User guide

Starting the GUI

Assuming that you installed psy-view, you can start it by typing:

$ psy-view

in the terminal (or Anaconda Prompt on Windows). On windows you additionally have the opportunity to start it from the start menu (just search for psy-view), assuming that you have installed it via conda.

You can also directly pass a path to a netCDF file, e.g.:

$ psy-view

to open it. You can also directly select a variable for plotting via the -n option, e.g.:

$ psy-view -n t2m

Please see the section Command line usage for more information, or type:

$ psy-view --help

in the terminal.


The psy-view widget is also available from the psyplot GUI. Just type:

$ psyplot

in the terminal to start it from there. See also Using psy-view within the psyplot GUI.


The usage of psy-view should be quite intuitive and this small guide gives you a quick intro into the central elements. Please let us know if you encounter any problems.


psy-views central element: the dataset widget.

The dataset widget is the central element of psy-view. It runs as a standalone application, or within the psyplot gui (see Using psy-view within the psyplot GUI).

Resizing the GUI elements

The widget is made flexible such that you can adapt the heights of the individual elements. Just move your cursor between the elements to change their size.

The following screencast illustrates this functionality:


The central elements (from top to bottom) are presented in the next sections.

Open a netCDF file


Click the btn_open button to select a netCDF file from the disk, or directly enter the path in the line widget. You can open multiple datasets at the same time within the widget. The selection of the current dataset can be done through the dataset tree (see below)

View the dataset


Here you can see all open datasets and select the one you want to visualize. Expand the items to get more information about variables and their attributes.

Select the active plot


The next section let’s you switch between the different open plots. Once you have created a new plot with one of the variable buttons (see below), you can

  • create additional plots by clicking the btn_add button. This will open a dialog to select a variable which is then plotted with the current plotmethod

  • close existing plots by clicking the btn_del button.

  • switch between the plots using the combo box combo_array which allows you to change the appearence of a different plot.

Select the plot method


psy-view (currently) supports three of the psyplot plot methods.

  • plot2d for 2D scalar fields (rectilinear or unstructured, see the section plot2d)

  • mapplot for georeferenced 2D scalar fields (rectilinear or unstructured, see the section mapplot)

  • lineplot for 1D lines (see the section , see the section lineplot)


_images/docs-mapplot-example.png _images/docs-mapplot.png

For georeferenced 2D-scalar fields (or more than 2D), you have the following options:

  • clicking on a grid cell in the plot generates a line plot of the variable at that location (as you know it from ncview). The x-axis is determined by the dimension you chose in the navigation (see Navigate and export).

  • the colormap button btn_cmap changes the colormap to another preset

  • the btn_cmap_settings button opens a dialog for more advanced color settings

  • the btn_proj button switches to other projections for the basemap

  • the btn_proj_settings button opens a dialog for formatting the background (meridionals, parallels, land color, ocean color, coastlines, etc.)

  • the Plot type menu combo_plot let’s you select the type of plotting. You can choose one of the following options


    This mode uses an efficient algorithm for regular lat-lon meshes (using matplotlibs pcolormesh() function), or an explicit drawing of the individual grid cell polygons for unstructured grids (see Gridcell polygons below). These two methods draw each grid cells explicitly. Gridcell boundaries are thereby extracted following the CF (or UGRID)-Conventions. If this is not possible, they are interpolated from the gridcell coordinates.

    Filled contours

    Different from the Default method this is not visualizing each cell individually, but instead plots the contours using matplotlibs contourf() function.


    Similar to Filled contours, but we only draw the outlines of the contour areas using matplotlibs contour() function.

    Gridcell polygons

    This mode (which is the default for unstructured grids (not curvilinear grids) draws each grid cell individually using a variant of matplotlibs pcolor() function


    Make no plotting at all. This can be useful if you want to display the datagrid only (see next point)

    More information on the plot options can be found in the docs of the plot formatoption.

  • the btn_datagrid toggles the visibility of grid cell boundaries

  • the btn_labels button opens a dialog to edit colorbar labels, titles, etc.

Furthermore you have a couple of dropdowns:

x- and y-dimension

This is the dimension in the netCDF variable that represents the longitudinal (latitudinal) dimension.

x- and y-coordinate

This is the coordinate in the netCDF file that is used for the finally to visualize the data (equivalent to the CF-conventions coordinates attribute of a netCDF variable.)

psyplot automatically decodes the variable and sets x- and y-dimension, as well as the appropriate coordinate. These dropdowns, however, let you modify the automatic choice of psyplot.


_images/docs-plot2d-example.png _images/docs-plot2d.png

Simple 2D plots are also possible for variables with 2 dimensions and more (or scalar fields on an unstructured grid). The options are the same as for mapplot, but for obvious reasons there are no projection and basemap settings.


_images/docs-lineplot-example.png _images/docs-lineplot.png

The lineplot visualizes your variables as a 1D line. This widget provides the following functionalities:

  • choose the x-dimension using the dimension dropdown combo_dims

  • add new lines to the plot using the lineplot.btn_add button

  • remove lines from the plot using the lineplot.btn_del button

  • switch the current line using the dropdown combo_lines


Changing the variable (see Select the variables) or the dimensions (see Select the dimensions) only affects the current line that you can select with the combo_lines dropdown.

Select the variables


The next section in the GUI shows the variables in the active dataset (note that you can switch to another dataset using the dataset tree, see above).

Click on a variable to make a plot. If there is already a plot of a variable in the dataset, it will be updated to show the new data.


The variable buttons will make new plots, if there is None already, or update the variable in the current plot. If you want to visualize two plots at the same time, use the btn_add button (see the plot selection above).

Select the dimensions


The last table is the dimension table. When a variable is plotted, this widget displays the ranges, of the netCDF dimensions and lets you update the scalar dimensions (in the screenshot above, time btn_time and lev btn_lev).

Left-click on such a button increases the dimension of the plot by one step, right-click decreases the dimension.

Using psy-view within the psyplot GUI

psy-view is also available from the psyplot GUI. Just type psyplot in the terminal to start it. The only difference is that the available plots (see Select the active plot) are managed through the current main project (psyplot.project.gcp(), see also the psyplot GUIs project content), also accessible through the mp variable in the integrated IPython console. This gives you extra power as you now cannot only change your plots through the intuitive psy-view interface, but also from the command line or through the more flexible formatoptions widget.