Source code for psyplot_gui.help_explorer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Help explorer widget supplying a simple web browser and a plain text help

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import inspect
import logging
import os.path as osp
import re
import shutil
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from tempfile import mkdtemp

import six
from IPython.core.oinspect import getdoc, signature
from psyplot.docstring import docstrings, indent
from psyplot.utils import _temp_bool_prop

from psyplot_gui.common import (
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (
from psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup import rcParams

    from sphinx.application import Sphinx
    from sphinx.pycode import ModuleAnalyzer

        from psyplot.sphinxext.extended_napoleon import (
            ExtendedGoogleDocstring as GoogleDocstring,
        from psyplot.sphinxext.extended_napoleon import (
            ExtendedNumpyDocstring as NumpyDocstring,
    except ImportError:
        from sphinx.ext.napoleon import GoogleDocstring, NumpyDocstring
    with_sphinx = True
except ImportError:
    with_sphinx = False

if six.PY2:
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

    import pathlib

    def file2html(fname):
        return pathlib.Path(fname).as_uri()

except ImportError:

[docs] def file2html(fname): return "file://" + fname
[docs] def html2file(url): p = urlparse(asstring(url)) # skip the first '/' on windows platform return osp.abspath( osp.join(p.netloc, p.path[int(sys.platform == "win32") :]) )
_viewers = dict() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class UrlCombo(QComboBox): """A editable ComboBox with autocompletion""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UrlCombo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setInsertPolicy(self.InsertAtTop) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.setEditable(True) self.completer = QCompleter(self) # always show all completions self.completer.setCompletionMode(QCompleter.UnfilteredPopupCompletion) self.pFilterModel = QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.pFilterModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.completer.setPopup(self.completer.popup()) self.setCompleter(self.completer) self.lineEdit().textEdited[str].connect( self.pFilterModel.setFilterFixedString ) self.completer.activated.connect(self.add_text_on_top) self.setModel(QStandardItemModel())
[docs] def setModel(self, model): """Reimplemented to also set the model of the filter and completer""" super(UrlCombo, self).setModel(model) self.pFilterModel.setSourceModel(model) self.completer.setModel(self.pFilterModel)
[docs] def add_text_on_top(self, text=None, block=False): """Add the given text as the first item""" if text is None: text = self.currentText() ind = self.findText(text) if block: self.blockSignals(True) if ind == -1: self.insertItem(0, text) elif ind != 0: self.removeItem(ind) self.insertItem(0, text) self.setCurrentIndex(0) if block: self.blockSignals(False)
# replace keyPressEvent to always insert the selected item at the top
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Handle key press events""" if event.key() == Qt.Key_Return or event.key() == Qt.Key_Enter: self.add_text_on_top() else: QComboBox.keyPressEvent(self, event)
[docs] class UrlBrowser(QFrame): """Very simple browser with session history and autocompletion based upon the :class:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView` class Warnings -------- This class is known to crash under PyQt4 when new web page domains are loaded. Hence it should be handled with care""" completed = _temp_bool_prop( "completed", "Boolean whether the html page loading is completed.", default=True, ) url_like_re = re.compile(r"^\w+://") doc_urls = dict( [ ("startpage", ""), ("psyplot", ""), ("pyplot", ""), ( "seaborn", "", ), ( "cartopy", "", ), ("xarray", ""), ("pandas", ""), ( "numpy", "", ), ] ) #: The initial url showed in the webview. If None, nothing will be #: displayed default_url = None #: adress line tb_url = None #: button to go to previous url bt_back = None #: button to go to next url bt_ahead = None #: refresh the current url bt_refresh = None #: button to go lock to the current url bt_lock = None #: button to disable browsing in www bt_url_lock = None #: The upper part of the browser containing all the buttons button_box = None #: The upper most layout aranging the button box and the html widget vbox = None #: default value