Source code for psyplot_gui.preferences

"""Preferences widget for psyplot_gui

This module defines the :class:`Preferences` widget that creates an interface
to the rcParams of psyplot and psyplot_gui"""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

from warnings import warn

import yaml
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import RcParams, psyplot_fname
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import rcParams as psy_rcParams

from psyplot_gui import rcParams as rcParams
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (

[docs] class ConfigPage(object): """An abstract base class for configuration pages""" #: A signal that shall be emitted if the validation state changes validChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) #: A signal that is emitted if changes are propsed. The signal should be #: emitted with the instance of the page itself propose_changes = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) #: The title for the config page title = None #: The icon of the page icon = None #: :class:`bool` that is True, if the changes in this ConfigPage are set #: immediately auto_updates = False @property def is_valid(self): """Check whether the page is valid""" raise NotImplementedError @property def changed(self): """Check whether the preferences will change""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the page""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def apply_changes(self): """Apply the planned changes""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class RcParamsTree(QTreeWidget): """A QTreeWidget that can be used to display a RcParams instance This widget is populated by a :class:`psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams` instance and displays whether the values are valid or not""" #: A signal that shall be emitted if the validation state changes validChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) #: A signal that is emitted if changes are propsed. It is either emitted #: with the parent of this instance (if this is not None) or with the #: instance itself propose_changes = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) #: The :class:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams` to display rc = None #: list of :class:`bool`. A boolean for each rcParams key that states #: whether the proposed value is valid or not valid = [] value_col = 2 def __init__(self, rcParams, validators, descriptions, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- rcParams: dict The dictionary that contains the rcParams validators: dict A mapping from the `rcParams` key to the validation function for the corresponding value descriptions: dict A mapping from the `rcParams` key to it's description See Also -------- psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams.validate psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams.descriptions """ super(RcParamsTree, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rc = rcParams self.validators = validators self.descriptions = descriptions self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.open_menu) self.setColumnCount(self.value_col + 1) self.setHeaderLabels(["RcParams key", "", "Value"]) @property def is_valid(self): """True if all the proposed values in this tree are valid""" return all(self.valid) @property def top_level_items(self): """An iterator over the topLevelItems in this tree""" return map(self.topLevelItem, range(self.topLevelItemCount()))
[docs] def initialize(self): """Fill the items of the :attr:`rc` into the tree""" rcParams = self.rc descriptions = self.descriptions self.valid = [True] * len(rcParams) validators = self.validators vcol = self.value_col for i, (key, val) in enumerate(sorted(rcParams.items())): item = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.setText(0, key) item.setToolTip(0, key) item.setIcon(1, QIcon(get_icon("valid.png"))) desc = descriptions.get(key) if desc: item.setText(vcol, desc) item.setToolTip(vcol, desc) child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.addChild(child) self.addTopLevelItem(item) editor = QTextEdit(self) # set maximal height of the editor to 3 rows editor.setMaximumHeight( 4 * QtGui.QFontMetrics(editor.font()).height() ) editor.setPlainText(yaml.dump(val)) self.setItemWidget(child, vcol, editor) editor.textChanged.connect( self.set_icon_func(i, item, validators[key]) ) self.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.resizeColumnToContents(1)
