Source code for psy_reg.plotters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for fitting a linear model to the data

This module defines the :class:`LinRegPlotter` and the
:class:`DensityRegPlotter` plotter classes that can be used
to fit a linear model to the data and visualize it."""

# Disclaimer
# ----------
# Copyright (C) 2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 University of Lausanne
# This file is part of psyplot and is released under the GNU LGPL-3.O license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU LGPL-3.0 license for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU LGPL-3.0 license
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division
import six
import inspect
from functools import partial
from itertools import islice, cycle, repeat
import numpy as np
from xarray import Variable, DataArray
import statsmodels.api as sm
from psyplot import rcParams
from docrep import substitution_pattern
from psyplot.docstring import docstrings
from psyplot.compat.pycompat import range
from import InteractiveList, safe_list, CFDecoder
from psyplot.plotter import Formatoption, START, Plotter, END
import psy_simple.plotters as psyps
import psy_simple.base as psypb
from psy_reg.utils import GenericModel

[docs]class LinRegTranspose(psyps.Transpose): __doc__ = psyps.Transpose.__doc__ priority = START
[docs]class XFitRange(psyps.Hist2DXRange): """ Specify the range for the fit to use for the x-dimension This formatoption specifies the minimum and maximum of the fit in the x-dimension Possible types -------------- %(LimitBase.possible_types.no_None)s Notes ----- This formatoption always acts on the coordinate, no matter what the value of the :attr:`transpose` formatoption is See also -------- yrange, line_xlim""" group = 'regression' @property def range(self): """The range for each of the curves""" return self._range @range.setter def range(self, value): if self.index_in_list is not None: self._range[self.index_in_list] = value else: self._range = value
[docs] def update(self, value): value = safe_list(value) if np.ndim(value) == 1: value = [value] value = cycle(value) if isinstance(self.raw_data, InteractiveList) and ( self.index_in_list is None): self._range = [[] for _ in range(len(self.raw_data))] for i, da in enumerate(list(self.iter_raw_data)): self.index_in_list = i super(XFitRange, self).update(next(value)) self.index_in_list = None elif not isinstance(self.raw_data, InteractiveList) and ( self.index_in_list is not None): self._range = [[] for _ in range(self.index_in_list + 1)] super(XFitRange, self).update(next(value)) else: super(XFitRange, self).update(next(value))
[docs] def set_limit(self, *args): pass # is set during update
[docs]class YFitRange(psyps.Hist2DYRange): """ Specify the range for the fit to use for the y-dimension This formatoption specifies the minimum and maximum of the fit in the y-dimension Possible types -------------- %(LimitBase.possible_types.no_None)s Notes ----- This formatoption always acts on the coordinate, no matter what the value of the :attr:`transpose` formatoption is See also -------- xrange""" group = 'regression' @property def range(self): """The range for each of the curves""" return self._range @range.setter def range(self, value): if self.index_in_list is not None: self._range[self.index_in_list] = value else: self._range = value
[docs] def update(self, value): value = safe_list(value) if np.ndim(value) == 1: value = [value] value = cycle(value) if isinstance(self.raw_data, InteractiveList) and ( self.index_in_list is None): self._range = [[] for _ in range(len(self.raw_data))] for i, da in enumerate(list(self.iter_raw_data)): self.index_in_list = i super(YFitRange, self).update(next(value)) self.index_in_list = None elif not isinstance(self.raw_data, InteractiveList) and ( self.index_in_list is not None): self._range = [[] for _ in range(self.index_in_list + 1)] super(YFitRange, self).update(next(value)) else: super(YFitRange, self).update(next(value))
[docs] def set_limit(self, *args): pass # is set during update
[docs]class XLineRange(XFitRange): """ Specify how wide the range for the plot should be This formatoption specifies the range of the line to use Possible types -------------- %(LimitBase.possible_types.no_None)s See Also -------- xrange"""
