Command line usage

The psy_view.__main__ module defines the command line options for psy-view. It can be run from the command line via:

python -m psy-view [options] [arguments]

or simply:

psy-view [options] [arguments]
usage: psy-view [-h] [-n [NAME]] [-pm {mapplot,plot2d,lineplot}]
                [--preset PRESET] [-V]

Positional Arguments


The file to visualize

Named Arguments

-n, --name

Variable name to display. Don’t provide a variable to display the first variable found in the dataset.

-pm, --plotmethod

Possible choices: mapplot, plot2d, lineplot

The plotmethod to use

Default: “mapplot”


Apply a preset to the plot

-V, --version

show program’s version number and exit

psy-view Copyright (C) 2020 Philipp S. Sommer

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.