[docs] def set_icon_func(self, i, item, validator): """Create a function to change the icon of one topLevelItem This method creates a function that can be called when the value of an item changes to display it's valid state. The returned function changes the icon of the given topLevelItem depending on whether the proposed changes are valid or not and it modifies the :attr:`valid` attribute accordingly Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the topLevelItem item: QTreeWidgetItem The topLevelItem validator: func The validation function Returns ------- function The function that can be called to set the correct icon""" def func(): editor = self.itemWidget(item.child(0), self.value_col) s = asstring(editor.toPlainText()) try: val = yaml.load(s, Loader=yaml.Loader) except Exception as e: item.setIcon(1, QIcon(get_icon("warning.png"))) item.setToolTip(1, "Could not parse yaml code: %s" % e) self.set_valid(i, False) return try: validator(val) except Exception as e: item.setIcon(1, QIcon(get_icon("invalid.png"))) item.setToolTip(1, "Wrong value: %s" % e) self.set_valid(i, False) else: item.setIcon(1, QIcon(get_icon("valid.png"))) self.set_valid(i, True) self.propose_changes.emit(self.parent() or self) return func
[docs] def set_valid(self, i, b): """Set the validation status If the validation status changed compared to the old one, the :attr:`validChanged` signal is emitted Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the topLevelItem b: bool The valid state of the item """ old = self.is_valid self.valid[i] = b new = self.is_valid if new is not old: self.validChanged.emit(new)
[docs] def open_menu(self, position): """Open a menu to expand and collapse all items in the tree Parameters ---------- position: QPosition The position where to open the menu""" menu = QMenu() expand_all_action = QAction("Expand all", self) expand_all_action.triggered.connect(self.expandAll) menu.addAction(expand_all_action) collapse_all_action = QAction("Collapse all", self) collapse_all_action.triggered.connect(self.collapseAll) menu.addAction(collapse_all_action) menu.exec_(self.viewport().mapToGlobal(position))
[docs] def changed_rc(self, use_items=False): """Iterate over the changed rcParams Parameters ---------- use_items: bool If True, the topLevelItems are used instead of the keys Yields ------ QTreeWidgetItem or str The item identifier object The proposed value""" def equals(item, key, val, orig): return val != orig for t in self._get_rc(equals): yield t[0 if use_items else 1], t[2]
[docs] def selected_rc(self, use_items=False): """Iterate over the selected rcParams Parameters ---------- use_items: bool If True, the topLevelItems are used instead of the keys Yields ------ QTreeWidgetItem or str The item identifier object The proposed value""" def is_selected(item, key, val, orig): return item.isSelected() for t in self._get_rc(is_selected): yield t[0 if use_items else 1], t[2]
def _get_rc(self, filter_func=None): """Iterate over the rcParams This function applies the given `filter_func` to check whether the item should be included or not Parameters ---------- filter_func: function A function that accepts the following arguments: item The QTreeWidgetItem key The rcParams key val The proposed value orig The current value Yields ------ QTreeWidgetItem The corresponding topLevelItem str The rcParams key object The proposed value object The current value """ def no_check(item, key, val, orig): return True rc = self.rc filter_func = filter_func or no_check for item in self.top_level_items: key = asstring(item.text(0)) editor = self.itemWidget(item.child(0), self.value_col) val = yaml.load(asstring(editor.toPlainText()), Loader=yaml.Loader) try: val = rc.validate[key](val) except Exception: pass try: include = filter_func(item, key, val, rc[key]) except Exception: warn("Could not check state for %s key" % key, RuntimeWarning) else: if include: yield (item, key, val, rc[key])
[docs] def apply_changes(self): """Update the :attr:`rc` with the proposed changes""" new = dict(self.changed_rc()) if new != self.rc: self.rc.update(new)
[docs] def select_changes(self): """Select all the items that changed comparing to the current rcParams""" for item, val in self.changed_rc(True): item.setSelected(True)