for :attr:`bt_lock`. Is set during browser #: initialization bt_lock_default = None #: default value for :attr:`bt_url_lock`. Is set during browser #: initialization bt_url_lock_default = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UrlBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------- upper buttons -------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # adress line self.tb_url = UrlCombo(self) # button to go to previous url self.bt_back = QToolButton(self) # button to go to next url self.bt_ahead = QToolButton(self) # refresh the current url self.bt_refresh = QToolButton(self) # button to go lock to the current url self.bt_lock = QToolButton(self) # button to disable browsing in www self.bt_url_lock = QToolButton(self) # ---------------------------- buttons settings ----------------------- self.bt_back.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon("previous.png"))) self.bt_back.setToolTip("Go back one page") self.bt_ahead.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon("next.png"))) self.bt_back.setToolTip("Go forward one page") self.bt_refresh.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon("refresh.png"))) self.bt_refresh.setToolTip("Refresh the current page") self.bt_lock.setCheckable(True) self.bt_url_lock.setCheckable(True) if not with_qt5 and rcParams[""] is None: # We now that the browser can crash with Qt4, therefore we disable # the browing in the internet rcParams[""] = False elif rcParams[""] is False: elif rcParams[""] is None: rcParams[""] = True rcParams.connect("", self.update_url_lock_from_rc) self.bt_url_lock.clicked.connect(self.toogle_url_lock) self.bt_lock.clicked.connect(self.toogle_lock) # tooltip and icons of lock and url_lock are set in toogle_lock and # toogle_url_lock self.toogle_lock() self.toogle_url_lock() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------- initialization and connection of the web view ------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #: The actual widget showing the html content self.html = QWebEngineView(parent=self) self.html.loadStarted.connect(self.completed) self.html.loadFinished.connect(self.completed) self.tb_url.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.browse) self.bt_back.clicked.connect(self.html.back) self.bt_ahead.clicked.connect(self.html.forward) self.bt_refresh.clicked.connect(self.html.reload) self.html.urlChanged.connect(self.url_changed) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------- layouts -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The upper part of the browser containing all the buttons self.button_box = button_box = QHBoxLayout() button_box.addWidget(self.bt_back) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_ahead) button_box.addWidget(self.tb_url) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_refresh) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_lock) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_url_lock) # The upper most layout aranging the button box and the html widget self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vbox.addLayout(button_box) vbox.addWidget(self.html) self.setLayout(vbox) if self.default_url is not None: self.tb_url.addItem(self.default_url) self.bt_lock_default = bool(self.bt_lock.isChecked()) self.bt_url_lock_default = bool(self.bt_url_lock.isChecked())
[docs] def browse(self, url): """Make a web browse on the given url and show the page on the Webview widget.""" if self.bt_lock.isChecked(): return if not self.url_like_re.match(url): url = "https://" + url if self.bt_url_lock.isChecked() and url.startswith("http"): return if not self.completed: logger.debug("Stopping current load...") self.html.stop() self.completed = True logger.debug("Loading %s", url) # we use :meth:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView.setUrl` instead # of :meth:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView.load` because that # changes the url directly and is more useful for unittests self.html.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url))
[docs] def url_changed(self, url): """Triggered when the url is changed to update the adress line""" try: url = url.toString() except AttributeError: pass logger.debug("url changed to %s", url) try: self.tb_url.setCurrentText(url) except AttributeError: # Qt4 self.tb_url.setEditText(url) self.tb_url.add_text_on_top(url, block=True)
[docs] def update_url_lock_from_rc(self, online): if ( online and self.bt_url_lock.isChecked() or not online and not self.bt_url_lock.isChecked() ):
