Source code for psyplot_gui.content_widget

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module containing the project content widget to display the selection

This module redefines the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` class with
additional features for an interactive usage with graphical qt user interface.
There is no need to import this module because the
:class:`GuiProject` class defined here replaces the project class in the
:mod:`psyplot.project` module."""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import os.path as osp
import re
import sys
import weakref
from itertools import chain
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

import sip
import six
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import safe_list
from import ArrayList, InteractiveList
from psyplot.project import Project, gcp, scp
from psyplot.utils import _TempBool

from psyplot_gui import rcParams
from psyplot_gui.common import DockMixin
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (

html_escape_table = {'"': """, "'": "'"}

[docs] def escape_html(s): return escape(s, html_escape_table)
[docs] class ArrayItem(QListWidgetItem): """A listwidget item that takes it's informations from a given array""" #: The :class:`` or #: :class:`` instance arr = None def __init__(self, ref, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ref: weakref The weak reference to the array to display ``*args,**kwargs`` Are determined by the parent class """ arr = ref() super(ArrayItem, self).__init__(arr._short_info(), **kwargs) self.arr = ref # make sure that the item is updated when the array changes arr.onupdate.connect(self.set_text_from_array) self.set_text_from_array()
[docs] def set_text_from_array(self): """Set the text and tooltop from the :meth:`` and __str__ methods """ if not sip.isdeleted(self): self.setText(self.arr()._short_info()) if rcParams["content.load_tooltips"]: if isinstance(self.arr(), InteractiveList): self.setToolTip(str(self.arr())) else: self.setToolTip(str(self.arr().arr)) else: self.disconnect_from_array()
[docs] def disconnect_from_array(self): arr = self.arr() if arr is not None: arr.onupdate.disconnect(self.set_text_from_array) del self.arr
[docs] class PlotterList(QListWidget): """QListWidget showing multiple ArrayItems of one Plotter class""" #: str. The name of the attribute of the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` #: class project_attribute = None #: boolean. True if the current project does not contain any arrays in the #: attribute identified by the :attr:`project_attribute` is_empty = True _no_project_update = _TempBool() updated_from_project = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QListWidget) # Determine whether the plotter could be loaded can_import_plotter = True @property def arrays(self): """List of The InteractiveBase instances in this list""" return ArrayList( [ getattr(item.arr(), "arr", item.arr()) for item in self.array_items ] ) @property def array_items(self): """Iterable of :class:`ArrayItem` items in this list""" return filter( lambda i: i is not None, map(self.item, range(self.count())) ) def __init__(self, plotter_type=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- plotter_type: str or None If str, it mus be an attribute name of the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` class. Otherwise the full project is used ``*args,**kwargs`` Are determined by the parent class Notes ----- When initialized, the content of the list is determined by ``gcp(True)`` and ``gcp()``""" super(PlotterList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.project_attribute = plotter_type self.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) self.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.update_cp) self.update_from_project(gcp(True)) self.update_from_project(gcp())
[docs] def update_from_project(self, project): """Update the content from the given Project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project If the project is a main project, new items will be added. Otherwise only the current selection changes""" if self._no_project_update: return if not self.can_import_plotter: # remove the current items self.disconnect_items() return attr = self.project_attribute # stop if the module of the plotter has not yet been imported if attr and Project._registered_plotters[attr][0] not in sys.modules: return try: arrays = project if not attr else getattr(project, attr) mp = gcp(True) if project is None else project.main main_arrays = mp if not attr else getattr(mp, attr) except ImportError: # plotter could not be loaded self.is_empty = True self.can_import_plotter = False return self.is_empty = not bool(main_arrays) with self._no_project_update: if project is None: for item in self.array_items: item.setSelected(False) elif project.is_main: old_arrays = self.arrays # remove outdated items i = 0 for arr in old_arrays: if arr not in arrays: item = self.takeItem(i) item.disconnect_from_array() else: i += 1 # add new items for arr in arrays: if arr not in old_arrays: item = ArrayItem(weakref.ref(arr.psy), parent=self) self.addItem(item) # resort to match the project for arr in reversed(main_arrays): for i, item in enumerate(self.array_items): if item.arr() is arr.psy: self.insertItem(0, self.takeItem(i)) cp = gcp() for item in self.array_items: item.setSelected(getattr(item.arr(), "arr", item.arr()) in cp) self.updated_from_project.emit(self)