[docs]class ParameterBounds(Formatoption): """ Parameter bounds for the function parameters This formatoption can be used to specify the boundaries for the parameters. It only has an effect if the value of the :attr:`fit` formatoption is a callable function. These bounds will also be used by the :attr:`p0` formatoption to estimate the initial parameters. Possible types -------------- None Use open boundaries list of tuples with length 2 The boundaries for each of the parameters list of tuples or None A combination of the above types where each corresponds to one data array """
[docs] def update(self, value): self.bounds = [v for da, v in zip(self.iter_raw_data, cycle(value))]
[docs]class InitialParameters(Formatoption): """ Initial parameters for the :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` function This formatoptions can be used to set the initial parameters if the value of the :attr:`fit` formatoption is a callable function. Note that the automatic estimation uses the boundaries of the :attr:`param_bounds` formatoption. This only works if the boundaries are given for each parameter and finite. Possible types -------------- 'auto' The initial parameters are estimated automatically using the :func:`from scipy.optimize.differential_evolution` function list of floats The initial parameters list of list of floats or 'auto' A combination of the above types where each corresponds to one data array """ priority = START name = 'Initial parameter values for the fit' group = 'regression' data_dependent = True dependencies = ['param_bounds'] connections = ['fit']
[docs] def update(self, value): # the parameters are set via the :attr:`p0` property pass
[docs] def p0(self, i=None): if self.index_in_list is not None or i is None: i = 0 val = next(islice(cycle(safe_list(self.value)), i, i+1)) if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and val == 'auto': return self._estimate_p0(i) return val
def _estimate_p0(self, i): model = bounds = self.param_bounds.bounds[i] da = next(islice(self.iter_raw_data, i, i+1)) x, xname, y, yname =, da) return model.estimate_p0(x, y, bounds)
[docs]class LinearRegressionFit(Formatoption): """ Choose the linear fitting method This formatoption consists makes a linear fit of the data Possible types -------------- 'fit' or 'linear' make a linear fit 'robust' make a robust linear fit 'poly<deg>' Make a polynomial fit of the order ``'<deg>'`` function A callable function that takes an x-array and a y-array as input and can be used for the :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` function any object with a `fit` and `predict` method A model that with a fit signature such as ``, y).predict(x)`` None make no fit Notes ----- You can access the intercept, slope and rsquared by the correponding attribute. E.g.:: >>> plotter.update( ... legendlabels='%%(intercept)s + %%(slope)s * x, ' ... '$R^2$=%%(rsquared)s') See Also -------- fix """ dependencies = ['transpose', 'fix', 'xrange', 'yrange', 'coord', 'line_xlim', 'p0', 'param_bounds'] priority = START name = 'Change the fit method' data_dependent = True group = 'regression' @property def func_args(self): """The arguments for the fit function if the :attr:`method` is 'curve_fit'""" if six.PY2: return inspect.getargspec(self.model).args[1:] else: return list(inspect.signature(self.model).parameters.keys())[1:] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LinearRegressionFit, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._kwargs = {}
[docs] def update(self, value): self.fits = [None] * len(list(self.iter_data)) if value is None: return transpose = self.transpose.value for i, da in enumerate(self.iter_raw_data): kwargs = self.get_kwargs(i) x, xname, y, yname = self.get_xy(i, da) x_line = self.get_xline(i) if self.coord.value is not None: da = self.coord.replace_coord(i) x_line, y_line, attrs, fit = self.make_fit(i, x, y, x_line=x_line, **kwargs) if transpose: x_line, y_line = y_line, x_line attrs.update(da.attrs) coord_attrs = da.coords[da.dims[0]].attrs.copy() coords = {xname: Variable((xname, ), x_line, attrs=coord_attrs)} da_fit = DataArray( data=y_line, dims=(xname, ), name=yname, attrs=attrs, coords=coords).assign_coords(**self._get_other_coords(da)) da_fit.psy.init_accessor(arr_name=da.psy.arr_name) self.fits[i] = fit da_fit.attrs.update(attrs) da_fit.attrs.update(da.attrs) da_fit.coords[da.dims[0]].attrs.update( da.coords[da.dims[0]].attrs) self.set_data(da_fit, i) self.set_decoder(CFDecoder(da_fit.psy.base), i)