[docs] def toogle_url_lock(self): """Disable (or enable) the loading of web pages in www""" bt = self.bt_url_lock offline = bt.isChecked() bt.setIcon( QIcon(get_icon("world_red.png" if offline else "world.png")) ) online_message = "Go online" if not with_qt5: online_message += ( "\nWARNING: This mode is unstable under Qt4 " "and might result in a complete program crash!" ) bt.setToolTip(online_message if offline else "Offline mode") if rcParams[""] is offline: rcParams[""] = not offline
[docs] def toogle_lock(self): """Disable (or enable) the changing of the current webpage""" bt = self.bt_lock bt.setIcon( QIcon(get_icon("lock.png" if bt.isChecked() else "lock_open.png")) ) bt.setToolTip("Unlock" if bt.isChecked() else "Lock to current page")
[docs] class HelpMixin(object): """Base class for providing help on an object""" #: Object containing the necessary fields to describe an object given to #: the help widget. The descriptor is set up by the :meth:`describe_object` #: method. object_descriptor = namedtuple("ObjectDescriptor", ["obj", "name"]) #: :class:`bool` determining whether the documentation of an object can be #: shown or not can_document_object = True #: :class:`bool` determining whether this class can show restructured text can_show_rst = True
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="HelpMixin.show_help") @docstrings.dedent def show_help(self, obj, oname="", files=None): """ Show the rst documentation for the given object Parameters ---------- obj: object The object to get the documentation for oname: str The name to use for the object in the documentation files: list of str A path to additional files that shall be used to process the docs""" descriptor = self.describe_object(obj, oname) doc = self.get_doc(descriptor) return self.show_rst(doc, descriptor=descriptor, files=files)
[docs] def header(self, descriptor, sig): """Format the header and include object name and signature `sig` Returns ------- str The header for the documentation""" bars = "=" * len( + sig) return bars + "\n" + + sig + "\n" + bars + "\n"
[docs] def describe_object(self, obj, oname=""): """Return an instance of the :attr:`object_descriptor` class Returns ------- :attr:`object_descriptor` The descriptor containing the information on the object""" return self.object_descriptor(obj, oname)
[docs] def get_doc(self, descriptor): """Get the documentation of the object in the given `descriptor` Parameters ---------- descriptor: instance of :attr:`object_descriptor` The descriptor containig the information on the specific object Returns ------- str The header and documentation of the object in the descriptor Notes ----- This method uses the :func:`IPython.core.oinspect.getdoc` function to get the documentation and the :func:`IPython.core.oinspect.signature` function to get the signature. Those function (different from the inspect module) do not fail when the object is not saved""" obj = descriptor.obj oname = sig = "" obj_sig = obj if callable(obj): if inspect.isclass(obj): oname = oname or obj.__name__ obj_sig = getattr(obj, "__init__", obj) else: obj_sig = getattr(obj, "__call__", obj) try: sig = str(signature(obj_sig)) sig = re.sub(r"^\(\s*self,\s*", "(", sig) except Exception: logger.debug( "Failed to get signature from %s!" % (obj,), exc_info=True ) oname = oname or type(oname).__name__ head = self.header(descriptor, sig) lines = [] ds = getdoc(obj) if ds: lines.append("") lines.append(ds) if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, "__init__"): init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__) if init_ds is not None: lines.append("\n" + init_ds) elif hasattr(obj, "__call__"): call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__) if call_ds and call_ds != getdoc(object.__call__): lines.append("\n" + call_ds) doc = self.process_docstring(lines, descriptor) return head + "\n" + doc
[docs] def process_docstring(self, lines, descriptor): """Make final modification on the rst lines Returns ------- str The docstring""" return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="HelpMixin.show_rst") @docstrings.dedent def show_rst(self, text, oname="", descriptor=None, files=None): """ Abstract method which needs to be implemented by th widget to show restructured text Parameters ---------- text: str The text to show oname: str The object name descriptor: instance of :attr:`object_descriptor` The object descriptor holding the informations files: list of str A path to additional files that shall be used to display the docs Returns ------- bool True if the text is displayed """ return False
