
How to install

Installation using conda

We strongly recommend to install psy-view via the anaconda package manager. Either by downloading anaconda, or miniconda for you operating system. If you installed conda for your operating system, open the terminal (or Anaconda Prompt on Windows) and type:

$ conda create -n psyplot -c conda-forge psy-view

to install it. On Linux and OS X, you may instead want to type:

$ conda create -n psyplot -c conda-forge --override-channels psy-view

in order to not mix the anaconda defaults and and conda-forge channel, because mixing them can sometimes cause incompatibilities.

The commands above installed psy-view and all it’s necessary dependencies into a separate environment that you can activate via:

$ conda activate psyplot

Now launch the GUI via typing:

$ psy-view

in the terminal (Anaconda Prompt). On Windows, you will also have a corresponding entry in the start menu.

Note that you will always have to activate the conda environment (conda activate psyplot) in order to start psy-view. The advantage, however, is that other packages installed via conda are not affected by the dependencies of psy-view.


Alternatively, you can also install psy-view directly in an existing conda environment by using:

$ conda install -c conda-forge psy-view

Installation using pip

If you do not want to use conda for managing your python packages, you can also use the python package manager pip and install via:

$ pip install psy-view

But we strongly recommend that you make sure you have the Dependencies installed before.

Installation from source

To install it from source, make sure you have the Dependencies installed, clone the github repository via:

git clone

and install it via:

python -m pip install ./psy-view


Required dependencies

Psy-view supports all python versions greater than 3.7. Other dependencies are

Running the tests

We us pytest to run our tests. So install pytest and pytest-qt via:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pytest pytest-qt

clone the github repository via:

$ git clone

And from within the cloned repository, run

$ pytest -xv

Alternatively, you can build the conda recipe at ci/conda-recipe which will also run the test suite. Just install conda-build via:

$ conda install -n base conda-build

and build the recipe via:

$ conda build ci/conda-recipe

Building the docs

To build the docs, check out the github repository and install the requirements in 'docs/environment.yml'. The easiest way to do this is, again, via conda:

$ conda env create -f docs/environment.yml
$ conda activate psy-view-docs

You also need to install the sphinx_rtd_theme via:

$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Then build the docs via:

$ cd docs
$ make html


The uninstallation depends on the system you used to install psyplot. Either you did it via conda (see Uninstallation via conda), via pip or from the source files (see Uninstallation via pip).

Anyway, if you may want to remove the psyplot configuration files. If you did not specify anything else (see psyplot.config.rcsetup.psyplot_fname()), the configuration files for psyplot are located in the user home directory. Under linux and OSX, this is $HOME/.config/psyplot. On other platforms it is in the .psyplot directory in the user home.

Uninstallation via conda

If you installed psy-view via conda into a separate environment, simply run:

conda env remove -n psyplot  # assuming you named the environment psyplot

If you want to uninstall psy-view, only, type:

conda uninstall psy-view

Uninstallation via pip

Uninstalling via pip simply goes via:

pip uninstall psy-view

Note, however, that you should use conda if you installed it via conda.