[docs] def set_method(self, i): value = next(islice(cycle(safe_list(self.value)), i, i+1)) if value is None: self.model = None self.method = None elif isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, GenericModel): self.model = value self.method = 'curve_fit' elif hasattr(value, 'fit'): self.model = value self.method = 'generic' elif callable(value): class Model(GenericModel): function = staticmethod(value) self.model = Model self.method = 'curve_fit' elif value.lower().startswith('poly'): self.model = partial(np.polyfit, deg=int(value[4:]), cov=True) self.method = 'poly' else: self.model = sm.RLM if value == 'robust' else sm.OLS self.method = 'statsmodels'
[docs] def get_kwargs(self, i): '''Get the fitting kwargs for the line at index `i`''' ret = {} for key, val in self._kwargs.items(): ret[key] = val[i] return ret
[docs] def get_xline(self, i=0): """Get the x-data for the best fit line""" xrange = np.asarray(self.line_xlim.range) if xrange.ndim == 2: xmin, xmax = xrange[i] else: xmin, xmax = xrange return np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
[docs] def get_xy(self, i, da): if self.coord.value is not None: da = self.coord.replace_coord(i) if self.transpose.value: x = da.values xname = y = da.coords[da.dims[0]].values yname = da.dims[0] else: x = da.coords[da.dims[0]].values xname = da.dims[0] y = da.values yname = xrange = np.asarray(self.xrange.range) yrange = np.asarray(self.yrange.range) if xrange.ndim == 1: xmin, xmax = xrange ymin, ymax = yrange else: xmin, xmax = xrange[i] ymin, ymax = yrange[i] mask = ~(np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y)) & (x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax) & ( y >= ymin) & (y <= ymax) return x[mask], xname, y[mask], yname
[docs] def make_fit(self, i, x, y, x_line=None, **kwargs): self.set_method(i) if self.method is None: return x, y, {}, None elif self.method == 'statsmodels': return self._statsmodel_fit(x, y, x_line, **kwargs) elif self.method == 'poly': return self._poly_fit(x, y, x_line, **kwargs) elif self.method == 'curve_fit': kwargs['p0'] = self.p0.p0(i) kwargs['bounds'] = self.param_bounds.bounds[i] or (-np.inf, np.inf) return self._scipy_curve_fit(x, y, x_line, **kwargs) else: return self._generic_fit(x, y, x_line, **kwargs)
def _generic_fit(self, x, y, x_line, **kwargs): fit =, y) return x_line, fit.predict(x_line), getattr(fit, 'attrs', {}), fit def _scipy_curve_fit(self, x, y, x_line, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('fix', None) fit =, y, **kwargs) return x_line, fit.predict(x_line), getattr(fit, 'attrs', {}), fit def _poly_fit(self, x, y, x_line, **kwargs): params, pcov = self.model(x, y) d = dict(zip(('c%i' % i for i in range(len(params))), params[::-1])) if pcov.size == 1: d['c0_err'] = np.sqrt(pcov)[0, 0] # calculate rsquared residuals = y - np.poly1d(params)(x) ss_res = (residuals ** 2).sum() ss_tot = ((y - y.mean()) ** 2).sum() d['rsquared'] = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot) return x_line, np.poly1d(params)(x_line), d, pcov def _statsmodel_fit(self, x, y, x_line, fix=None): """Make a linear fit of x to y""" adjust = fix is not None and fix != [0, 0] if adjust: x = x - fix[0] y = y - fix[1] if fix is None: if x.ndim < 2: x = sm.add_constant(x) fit = self.model(y, x).fit() else: fit = self.model(y, x).fit() if x_line is None: xmin, xmax = self.line_xlim.range x_line = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100) elif adjust: x_line = x_line - fix[0] d = dict(zip(['slope', 'intercept'], fit.params[::-1])) y_line = d.get('intercept', 0) + d['slope'] * x_line if adjust: x_line = x_line + fix[0] # not += to make sure that Ci works fine y_line += fix[1] d['intercept'] = fix[1] - d['slope'] * fix[0] elif fix is not None: d['intercept'] = 0 if hasattr(fit, 'rsquared'): d['rsquared'] = fit.rsquared return x_line, y_line, d, fit def _get_other_coords(self, raw_da): return {key: raw_da.coords[key] for key in set(raw_da.coords).difference(raw_da.dims)}
docstrings.delete_types('LineColors.possible_types', 'no_none', 'None')
[docs]class IdealLineColor(psyps.LineColors): """ The colors of the ideal lines Possible types -------------- None Let it be determined by the color cycle of the :attr:`color` formatoption %(LineColors.possible_types.no_none)s See Also -------- ideal """ parents = ['ideal'] dependencies = ['color'] priority = END