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="HelpMixin.show_intro") def show_intro(self, text=""): """ Show an intro message Parameters ---------- s: str A string in reStructured Text format to show""" title = "Welcome to psyplot!" title += "\n" + "-" * len(title) + "\n\n" self.show_rst(title + text, "intro")
[docs] class TextHelp(QFrame, HelpMixin): """Class to show plain text rst docstrings""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TextHelp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) #: The :class:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit` instance used for #: displaying the documentation self.editor = QPlainTextEdit(parent=self) self.editor.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Courier New")) self.vbox.addWidget(self.editor) self.setLayout(self.vbox)
[docs] def show_rst(self, text, *args, **kwargs): """Show the given text in the editor window Parameters ---------- text: str The text to show ``*args,**kwargs`` Are ignored""" self.editor.clear() self.editor.insertPlainText(text) return True
[docs] class UrlHelp(UrlBrowser, HelpMixin): """Class to convert rst docstrings to html and show browsers""" #: Object containing the necessary fields to describe an object given to #: the help widget. The descriptor is set up by the :meth:`describe_object` #: method and contains an additional objtype attribute object_descriptor = namedtuple( "ObjectDescriptor", ["obj", "name", "objtype"] ) can_document_object = with_sphinx can_show_rst = with_sphinx #: menu button with different urls bt_url_menus = None #: sphinx_thread = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._temp_dir = "sphinx_dir" not in kwargs self.sphinx_dir = kwargs.pop("sphinx_dir", mkdtemp(prefix="psyplot_")) self.build_dir = osp.join(self.sphinx_dir, "_build", "html") super(UrlHelp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) if with_sphinx: self.sphinx_thread = SphinxThread(self.sphinx_dir) self.sphinx_thread.html_ready[str].connect(self.browse) self.sphinx_thread.html_error[str].connect( self.error_msg.showTraceback ) self.sphinx_thread.html_error[str].connect(logger.debug) rcParams.connect( "help_explorer.render_docs_parallel", self.reset_sphinx ) rcParams.connect( "help_explorer.use_intersphinx", self.reset_sphinx ) rcParams.connect("", self.reset_sphinx) self.bt_connect_console = QToolButton(self) self.bt_connect_console.setCheckable(True) if rcParams["console.connect_to_help"]: self.bt_connect_console.setIcon( QIcon(get_icon("ipython_console.png")) ) else: self.bt_connect_console.setIcon( QIcon(get_icon("ipython_console_t.png")) ) self.bt_connect_console.clicked.connect(self.toogle_connect_console) rcParams.connect( "console.connect_to_help", self.update_connect_console ) self.toogle_connect_console() # menu button with different urls self.bt_url_menus = QToolButton(self) self.bt_url_menus.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon("docu_button.png"))) self.bt_url_menus.setToolTip("Browse documentations") self.bt_url_menus.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) docu_menu = QMenu(self) for name, url in six.iteritems(self.doc_urls): def to_url(b, url=url): self.browse(url) action = QAction(name, self) action.triggered.connect(to_url) docu_menu.addAction(action) self.bt_url_menus.setMenu(docu_menu) self.button_box.addWidget(self.bt_connect_console) self.button_box.addWidget(self.bt_url_menus) # toogle the lock again to set the bt_url_menus enabled state self.toogle_url_lock()
[docs] def update_connect_console(self, connect): if ( connect and not self.bt_connect_console.isChecked() or not connect and self.bt_connect_console.isChecked() ):
[docs] def toogle_connect_console(self): """Disable (or enable) the loading of web pages in www""" bt = self.bt_connect_console connect = bt.isChecked() bt.setIcon( QIcon( get_icon( "ipython_console.png" if connect else "ipython_console_t.png" ) ) ) bt.setToolTip( "%sonnect the console to the help explorer" % ("Don't c" if connect else "C") ) if rcParams["console.connect_to_help"] is not connect: rcParams["console.connect_to_help"] = connect
[docs] def reset_sphinx(self, value): """Method that is called if the configuration changes""" if with_sphinx and hasattr(self.sphinx_thread, "app"): del
