Source code for psyplot_gui

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only


Graphical user interface for the psyplot package

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import atexit
import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from itertools import chain

import fasteners
import psyplot
import six
import xarray as xr
import yaml
from psyplot.__main__ import make_plot
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import get_configdir, safe_list
from psyplot.docstring import docstrings
from psyplot.utils import get_default_value
from psyplot.warning import warn

import psyplot_gui.config as config
from psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup import rcParams

from . import _version

__version__ = _version.get_versions()["version"]

__author__ = "Philipp S. Sommer"
__copyright__ = "2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH"
__credits__ = [
    "Philipp S. Sommer",
__license__ = "LGPL-3.0-only"

__maintainer__ = "Philipp S. Sommer"
__email__ = ""

__status__ = "Production"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    "%s: Initializing psyplot gui, version %s",,
logger.debug("psyplot version: %s", psyplot.__version__)
logger.debug("Logging configuration file: %s", config.logcfg_path)
logger.debug("Configuration file: %s", config.config_path)

rcParams.HEADER += "\n\npsyplot gui version: " + __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_versions(requirements=True): ret = {"version": __version__} if requirements: req = ret["requirements"] = {} try: import qtconsole except Exception: logger.error("Could not load qtconsole!", exc_info=True) else: req["qtconsole"] = qtconsole.__version__ try: from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import PYQT_VERSION, QT_VERSION except Exception: logger.error("Could not load qt and pyqt!", exc_info=True) else: req["qt"] = QT_VERSION req["pyqt"] = PYQT_VERSION return ret
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="psyplot_gui.start_app") @docstrings.dedent def start_app( fnames=[], name=[], dims=None, plot_method=None, output=None, project=None, engine=None, formatoptions=None, tight=False, encoding=None, enable_post=False, seaborn_style=None, output_project=None, concat_dim=get_default_value(xr.open_mfdataset, "concat_dim"), chname={}, backend=False, new_instance=False, rc_file=None, rc_gui_file=None, include_plugins=rcParams["plugins.include"], exclude_plugins=rcParams["plugins.exclude"], offline=False, pwd=None, script=None, command=None, exec_=True, use_all=False, callback=None, preset=None, opengl_implementation=None, webengineview=True, decoder=None, ): """ Eventually start the QApplication or only make a plot Parameters ---------- %(make_plot.parameters)s backend: None or str The backend to use. By default, the ``'gui.backend'`` key in the :attr:`~psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup.rcParams` dictionary is used. Otherwise it can be None to use the standard matplotlib backend or a string identifying the backend new_instance: bool If True/set and the `output` parameter is not set, a new application is created rc_gui_file: str The path to a yaml configuration file that can be used to update the :attr:`~psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup.rcParams` include_plugins: list of str The plugin widget to include. Can be either None to load all that are not explicitly excluded by `exclude_plugins` or a list of plugins to include. List items can be either module names, plugin names or the module name and widget via ``'<module_name>:<widget>'`` exclude_plugins: list of str The plugin widgets to exclude. Can be either ``'all'`` to exclude all plugins or a list like in `include_plugins`. offline: bool If True/set, psyplot will be started in offline mode without intersphinx and remote access for the help explorer pwd: str The path to the working directory to use. Note if you do not provide any `fnames` or `project`, but set the `pwd`, it will switch the `pwd` of the current GUI. script: str The path to a python script that shall be run in the GUI. If the GUI is already running, the commands will be executed in this GUI. command: str Python commands that shall be run in the GUI. If the GUI is already running, the commands will be executed in this GUI use_all: bool If True, use all variables. Note that this is the default if the `output` is specified and not `name` exec_: bool If True, the main loop is entered. callback: str A unique identifier for the method that should be used if psyplot is already running. Set this parameter to None to avoid sending opengl_implementation: {'software', 'desktop', 'gles', 'automatic'} OpenGL implementation to pass to Qt. Possible options are 'software', 'desktop', 'gles' and 'automatic' (which let's PyQt decide). webengineview: bool If True (default), use an HTML help widget. This might not be available for all builds of PyQt5 under all circumstances. If