[docs] def update_cp(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the current project from what is selected in this list""" if not self._no_project_update: mp = gcp(True) sp = gcp() selected = [item.arr().arr_name for item in self.selectedItems()] arrays = self.arrays other_selected = [ arr.psy.arr_name for arr in sp if arr not in arrays ] with self._no_project_update: scp(mp(arr_name=selected + other_selected))
[docs] def disconnect_items(self): """Disconnect the items in this list from the arrays""" for item in list(self.array_items): item.disconnect_from_array() self.takeItem(self.indexFromItem(item).row()) self.is_empty = True
[docs] class ProjectContent(QToolBox): """Display the content in the current project This toolbox contains several :class:`PlotterList` that show the content of the current main and subproject""" #: :class:`dict` containing the :class:`PlotterList` instances #: of the different selection attributes lists = dict() @property def current_names(self): return [self.itemText(i) for i in range(self.count())] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProjectContent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lists = dict() for attr in chain(["All"], sorted(Project._registered_plotters)): item = self.add_plotterlist(attr, force=(attr == "All")) self.lists[attr] = item self.currentChanged.connect(self.update_current_list) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.update_lists)
[docs] def enable_list(self, list_widget): """Enable a given list widget based upon whether it is empty or not""" i = self.indexOf(list_widget) if i != -1: self.setItemEnabled(i, not list_widget.is_empty)
[docs] def add_plotterlist(self, identifier, force=False): """Create a :class:`PlotterList` from an identifier from the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` class""" attr = identifier if identifier != "All" else None item = PlotterList(attr) if not item.can_import_plotter: return item if force or not item.is_empty: item.setParent(self) item.updated_from_project.connect(self.enable_list) self.addItem(item, identifier) i = self.indexOf(item) self.setItemEnabled(i, not item.is_empty) return item
[docs] def update_current_list(self): """Update the current list from the current main and sub project""" self.currentWidget().update_from_project(gcp(True)) self.currentWidget().update_from_project(gcp())
[docs] def update_lists(self, p): # check new lists current_items = self.current_names for name, l in self.lists.items(): if not p.is_main: l.update_from_project(p.main) l.update_from_project(p) if l.is_empty: l.disconnect_items() if name != "All" and l.is_empty: i = self.indexOf(l) self.removeItem(i) elif not l.is_empty and name not in current_items: self.addItem(l, name)
[docs] class SelectAllButton(QPushButton): """A button to select all data objects in the current main project""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectAllButton, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setToolTip( "Click to select all data arrays in the entire project" ) self.clicked.connect(self.select_all) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.enable_from_project)
[docs] def select_all(self): """Select all arrays""" scp(gcp(True)[:])
[docs] def enable_from_project(self, project): """Enable the button if the given project is not empty""" self.setEnabled(bool(project.main if project is not None else gcp(1)))
[docs] class SelectNoneButton(QPushButton): """A button to select no data objects in the current main project""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectNoneButton, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setToolTip("Click to deselect all data arrays") self.clicked.connect(self.select_none) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.enable_from_project)
[docs] def select_none(self): """Clear current subproject""" scp(gcp(True)[:0])
[docs] def enable_from_project(self, project): """Enable the button if the given project is not empty""" self.setEnabled(bool(project))
[docs] class ProjectContentWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """A combination of selection buttons and the ProjectContent""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProjectContentWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) vbox = QVBoxLayout() # create buttons for unselecting and selecting all arrays self.unselect_button = SelectNoneButton("Unselect all", parent=self) self.select_all_button = SelectAllButton("Select all", parent=self) button_hbox = QHBoxLayout() button_hbox.addWidget(self.unselect_button) button_hbox.addWidget(self.select_all_button) mp = gcp(True) self.unselect_button.setEnabled(bool(mp)) self.select_all_button.setEnabled(bool(mp)) # create widget showing the content of the current project self.content_widget = ProjectContent(parent=self) vbox.addLayout(button_hbox) vbox.addWidget(self.content_widget) self.setLayout(vbox)
[docs] class DatasetTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem): """A QTreeWidgetItem showing informations on one dataset in the main project""" def __init__(self, ds, columns=[], *args, **kwargs): super(DatasetTreeItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.variables = variables = QTreeWidgetItem(0) self.columns = columns variables.setText(0, "variables (%i)" % len(ds)) self.coords = coords = QTreeWidgetItem(0) coords.setText(0, "coords (%i)" % len(ds.coords)) self.attrs = attrs = QTreeWidgetItem(0) attrs.setText(0, "Global Attributes (%i)" % len(ds.attrs)) self.addChildren([variables, coords]) self.addChild(variables) self.addChild(attrs) self.add_variables(ds) self.add_attrs(ds.attrs)