[docs] class RcParamsWidget(ConfigPage, QWidget): """A configuration page for RcParams instances This page displays the :class:`psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams` instance in the :attr:`rc` attribute and let's the user modify it. Notes ----- After the initialization, you have to call the :meth:`initialize` method""" #: the rcParams to use (must be implemented by subclasses) rc = None #: the :class:`RcParamsTree` that is used to display the rcParams tree = None @property def propose_changes(self): """A signal that is emitted if the user changes the values in the rcParams""" return self.tree.propose_changes @property def validChanged(self): """A signal that is emitted if the user changes the valid state of this page""" return self.tree.validChanged @property def changed(self): """True if any changes are proposed by this config page""" return bool(next(self.tree.changed_rc(), None)) @property def is_valid(self): """True if all the settings are valid""" return self.tree.is_valid @property def icon(self): """The icon of this instance in the :class:`Preferences` dialog""" return QIcon(get_icon("rcParams.png")) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RcParamsWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.description = QLabel( "<p>Modify the rcParams for your need. Changes will not be applied" " until you click the Apply or Ok button.</p>" "<p>Values must be entered in yaml syntax</p>", parent=self, ) vbox.addWidget(self.description) self.tree = tree = RcParamsTree( self.rc, getattr(self.rc, "validate", None), getattr(self.rc, "descriptions", None), parent=self, ) tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) vbox.addWidget(self.tree) self.bt_select_all = QPushButton("Select All", self) self.bt_select_changed = QPushButton("Select changes", self) self.bt_select_none = QPushButton("Clear Selection", self) self.bt_export = QToolButton(self) self.bt_export.setText("Export Selection...") self.bt_export.setToolTip("Export the selected rcParams to a file") self.bt_export.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) self.export_menu = export_menu = QMenu(self) export_menu.addAction(self.save_settings_action()) export_menu.addAction(self.save_settings_action(True)) self.bt_export.setMenu(export_menu) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.bt_select_all) hbox.addWidget(self.bt_select_changed) hbox.addWidget(self.bt_select_none) hbox.addStretch(1) hbox.addWidget(self.bt_export) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox) self.bt_select_all.clicked.connect(self.tree.selectAll) self.bt_select_none.clicked.connect(self.tree.clearSelection) self.bt_select_changed.clicked.connect(self.tree.select_changes)
[docs] def save_settings_action(self, update=False, target=None): """Create an action to save the selected settings in the :attr:`tree` Parameters ---------- update: bool If True, it is expected that the file already exists and it will be updated. Otherwise, existing files will be overwritten """ def func(): if update: meth = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName else: meth = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName if target is None: fname = meth( self, "Select a file to %s" % ("update" if update else "create"), self.default_path, "YAML files (*.yml);;" "All files (*)", ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] else: fname = target if not fname: return if update: rc = self.rc.__class__(defaultParams=self.rc.defaultParams) rc.load_from_file(fname) old_keys = list(rc) selected = dict(self.tree.selected_rc()) new_keys = list(selected) rc.update(selected) rc.dump( fname, include_keys=old_keys + new_keys, exclude_keys=[] ) else: rc = self.rc.__class__( self.tree.selected_rc(), defaultParams=self.rc.defaultParams, ) rc.dump(fname, exclude_keys=[]) action = QAction("Update..." if update else "Overwrite...", self) action.triggered.connect(func) return action
[docs] def initialize(self, rcParams=None, validators=None, descriptions=None): """Initialize the config page Parameters ---------- rcParams: dict The rcParams to use. If None, the :attr:`rc` attribute of this instance is used validators: dict A mapping from the `rcParams` key to the corresponding validation function for the value. If None, the :attr:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams.validate` attribute of the :attr:`rc` attribute is used descriptions: dict A mapping from the `rcParams` key to it's description. If None, the :attr:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams.descriptions` attribute of the :attr:`rc` attribute is used""" if rcParams is not None: self.rc = rcParams self.tree.rc = rcParams if validators is not None: self.tree.validators = validators if descriptions is not None: self.tree.descriptions = descriptions self.tree.initialize()
[docs] def apply_changes(self): """Apply the changes in the config page""" self.tree.apply_changes()
[docs] class GuiRcParamsWidget(RcParamsWidget): """The config page for the :class:`psyplot_gui.config.rcsetup.rcParams`""" rc = rcParams title = "GUI defaults" default_path = psyplot_fname( "PSYPLOTGUIRC", "psyplotguirc.yml", if_exists=False )