not set, the rcParams key ``'help_explorer.use_webengineview'`` is used. Returns ------- None or :class:`psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow` ``None`` if `exec_` is True, otherwise the created :class:`~psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow` instance """ if pwd is not None: os.chdir(pwd) if script is not None: script = osp.abspath(script) if project is not None and (name != [] or dims is not None): warn( "The `name` and `dims` parameter are ignored if the `project`" " parameter is set!" ) # load rcParams from file if rc_gui_file is not None: rcParams.load_from_file(rc_gui_file) # set plugins rcParams["plugins.include"] = include_plugins rcParams["plugins.exclude"] = exclude_plugins if webengineview is not None: rcParams["help_explorer.use_webengineview"] = webengineview if offline: rcParams[""] = False rcParams["help_explorer.use_intersphinx"] = False if dims is not None and not isinstance(dims, dict): dims = dict(chain(*map(six.iteritems, dims))) if output is not None: return make_plot( fnames=fnames, name=name, dims=dims, plot_method=plot_method, output=output, project=project, engine=engine, formatoptions=formatoptions, tight=tight, rc_file=rc_file, encoding=encoding, enable_post=enable_post, seaborn_style=seaborn_style, output_project=output_project, concat_dim=concat_dim, chname=chname, preset=preset, decoder=decoder, ) if use_all: name = "all" else: name = safe_list(name) if formatoptions is not None: if not isinstance(formatoptions, dict): # list of dicts for fmt in formatoptions[1:]: formatoptions[0].update(fmt) formatoptions = formatoptions[0] if preset is not None: import psyplot.project as psy preset_data = psy.Project._load_preset(preset) else: preset_data = {} preset_data.update(formatoptions) preset = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="psy_", suffix=".yml").name with open(preset, "w") as f: yaml.dump(preset_data, f) # make preset path absolute if ( preset is not None and not isinstance(preset, dict) and osp.exists(preset) ): preset = osp.abspath(preset) # Lock file creation if not new_instance: lock_file = osp.join(get_configdir(), "psyplot.lock") lock = fasteners.InterProcessLock(lock_file) # Try to lock psyplot.lock. If it's *possible* to do it, then # there is no previous instance running and we can start a # new one. If *not*, then there is an instance already # running, which is locking that file lock_created = lock.acquire(False) else: lock_created = False chname = dict(chname) if lock_created: # Start a new instance atexit.register(lock.release) elif not new_instance: if callback is None: if fnames or project: callback = "new_plot" elif pwd is not None: callback = "change_cwd" fnames = [pwd] elif script is not None: callback = "run_script" fnames = [script] elif command is not None: callback = "command" engine = command if callback: send_files_to_psyplot( callback, fnames, project, engine, plot_method, name, dims, encoding, enable_post, seaborn_style, concat_dim, chname, preset, decoder, ) return elif new_instance: rcParams["main.listen_to_port"] = False if backend is not False: rcParams["backend"] = backend from psyplot_gui.main import MainWindow fnames = _get_abs_names(fnames) if project is not None: project = _get_abs_names([project])[0] if exec_: from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) _set_opengl_implementation(opengl_implementation) if isinstance(new_instance, MainWindow): mainwindow = new_instance else: mainwindow = fnames, project, engine, plot_method, name, dims, encoding, enable_post, seaborn_style, concat_dim, chname, preset, decoder, ) if script is not None: mainwindow.console.run_script_in_shell(script) if command is not None: mainwindow.console.run_command_in_shell(command) if exec_: sys.excepthook = mainwindow.excepthook sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: return mainwindow
[docs] def send_files_to_psyplot(callback, fnames, project, *args): """ Simple socket client used to send the args passed to the psyplot executable to an already running instance. This function has to most parts been taken from spyder """ port = rcParams["main.open_files_port"] # Wait ~50 secs for the server to be up # Taken from for _x in range(200): fnames = _get_abs_names(fnames) if project is not None: project = _get_abs_names([project])[0] try: client = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP ) client.connect(("", port)) client.send(pickle.dumps([callback, fnames, project] + list(args))) client.close() except socket.error: time.sleep(0.25) continue break
def _get_abs_names(fnames): """Return the absolute paths of the given filenames""" if fnames is None: return for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): if fname: fnames[i] = ",".join(map(osp.abspath, fname.split(","))) return fnames
