
plot.violinplot(*args, **kwargs)

Make a violin plot of your data

This plotting method adds data arrays and plots them via psy_simple.plotters.ViolinPlotter plotters

To plot data from a netCDF file type:

>>> psy.plot.violinplot(filename, name=['my_variable'], ...)


To explore the formatoptions and their documentations, use the keys, summaries and docs methods. For example:

>>> import psyplot.project as psy

# show the keys corresponding to a group or multiple
# formatopions
>>> psy.plot.violinplot.keys('labels')

# show the summaries of a group of formatoptions or of a
# formatoption
>>> psy.plot.violinplot.summaries('title')

# show the full documentation

# or access the documentation via the attribute
>>> psy.plot.violinplot.plot