[docs] class PsyRcParamsWidget(RcParamsWidget): """The config page for the :class:`psyplot.config.rcsetup.rcParams`""" rc = psy_rcParams title = "psyplot defaults" default_path = psyplot_fname(if_exists=False)
[docs] class Prefences(QDialog): """Preferences dialog""" @property def bt_apply(self): return self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) @property def pages(self): return map(self.get_page, range(self.pages_widget.count())) def __init__(self, main=None): super(Prefences, self).__init__(parent=main) self.setWindowTitle("Preferences") # Widgets self.pages_widget = QStackedWidget() self.contents_widget = QListWidget() self.bt_reset = QPushButton("Reset to defaults") self.bt_load_plugins = QPushButton("Load plugin pages") self.bt_load_plugins.setToolTip( "Load the rcParams for the plugins in separate pages" ) self.bbox = bbox = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Apply | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) # Widgets setup # Destroying the C++ object right after closing the dialog box, # otherwise it may be garbage-collected in another QThread # (e.g. the editor's analysis thread in Spyder), thus leading to # a segmentation fault on UNIX or an application crash on Windows self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("Preferences") self.contents_widget.setMovement(QListView.Static) self.contents_widget.setSpacing(1) self.contents_widget.setCurrentRow(0) # Layout hsplitter = QSplitter() hsplitter.addWidget(self.contents_widget) hsplitter.addWidget(self.pages_widget) hsplitter.setStretchFactor(1, 1) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addWidget(self.bt_reset) btnlayout.addWidget(self.bt_load_plugins) btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(hsplitter) vlayout.addLayout(btnlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout) # Signals and slots if main is not None: self.bt_reset.clicked.connect(main.reset_rcParams) self.bt_load_plugins.clicked.connect(self.load_plugin_pages) self.pages_widget.currentChanged.connect(self.current_page_changed) self.contents_widget.currentRowChanged.connect( self.pages_widget.setCurrentIndex ) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.bt_apply.clicked.connect(self.apply_clicked) self.bt_apply.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def set_current_index(self, index): """Set current page index""" self.contents_widget.setCurrentRow(index)
[docs] def current_page_changed(self, index): configpage = self.get_page(index) self.bt_apply.setVisible(not configpage.auto_updates) self.check_changes(configpage)
[docs] def get_page(self, index=None): """Return page widget""" if index is None: widget = self.pages_widget.currentWidget() else: widget = self.pages_widget.widget(index) return widget.widget()
[docs] def accept(self): """Reimplement Qt method""" for configpage in self.pages: if not configpage.is_valid: continue configpage.apply_changes() QDialog.accept(self)
[docs] def apply_clicked(self): # Apply button was clicked configpage = self.get_page() if configpage.is_valid: configpage.apply_changes() self.check_changes(configpage)
[docs] def add_page(self, widget): """Add a new page to the preferences dialog Parameters ---------- widget: ConfigPage The page to add""" widget.validChanged.connect(self.bt_apply.setEnabled) widget.validChanged.connect( self.bbox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled ) scrollarea = QScrollArea(self) scrollarea.setWidgetResizable(True) scrollarea.setWidget(widget) self.pages_widget.addWidget(scrollarea) item = QListWidgetItem(self.contents_widget) try: item.setIcon(widget.icon) except TypeError: pass item.setText(widget.title) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(0, 25)) widget.propose_changes.connect(self.check_changes)
[docs] def check_changes(self, configpage): """Enable the apply button if there are changes to the settings""" if configpage != self.get_page(): return self.bt_apply.setEnabled( not configpage.auto_updates and configpage.is_valid and configpage.changed )
[docs] def load_plugin_pages(self): """Load the rcParams for the plugins in separate pages""" validators = psy_rcParams.validate descriptions = psy_rcParams.descriptions for ep in psy_rcParams._load_plugin_entrypoints(): plugin = ep.load() rc = getattr(plugin, "rcParams", None) if rc is None: rc = RcParams() w = RcParamsWidget(parent=self) w.title = "rcParams of " + ep.module w.default_path = PsyRcParamsWidget.default_path w.initialize( rcParams=rc, validators=validators, descriptions=descriptions ) # use the full rcParams after initialization w.rc = psy_rcParams self.add_page(w)