validate_line_xlim, 'The x-limits of the drawn best fit line'], 'plotter.linreg.param_bounds': [ None, validate_param_bounds, 'fmt key to specify the boundaries of the fit'], 'plotter.linreg.p0': [ 'auto', validate_p0, 'fmt key to specify the initial parameters of the fit'], 'plotter.linreg.fix': [ None, validate_fix, 'fmt key to set a fix point for the linear regression fit'], '': [ 'fit', validate_fit, 'The model to use for fitting a model'], 'plotter.linreg.nboot': [ 1000, validate_int, 'Number of bootstrap resamples to estimate the confidence interval'], '': [ 95, try_and_error(validate_none, validate_float), 'Size of the confidence interval'], 'plotter.linreg.id_color': [ None, psyps_rc.validate['plotter.simple.color'], 'fmt key to modify the color cycle of the ideal lines in a fit plot'], 'plotter.linreg.ideal': [ None, validate_ideal, 'The ideal lines to plot'], 'plotter.linreg.bootstrap.random_seed': [ None, try_and_error(validate_none, validate_int), 'The seed to use for the bootstrap algorithm to estimate the ' 'confidence interval'], # combined density and linear regression plot 'plotter.densityreg.lineplot': [ '-', try_and_error(validate_none, validate_str, validate_stringlist), 'fmt key to modify the line style'], }) rcParams.update_from_defaultParams()