[docs] def add_variables(self, ds=None): """Add children of variables and coords to this TreeWidgetItem""" if ds is None: ds = self.ds() self.variables.takeChildren() self.coords.takeChildren() else: self.ds = weakref.ref(ds) columns = self.columns variables = self.variables coords = self.coords for vname, variable in six.iteritems(ds.variables): item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.setText(0, str(vname)) for i, attr in enumerate(columns, 1): if attr == "dims": item.setText(i, ", ".join(variable.dims)) else: item.setText( i, str( variable.attrs.get( attr, getattr(variable, attr, "") ) ), ) if vname in ds.coords: coords.addChild(item) else: variables.addChild(item) if rcParams["content.load_tooltips"]: item.setToolTip( 0, "<pre>" + escape_html(str(variable)) + "</pre>" ) # Add shape shape_item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) shape_item.setText(0, "shape") shape_item.setText(1, str(variable.shape)) item.addChild(shape_item) # Add dimensions dims_item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) dims_item.setText(0, "dims") dims_item.setText(1, ", ".join(variable.dims)) item.addChild(dims_item) # add open plots plots_item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) plots_item.setText(0, "Plots") self.refresh_plots_item(plots_item, vname) item.addChild(plots_item) # add variable attribute attrs_item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) attrs_item.setText(0, "Attributes") self.add_attrs(variable.attrs, attrs_item) item.addChild(attrs_item) # add variable encoding encoding_item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) encoding_item.setText(0, "Encoded attributes") self.add_attrs(variable.encoding, encoding_item) item.addChild(encoding_item)
[docs] def get_plots_item(self, item): for child in map(item.child, range(item.childCount())): if child.text(0) == "Plots": return child
[docs] def refresh_plots_item(self, item, vname, mp=None, sp=None): expand = item.isExpanded() item.takeChildren() try: num = self.ds().psy.num except AttributeError: return if mp is None: mp = gcp(True) if sp is None: sp = gcp() for i in range(len(mp)): sub = mp[i : i + 1] array_info = sub.array_info(ds_description={"arr", "num"}) arrs = sub._get_ds_descriptions(array_info).get(num, {}) if arrs and any( vname in arr.psy.base_variables for arr in arrs["arr"] ): child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) prefix = "*" if sub[0] in sp else "" text = sub[0].psy._short_info() child.setText(0, prefix + text) child.setToolTip(0, text) item.addChild(child) if expand and item.childCount(): item.setExpanded(True)
[docs] def add_attrs(self, attrs=None, item=None): if attrs is None: attrs = self.ds().attrs self.attrs.takeChildren() if item is None: item = self.attrs for key, val in attrs.items(): child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) child.setText(0, key) child.setText(1, str(val)) child.setToolTip(1, "{}: {}".format(key, str(val))) item.addChild(child)
[docs] class DatasetTree(QTreeWidget, DockMixin): """A QTreeWidget showing informations on all datasets in the main project""" tooltips = { "Refresh": "Refresh the selected dataset", "Refresh all": "Refresh all datasets", "Add to project": ( "Add this variable or a plot of it to the current " "project" ), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DatasetTree, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_dataset_tree() self.itemExpanded.connect(self.load_variable_desc) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.open_menu) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.add_datasets_from_cp) self.hideColumn(1)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_variable(item): return re.match(r"variables \(\d+\)", item.parent().text(0))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_coord(item): return re.match(r"coords\(\d+\)", item.parent().text(0))
[docs] def load_variable_desc(self, item): parent = item.parent() if ( parent is self or parent is None or not (self.is_variable(item) or self.is_coord(item)) ): return if self.isColumnHidden(1): self.showColumn(1) self.resizeColumnToContents(0) top = item while top.parent() and top.parent() is not self: top = top.parent() ds = top.ds() if ds is None: return desc = escape_html(str(ds.variables[item.text(0)])) item.setToolTip(0, "<pre>" + desc + "</pre>")
[docs] def create_dataset_tree(self): """Set up the columns and insert the :class:`DatasetTreeItem` instances from the current project""" self.set_columns() self.add_datasets_from_cp(gcp())
[docs] def set_columns(self, columns=["Value"]): """Set up the columns in the DatasetTree. Parameters ---------- columns: list of str A list of netCDF attributes that shall be shown in columns""" self.setColumnCount(len(columns) + 1) if columns: self.setHeaderHidden(False) self.setHeaderLabels(["Dataset"] + list(columns)) else: self.setHeaderHidden(True) self.attr_columns = columns
[docs] def expanded_items(self): "Create a mapping from dataset numbers to variables that are expanded." ret = {} for item in map(self.topLevelItem, range(self.topLevelItemCount())): if item.isExpanded() and item.ds() is not None: ds = item.ds() ret[ds.psy.num] = d = {} for child in map(item.child, range(item.childCount())): if child.childCount() and child.isExpanded(): d[child.text(0)] = variables = [] for vchild in map( child.child, range(child.childCount()) ): if vchild.childCount() and vchild.isExpanded(): variables.append(vchild.text(0)) return ret