[docs] def get_parser(create=True): """Return a parser to make that can be used to make plots or open files from the command line Returns ------- psyplot.parser.FuncArgParser The :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance See Also -------- psyplot.main.get_parser psyplot.parser.FuncArgParser psyplot.main.main""" from psyplot.__main__ import get_parser parser = get_parser(create=False) parser.setup_args(start_app) gui_grp = parser.add_argument_group( "Gui options", "Options specific to the graphical user interface" ) parser.update_arg( "backend", short="b", const=None, nargs="?", metavar="backend", help=""" The backend to use. By default, the ``'gui.backend'`` key in the :attr:`~psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup.rcParams` dictionary is used. If used without options, the default matplotlib backend is used.""", group=gui_grp, ) parser.update_arg("new_instance", short="ni", group=gui_grp) parser.update_arg("rc_gui_file", short="rc-gui", group=gui_grp) parser.pop_key("rc_gui_file", "metavar") parser.update_arg( "include_plugins", short="inc", group=gui_grp, default=rcParams["plugins.include"], ) parser.append2help("include_plugins", ". Default: %(default)s") parser.update_arg( "exclude_plugins", short="exc", group=gui_grp, default=rcParams["plugins.exclude"], ) parser.append2help("exclude_plugins", ". Default: %(default)s") parser.update_arg("offline", group=gui_grp) parser.update_arg("pwd", group=gui_grp) parser.update_arg("script", short="s", group=gui_grp) parser.update_arg("command", short="c", group=gui_grp) parser.update_arg( "opengl_implementation", group=gui_grp, short="opengl", choices=["software", "desktop", "gles", "automatic"], ) # add an action to display the GUI plugins info_grp = parser.unfinished_arguments["list_plugins"].get("group") parser.update_arg( "list_gui_plugins", short="lgp", long="list-gui-plugins", action=ListGuiPluginsAction, if_existent=False, help=( "Print the names of the GUI plugins and exit. Note that the " "displayed plugins are not affected by the `include-plugins` " "and `exclude-plugins` options" ), ) if info_grp is not None: parser.unfinished_arguments["list_gui_plugins"]["group"] = info_grp parser.pop_key("offline", "short") parser.append2help( "output_project", ". This option has only an effect if the `output` " " option is set.", ) parser.update_arg("use_all", short="a") parser.pop_arg("exec_") parser.pop_arg("callback") parser.pop_key("webengineview", "short") parser.update_arg( "webengineview", default=None, action="store_true", group=gui_grp ) parser.unfinished_arguments["no-webengineview"] = dict( long="no-webengineview", default=None, action="store_false", dest="webengineview", help="Do not use HTML rendering.", group=gui_grp, ) if psyplot.__version__ < "1.0": parser.set_main(start_app) parser.epilog += """ If you omit the ``'-o'`` option, the file is opened in the graphical user interface and if you run:: $ psyplot -pwd . It will switch the directory of the already running GUI (if existent) to the current working directory in your terminal. Additionally,:: $ psyplot -s will run the file ``''`` in the GUI and:: $ psyplot -c 'print("Hello World!")' will execute ``print("Hello World")`` in the GUI. The output, of the `-s` and `-c` options, will, however, be shown in the terminal.""" if create: parser.create_arguments() return parser
#: A boolean variable to check if the GUI is tested. This is set automatically #: true on CI services UNIT_TESTING = os.getenv("CI")
[docs] class ListGuiPluginsAction(argparse.Action): def __init__( self, option_strings, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs=None, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, **kwargs, ): if nargs is not None: raise ValueError("nargs not allowed") kwargs["default"] = default super(ListGuiPluginsAction, self).__init__( option_strings, nargs=0, dest=dest, **kwargs ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): import yaml if not rcParams._plugins: list(rcParams._load_plugin_entrypoints()) print(yaml.dump(rcParams._plugins, default_flow_style=False)) sys.exit(0)
def _set_opengl_implementation(option): """ Set the OpenGL implementation This function has been taken from spyder (see See issue for the details. """ try: from PyQt5.QtQuick import QQuickWindow, QSGRendererInterface except Exception: QQuickWindow = QSGRendererInterface = None from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication, Qt if option is None: option = rcParams["main.opengl"] if option == "software": QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL) if QQuickWindow is not None: QQuickWindow.setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface.Software) elif option == "desktop": QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseDesktopOpenGL) if QQuickWindow is not None: QQuickWindow.setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface.OpenGL) elif option == "gles": QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseOpenGLES) if QQuickWindow is not None: QQuickWindow.setSceneGraphBackend(QSGRendererInterface.OpenGL)