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def show_help(self, obj, oname="", files=None): """ Render the rst docu for the given object with sphinx and show it Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_help.parameters)s """ if self.bt_lock.isChecked(): return return super(UrlHelp, self).show_help(obj, oname=oname, files=files)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def show_intro(self, text=""): """ Show the intro text in the explorer Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_intro.parameters)s""" if self.sphinx_thread is not None: with open(self.sphinx_thread.index_file, "a") as f: f.write( "\n" + text.strip() + "\n\n" + "Table of Contents\n" "=================\n\n.. toctree::\n" ) self.sphinx_thread.render(None, None)
[docs] def show_rst(self, text, oname="", descriptor=None, files=None): """Render restructured text with sphinx and show it Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_rst.parameters)s""" if self.bt_lock.isChecked() or self.sphinx_thread is None: return False if not oname and descriptor: oname = for f in files or []: shutil.copyfile(f, osp.join(self.sphinx_dir, osp.basename(f))) self.sphinx_thread.render(text, oname) return True
[docs] def describe_object(self, obj, oname=""): """Describe an object using additionaly the object type from the :meth:`get_objtype` method Returns ------- instance of :attr:`object_descriptor` The descriptor of the object""" return self.object_descriptor(obj, oname, self.get_objtype(obj))
[docs] def browse(self, url): """Reimplemented to add file paths to the url string""" url = asstring(url) html_file = osp.join(self.sphinx_dir, "_build", "html", url + ".html") if osp.exists(html_file): url = file2html(html_file) super(UrlHelp, self).browse(url)
[docs] def toogle_url_lock(self): """Disable (or enable) the loading of web pages in www""" super(UrlHelp, self).toogle_url_lock() # enable or disable documentation button bt = self.bt_url_lock offline = bt.isChecked() try: self.bt_url_menus.setEnabled(not offline) except AttributeError: # not yet initialized pass
[docs] def url_changed(self, url): """Reimplemented to remove file paths from the url string""" try: url = asstring(url.toString()) except AttributeError: pass if url.startswith("file://"): fname = html2file(url) if osp.samefile( self.build_dir, osp.commonprefix([fname, self.build_dir]) ): url = osp.splitext(osp.basename(fname))[0] super(UrlHelp, self).url_changed(url)
[docs] def header(self, descriptor, sig): return "%(name)s\n%(bars)s\n\n.. py:%(type)s:: %(name)s%(sig)s\n" % { "name":, "bars": "-" * len(, "type": descriptor.objtype, "sig": sig, }
[docs] def get_objtype(self, obj): """Get the object type of the given object and determine wheter the object is considered a class, a module, a function, method or data Parameters ---------- obj: object Returns ------- str One out of {'class', 'module', 'function', 'method', 'data'}""" if inspect.isclass(obj): return "class" if inspect.ismodule(obj): return "module" if inspect.isfunction(obj) or isinstance(obj, type(all)): return "function" if inspect.ismethod(obj) or isinstance(obj, type(str.upper)): return "method" return "data"
[docs] def is_importable(self, modname): """Determine whether members of the given module can be documented with sphinx by using the :func:`sphinx.util.get_module_source` function Parameters ---------- modname: str The __name__ attribute of the module to import Returns ------- bool True if sphinx can import the module""" try: ModuleAnalyzer.get_module_source(modname) return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def get_doc(self, descriptor): """Reimplemented to (potentially) use the features from sphinx.ext.autodoc""" obj = descriptor.obj if inspect.ismodule(obj): module = obj else: module = inspect.getmodule(obj) if module is not None and ( re.match("__.*__", module.__name__) or not self.is_importable(module.__name__) ): module = None isclass = inspect.isclass(obj) # If the module is available, we try to use autodoc if module is not None: doc = ".. currentmodule:: " + module.__name__ + "\n\n" # a module --> use automodule if inspect.ismodule(obj): doc += self.header(descriptor, "") doc += ".. automodule:: " + obj.__name__ # an importable class --> use autoclass elif isclass and getattr(module, obj.__name__, None) is not None: doc += self.header(descriptor, "") doc += ".. autoclass:: " + obj.__name__ # an instance and the class can be imported # --> use super get_doc and autoclass for the tyoe elif ( descriptor.objtype == "data" and getattr(module, type(obj).__name__, None) is not None ): doc += "\n\n".join( [ super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc(descriptor), "Class docstring\n===============", ".. autoclass:: " + type(obj).