[docs] def add_datasets_from_cp(self, project=None): """Clear the tree and add the datasets based upon the given `project` Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project containing the data array. If the project is not a main project, it's main project is used. """ if project is None: project = gcp(True) sp_arrs = ArrayList().arrays elif project.is_main: sp_arrs = gcp().arrays else: sp_arrs = project.arrays project = project.main expanded_items = self.expanded_items() # remove items from the tree self.clear() for i, ds_desc in six.iteritems( project._get_ds_descriptions( project.array_info(ds_description="all") ) ): top_item = DatasetTreeItem(ds_desc["ds"], self.attr_columns, 0) if ds_desc["fname"] is not None and not all( s is None for s in ds_desc["fname"] ): ds_desc["fname"] = ", ".join( map(osp.basename, safe_list(ds_desc["fname"])) ) else: ds_desc["fname"] = None top_item.setText( 0, "%s%i: %s" % ( "*" if any( any(arr is arr2 for arr2 in sp_arrs) for arr in ds_desc["arr"] ) else "", i, ds_desc["fname"], ), ) for arr in ds_desc["arr"]: arr.psy.onbasechange.connect(self.add_datasets_from_cp) self.addTopLevelItem(top_item) self.expand_items(expanded_items)
[docs] def expand_items(self, expanded_items): """Expand tree items Parameters ---------- expanded_items: dict A mapping as returned by the :meth:`expanded_items` method""" for top in map(self.topLevelItem, range(self.topLevelItemCount())): ds = top.ds() if ds.psy.num in expanded_items: self.expandItem(top) d = expanded_items[ds.psy.num] for child in map(top.child, range(top.childCount())): if child.text(0) in d: self.expandItem(child) for vchild in map( child.child, range(child.childCount()) ): if vchild.text(0) in d[child.text(0)]: self.expandItem(vchild)
[docs] def open_menu(self, pos): menu = QMenu() item = self.itemAt(pos) parent, item_type, vname = self._get_toplevel_item(item) # ---- Refresh the selected item action refresh_action = QAction("Refresh", self) refresh_action.setToolTip(self.tooltips["Refresh"]) refresh_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.refresh_items(parent)) # ---- Refresh all items action refresh_all_action = QAction("Refresh all", self) refresh_all_action.setToolTip(self.tooltips["Refresh all"]) refresh_all_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.refresh_items()) # ---- add refresh actions menu.addActions([refresh_action, refresh_all_action]) # ---- add plot option if item_type == "variable": add2p_action = QAction(f"Add new plot of {vname}", self) add2p_action.setToolTip(self.tooltips["Add to project"]) add2p_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self.make_plot(parent.ds(), item.text(0), True) ) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(add2p_action) # ---- show menu menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos)) return menu
[docs] def refresh_items(self, item=None): if item is not None: item.add_variables() else: for item in map( self.topLevelItem, range(self.topLevelItemCount()) ): item.add_variables()
[docs] def make_plot(self, ds, name, exec_=None): from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow mainwindow.new_plots() mainwindow.plot_creator.switch2ds(ds) mainwindow.plot_creator.insert_array(safe_list(name)) if exec_: mainwindow.plot_creator.exec_()
def _get_toplevel_item(self, item): if item is None: parent = None else: parent = item.parent() item_type = None vname = None while parent is not None: if self.is_variable(item): vname = item.text(0) item_type = "variable" elif self.is_coord(item): vname = item.text(0) item_type = "coord" item = item.parent() parent = item.parent() return item, item_type, vname
[docs] class FiguresTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem): """An item displaying the information on a data object in one figure""" def __init__(self, ref, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ref: weakref The weak reference to the array containing the data""" super(FiguresTreeItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.arr = ref self.set_text_from_array() ref().psy.onupdate.connect(self.set_text_from_array)
[docs] def set_text_from_array(self): """Set the text and tooltop from the :meth:`` and __str__ methods """ self.setText(0, self.arr().psy._short_info()) if rcParams["content.load_tooltips"]: self.setToolTip(0, str(self.arr()))
[docs] def disconnect_from_array(self): """Disconect this item from the corresponding array""" arr = self.arr() if arr is not None: arr.psy.onupdate.disconnect(self.set_text_from_array) del self.arr
[docs] class FiguresTree(QTreeWidget, DockMixin): """A tree widget sorting the arrays by their figure This widget uses the current sub and main project to show the open figures """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FiguresTree, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setHeaderLabel("Figure") Project.oncpchange.connect(self.add_figures_from_cp) self.add_figures_from_cp(gcp(True))
[docs] def add_figures_from_cp(self, project): """Add the items in this tree based upon the figures in the given project""" if project is None or not project.is_main: return for item in map(self.takeTopLevelItem, [0] * self.topLevelItemCount()): for child in item.takeChildren(): child.disconnect_from_array() for fig, arrays in six.iteritems(project.figs): item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.setText(0, fig.canvas.manager.get_window_title()) item.addChildren( [FiguresTreeItem(weakref.ref(arr), 0) for arr in arrays] ) self.addTopLevelItem(item)