[docs] def update(self, value): if self.ideal.value is not None: if value is None: value = self.color.color_cycle super(IdealLineColor, self).update(value)
[docs]class IdealLine(Formatoption): """ Draw an ideal line of the fit Possible types -------------- None Don't draw an ideal line list of floats The parameters for the line. If the :attr:`fit` formatoption is in ``'robust'`` or ``'fit'``, then the first value corresponds to the interception, the second to the slope. Otherwise the list corrensponds to the parameters as used in the fit function of the lines list of list of floats The same as above but with the specification for each array See Also -------- id_color """ group = 'regression' dependencies = ['fit', 'id_color', 'plot']
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self._plot = [] super(IdealLine, self).initialize_plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, value): self.remove() if value is None: return # we update id_color here to make sure that the colors are only used # if necessary self.id_color.update(self.id_color.value) self._plot = [] if self.plot.value is None: linestyles = repeat('-') else: linestyles = cycle(safe_list(self.plot.value)) for vals, da, fit_type, c, ls in zip( cycle(value), self.iter_data, cycle(safe_list(, self.id_color.extended_colors, linestyles): if da.ndim > 1: da = da[0] try: x = psyps._get_index_vals(da.to_series().index) except AttributeError: # old psy-simple version x = da.to_series().index if fit_type in ['robust', 'fit']: y = vals[0] + vals[1] * x else: y = fit_type(x, *vals) self._plot.extend(, y, color=c, ls=ls))
[docs] def remove(self): for artist in self._plot: artist.remove() self._plot = []
[docs]class LinearRegressionFitCombined(LinearRegressionFit): __doc__ = substitution_pattern.sub('%\g<0>', LinearRegressionFit.__doc__)
[docs] def set_data(self, data, i=None): '''Reimplemented to change the `arr_name` attribute of the given array ''' data.psy.arr_name += '_fit' return super(LinearRegressionFitCombined, self).set_data(data, i)
[docs]class FixPoint(Formatoption): """ Force the fit to go through a given point Possible types -------------- None do not force the fit at all float f make a linear fit forced through ``(x, y) = (0, f)`` tuple (x', y') make a linear fit forced through ``(x, y) = (x', y')`` See Also -------- fit""" priority = START name = 'Force the fit to go through a given point' group = 'regression' connections = ['fit']
[docs] def update(self, value): if not callable( n = len(list(self.iter_data)) if len(value) != n: value = list(islice(cycle(value), 0, n)) self.points = value['fix'] = self.points else:'fix', None)
[docs]class NBoot(Formatoption): """ Set the number of bootstrap resamples for the confidence interval Parameters ---------- int Number of bootstrap resamples used to estimate the ``ci``. The default value attempts to balance time and stability; you may want to increase this value for "final" versions of plots. See Also -------- ci """ priority = START group = 'regression' name = 'Set the bootstrapping number to calculate the confidence interval'
[docs] def update(self, value): """Does nothing. The work is done by the :class:`Ci` formatoption""" pass
[docs]def bootstrap(x, y, func, n_boot, random_seed=None, **kwargs): """ Simple bootstrap algorithm used to estimate the confidence interval This function is motivated by seaborns bootstrap algorithm :func:`seaborn.algorithms.bootstrap` """ boot_dist = [] n = len(x) rs = np.random.RandomState( random_seed if random_seed is not None else rcParams[ 'plotter.linreg.bootstrap.random_seed']) for i in range(int(n_boot)): resampler = rs.randint(0, n, n) x_ = x.take(resampler, axis=0) y_ = y.take(resampler, axis=0) boot_dist.append(func(x_, y_, **kwargs)) return np.array(boot_dist)
[docs]def calc_ci(a, which=95, axis=None): """Return a quantile range from an array of values.""" p = 50 - which / 2, 50 + which / 2 return np.percentile(a, p, axis)
[docs]class Ci(Formatoption): """ Draw a confidence interval Size of the confidence interval for the regression estimate. This will be drawn using translucent bands around the regression line. The confidence interval is estimated using a bootstrap; for large datasets, it may be advisable to avoid that computation by setting this parameter to None. Possible types -------------- None Do not draw and calculate a confidence interval float A quantile between 0 and 100 """ dependencies = ['transpose', 'fit', 'nboot', 'fix'] priority = START group = 'regression' name = 'Draw a confidence interval'