__name__, ] ) # an instance --> use super get_doc for instance and the type elif descriptor.objtype == "data": cls_doc = super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc( self.describe_object(type(obj), type(obj).__name__) ) doc += "\n\n".join( [ super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc(descriptor), "Class docstring\n===============", cls_doc, ] ) # a function or method --> use super get_doc else: doc += super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc(descriptor) # otherwise the object has been defined in this session else: # an instance --> use super get_doc for instance and the type if descriptor.objtype == "data": cls_doc = super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc( self.describe_object(type(obj), type(obj).__name__) ) doc = "\n\n".join( [ super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc(descriptor), "Class docstring\n===============", cls_doc, ] ) # a function or method --> use super get_doc else: doc = super(UrlHelp, self).get_doc(descriptor) return doc.rstrip() + "\n"
[docs] def process_docstring(self, lines, descriptor): """Process the lines with the napoleon sphinx extension""" lines = list(chain(*(line.splitlines() for line in lines))) lines = NumpyDocstring( lines, what=descriptor.objtype,, obj=descriptor.obj, ).lines() lines = GoogleDocstring( lines, what=descriptor.objtype,, obj=descriptor.obj, ).lines() return indent( super(UrlHelp, self).process_docstring(lines, descriptor) )
[docs] def close(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.pop("force", False) or ( not is_running_tests() and self.sphinx_thread is not None ): try: del except AttributeError: pass shutil.rmtree(self.build_dir, ignore_errors=True) if self._temp_dir: shutil.rmtree(self.sphinx_dir, ignore_errors=True) del self.sphinx_thread return super(UrlHelp, self).close(*args, **kwargs) elif is_running_tests(): self.bt_url_lock.setChecked(self.bt_url_lock_default) self.bt_lock.setChecked(self.bt_lock_default) else: return super(UrlHelp, self).close(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class SphinxThread(QtCore.QThread): """A thread to render sphinx documentation in a separate process""" #: A signal to be emitted when the rendering finished. The url is the #: file location html_ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) html_error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, outdir, html_text_no_doc=""): super(SphinxThread, self).__init__() self.doc = None = None self.html_text_no_doc = html_text_no_doc self.outdir = outdir self.index_file = osp.join(self.outdir, "psyplot.rst") self.confdir = osp.join(get_module_path(__name__), "sphinx_supp") shutil.copyfile( osp.join(self.confdir, "psyplot.rst"), osp.join(self.outdir, "psyplot.rst"), ) self.build_dir = osp.join(self.outdir, "_build", "html")
[docs] def render(self, doc, name): """Render the given rst string and save the file as ``name + '.rst'`` Parameters ---------- doc: str The rst docstring name: str the name to use for the file""" if self.wait(): self.doc = doc = name # start rendering in separate process if rcParams["help_explorer.render_docs_parallel"]: self.start() else:
[docs] def run(self): """Create the html file. When called the first time, it may take a while because the :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` app is build, potentially with intersphinx When finished, the html_ready signal is emitted""" if not hasattr(self, "app"): from IPython.core.history import HistoryAccessor # to avoid history access conflicts between different threads, # we disable the ipython history HistoryAccessor.enabled.default_value = False = Sphinx( self.outdir, self.confdir, self.build_dir, osp.join(self.outdir, "_build", "doctrees"), "html", status=StreamToLogger(logger, logging.DEBUG), warning=StreamToLogger(logger, logging.DEBUG), ) if is not None: docfile = osp.abspath(osp.join(self.outdir, + ".rst")) if docfile == self.index_file: += "1" docfile = osp.abspath( osp.join(self.outdir, + ".rst") ) html_file = osp.abspath( osp.join(self.outdir, "_build", "html", + ".html") ) if not osp.exists(docfile): with open(self.index_file, "a") as f: f.write("\n " + with open(docfile, "w") as f: f.write(self.doc) else: html_file = osp.abspath( osp.join(self.outdir, "_build", "html", "psyplot.html") ) try:, []) except Exception: msg = "Error while building sphinx document %s" % ( self.html_error.emit("<b>" + msg + "</b>") logger.debug(msg) else: self.html_ready.emit(file2html(html_file))
[docs] class HelpExplorer(QWidget, DockMixin): """A widget for showing the documentation. It behaves somewhat similar to spyders object inspector plugin and can show restructured text either as html (if sphinx is installed) or as plain text. It furthermore has a browser to show html content Warnings -------- The :class:`HelpBrowser` class is known to crash under PyQt4 when new web page domains are loaded. Hence you should disable the browsing to different remote websites and even disable intersphinx""" #: The viewer classes used by the help explorer. :class:`HelpExplorer` #: instances replace this attribute with the corresponding HelpMixin #: instance viewers = dict([("HTML help", UrlHelp), ("Plain text", TextHelp)]) if not rcParams["help_explorer.use_webengineview"]: del viewers["HTML help"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HelpExplorer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.combo = QComboBox(parent=self) vbox.addWidget(self.combo) if _viewers: self.viewers = _viewers.copy() for w in self.viewers.values(): w.setParent(self) else: self.viewers = dict( [ (key, cls(parent=self)) for key, cls in six.iteritems(self.viewers) ] ) # save the UrlHelp because QWebEngineView creates child processes # that are not properly closed by PyQt and as such use too much # memory if is_running_tests(): for key, val in self.viewers.items(): _viewers[key] = val for key, ini in six.iteritems(self.viewers): self.combo.addItem(key) ini.hide() vbox.addWidget(ini) self.viewer = next(six.itervalues(self.viewers)) self.combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.set_viewer) self.setLayout(vbox)
[docs] def set_viewer(self, name): """Sets the current documentation viewer Parameters ---------- name: str or object A string must be one of the :attr:`viewers` attribute. An object can be one of the values in the :attr:`viewers` attribute""" if isstring(name) and asstring(name) not in self.viewers: raise ValueError("Don't have a viewer named %s" % (name,)) elif not isstring(name): viewer = name else: name = asstring(name) viewer = self.viewers[name] self.viewer.hide() self.viewer = viewer if isstring(name) and not self.combo.currentText() == name: self.combo.setCurrentIndex(list(self.viewers).index(name))
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def show_help(self, obj, oname="", files=None): """ Show the documentaion of the given object We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_document_object` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_help.parameters)s""" oname = asstring(oname) ret = None if self.viewer.can_document_object: try: ret = self.viewer.show_help(obj, oname=oname, files=files) except Exception: logger.debug( "Could not document %s with %s viewer!", oname, self.combo.currentText(), exc_info=True, ) else: curr_i = self.combo.currentIndex() for i, (viewername, viewer) in enumerate( six.iteritems(self.viewers) ): if i != curr_i and viewer.can_document_object: self.set_viewer(viewername) self.combo.blockSignals(True) self.combo.setCurrentIndex(i) self.combo.blockSignals(False) try: ret = viewer.show_help(obj, oname=oname, files=files) except Exception: logger.debug( "Could not document %s with %s viewer!", oname, viewername, exc_info=True, ) if ret: self.parent().raise_() return ret
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def show_rst(self, text, oname="", files=None): """ Show restructured text We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_show_rst` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_rst.parameters)s""" ret = None if self.viewer.can_show_rst: ret = self.viewer.show_rst(text, oname=oname, files=files) else: for viewer in six.itervalues(self.viewers): if viewer.can_show_rst: self.set_viewer(viewer) ret = viewer.show_rst(text, oname=oname, files=files) break if ret: self.parent().raise_() return ret
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def show_intro(self, text=""): """ Show an intro text We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_show_rst` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_intro.parameters)s""" found = False for i, viewer in enumerate(six.itervalues(self.viewers)): viewer.show_intro(text) if not found and viewer.can_show_rst: if i: self.set_viewer(viewer) found = True
[docs] def close(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.viewers["HTML help"].close(*args, **kwargs) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass return super(HelpExplorer, self).close(*args, **kwargs)