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cis = [] super(Ci, self).initialize_plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, value): def make_fit(x_, y_, **kwargs): return fit_fmt.make_fit(i, x_, y_, **kwargs)[1] self.remove() if value is None or is None: return fit_fmt = nboot = self.nboot.value for i, (da, da_fit) in enumerate(zip(self.iter_raw_data, self.iter_data)): if fit_fmt.fits[i] is None: continue x, xname, y, yname = fit_fmt.get_xy(i, da) coord = da_fit.coords[da_fit.dims[0]] x_line = coord.values kwargs = boot = bootstrap(x, y, func=make_fit, n_boot=nboot, x_line=x_line, **kwargs) min_range, max_range = calc_ci(boot, value, axis=0).astype( da.dtype) ds = da_fit.to_dataset() ds['min_err'] = DataArray( min_range, coords={ coord}, dims=(, ), name='min_err') ds['max_err'] = DataArray( max_range, coords={ coord}, dims=(, ), name='max_err') new = DataArray(ds.to_array( **self._get_other_coords(da_fit)) new.psy.init_accessor(base=ds, arr_name=da.psy.arr_name) self.set_data(new, i) new.attrs.update(da_fit.attrs) =
def _get_other_coords(self, raw_da): return {key: raw_da.coords[key] for key in set(raw_da.coords).difference(raw_da.dims)}
[docs]class FitPointDensity(psyps.PointDensity): children = psyps.PointDensity.children + ['line_xlim']
[docs]class LinRegPlotter(psyps.LinePlotter): """A plotter to visualize the fit on the data The most important formatoptions are the :attr:`fit` and :attr:`ci` formatoption. Otherwise this plotter behaves like the :class:`psyplot.plotter.simple.LinePlotter` plotter class""" _rcparams_string = ['plotter.linreg.'] # only one variable is allowed because the error is determined through the # :attr:`ci` formatoption allowed_vars = 1 transpose = LinRegTranspose('transpose') xrange = XFitRange('xrange') yrange = YFitRange('yrange') line_xlim = XLineRange('line_xlim') param_bounds = ParameterBounds('param_bounds') p0 = InitialParameters('p0') fit = LinearRegressionFit('fit') fix = FixPoint('fix') nboot = NBoot('nboot') ci = Ci('ci') id_color = IdealLineColor('id_color') ideal = IdealLine('ideal')
[docs]class DensityRegPlotter(psyps.ScalarCombinedBase, psyps.DensityPlotter, LinRegPlotter): """A plotter that visualizes the density of points together with a linear regression""" _rcparams_string = ['plotter.densityreg.'] def _set_data(self, *args, **kwargs): Plotter._set_data(self, *args, **kwargs) self._plot_data = InteractiveList( [DataArray([]), DataArray([])]) # scalar (density) plot formatoptions cbar = psyps.Cbar('cbar') plot = psyps.Plot2D('plot', index_in_list=0) xrange = psyps.Hist2DXRange('xrange', index_in_list=0) yrange = psyps.Hist2DYRange('yrange', index_in_list=0) line_xlim = XLineRange('line_xlim', index_in_list=0) precision = psyps.DataPrecision('precision', index_in_list=0) bins = psyps.HistBins('bins', index_in_list=0) normed = psyps.NormedHist2D('normed', index_in_list=0) density = FitPointDensity('density', index_in_list=0) # line plot formatoptions param_bounds = ParameterBounds('param_bounds', index_in_list=1) p0 = InitialParameters('p0', index_in_list=1) fit = LinearRegressionFit('fit', index_in_list=1) fix = FixPoint('fix', index_in_list=1) nboot = NBoot('nboot', index_in_list=1) ci = Ci('ci', index_in_list=1) lineplot = psyps.LinePlot('lineplot', index_in_list=1) error = psyps.ErrorPlot('error', index_in_list=1, plot='lineplot') erroralpha = psyps.ErrorAlpha('erroralpha', index_in_list=1) color = psyps.LineColors('color', index_in_list=1) legendlabels = psyps.LegendLabels('legendlabels', index_in_list=1) legend = psyps.Legend('legend', plot='lineplot', index_in_list=1) xlim = psyps.Xlim2D('xlim', index_in_list=0) ylim = psyps.Ylim2D('ylim', index_in_list=0) id_color = IdealLineColor('id_color', index_in_list=1) ideal = IdealLine('ideal', plot='lineplot', index_in_list=1) # we use the title and clabel from the line plot because it has more # information title = psypb.Title('title', index_in_list=1) clabel = psyps.CLabel('clabel', index_in_list=1)
for fmt in psyps.XYTickPlotter._get_formatoptions(): fmto_cls = getattr(psyps.XYTickPlotter, fmt).__class__ setattr(DensityRegPlotter, fmt, fmto_cls(fmt, index_in_list=1))