Source code for psy_view.dialogs

"""Dialogs for manipulating formatoptions."""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import yaml
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import (
    FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas,
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from psyplot.plotter import Formatoption, Plotter
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets

    from psyplot.project import Project
    from PyQt5.QtCore import QEvent  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

#: TODO: Find a more appropriate description here
Color = Any

#: TODO: Find a more appropriate description here
LSM_T = Dict[str, Any]

[docs] class BasemapDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """A dialog to modify the basemap settings.""" xgrid_value: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[Any, Any]]] ygrid_value: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[Any, Any]]] def __init__(self, plotter: Plotter, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- plotter: psy_maps.plotters.MapPlotter The psyplot plotter to configure """ import pandas as pd import psy_simple.widgets.colors as pswc super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) #: colors that affect the map background self.colors = ["background", "land", "ocean", "coast"] #: QGridLayout to display the various colors grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() defaults = self.default_colors #: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of widgets to modifiy the :attr:`colors` self.widgets = widgets = pd.DataFrame( index=["enable", "color"], columns=self.colors, dtype=object ) for i, col in enumerate(self.colors): widgets.iloc[0, i] = cb = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() cb.setChecked(False) widgets.iloc[1, i] = lbl = pswc.ColorLabel(defaults[col]) lbl.setEnabled(False) cb.stateChanged.connect(lbl.setEnabled) grid.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(col), 0, i) grid.addWidget(cb, 1, i) grid.addWidget(lbl, 2, i) vbox.addLayout(grid) #: Button box to cancel the operator or update the plotter self.button_box = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox( QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, self, ) self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) proj_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Projection settings") layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(proj_box) #: text box for the central longitude (clon formatoption) self.txt_clon = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_clon.setPlaceholderText("auto") self.txt_clon.setToolTip("Central longitude in degrees East") self.txt_clon.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(-360, 360, 7)) layout.addRow("Central longitude: ", self.txt_clon) #: text box for the central latitude (clat formatoption) self.txt_clat = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_clat.setPlaceholderText("auto") self.txt_clat.setToolTip("Central latitude in degrees North") self.txt_clat.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(-90, 90, 7)) layout.addRow("Central latitude: ", self.txt_clat) vbox.addWidget(proj_box) #: group box for modifying the resolution of the land-sea-mask, see #: :attr:`opt_110m`, :attr:`opt_50m`, :attr:`opt_10m` self.lsm_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Coastlines") self.lsm_box.setCheckable(True) hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.lsm_box) hbox.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("Resolution:")) #: Radiobutton for 110m resolution of lsm self.opt_110m = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("110m") #: Radiobutton for 50m resolution of lsm self.opt_50m = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("50m") #: Radiobutton for 10m resolution of lsm self.opt_10m = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("10m") hbox.addWidget(self.opt_110m) hbox.addWidget(self.opt_50m) hbox.addWidget(self.opt_10m) vbox.addWidget(self.lsm_box) #: group box drawing grid lines and labels self.grid_labels_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Labels") self.grid_labels_box.setToolTip( "Draw labels of meridionals and " "parallels" ) self.grid_labels_box.setCheckable(True) #: text box for the fontsize of grid labels self.txt_grid_fontsize = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(self.grid_labels_box) form.addRow("Font size:", self.txt_grid_fontsize) vbox.addWidget(self.grid_labels_box) #: Group box for options specific to meridionals (see #: :attr:`opt_meri_auto`, :attr:`opt_meri_at` and #: :attr:`opt_meri_every`, :attr:`opt_meri_num`) self.meridionals_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Meridionals") self.meridionals_box.setCheckable(True) #: Radiobutton for automatic drawing of meridionals self.opt_meri_auto = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("auto") #: Radiobutton for giving the exact position of meridionals (see #: :attr:`txt_meri_at`) self.opt_meri_at = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("At:") #: Text field to enter the location of the meridionals on the map (see #: :attr:`opt_meri_at`) self.txt_meri_at = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_meri_at.setPlaceholderText("30, 60, 90, 120, ... °E") # TODO: Add validator #: Radiobutton for equal-width spaced meridionals (see #: :attr:`txt_meri_every`) self.opt_meri_every = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Every:") #: Text box to specify the distance between two meridionals (see #: :attr:`opt_meri_every`) self.txt_meri_every = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_meri_every.setPlaceholderText("30 °E") self.txt_meri_every.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 360, 7)) #: Radiobutton to draw a specific number of meridionals with #: equal-distance (see also :attr:`txt_meri_num`) self.opt_meri_num = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Number:") #: Text box to set the number of meridionals to be shown (see #: :attr:`opt_meri_num`) self.txt_meri_num = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_meri_num.setPlaceholderText("5") self.txt_meri_num.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(1, 720)) form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(self.meridionals_box) form.addRow(self.opt_meri_auto) form.addRow(self.opt_meri_at, self.txt_meri_at) form.addRow(self.opt_meri_every, self.txt_meri_every) form.addRow(self.opt_meri_num, self.txt_meri_num) vbox.addWidget(self.meridionals_box) #: Group box for options specific to parallels (see #: :attr:`opt_para_auto`, :attr:`opt_para_at` and #: :attr:`opt_para_every`, :attr:`opt_para_num`) self.parallels_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Parallels") self.parallels_box.setCheckable(True) #: Radiobutton for automatic drawing of parallels self.opt_para_auto = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("auto") #: Radiobutton for giving the exact position of parallels (see #: :attr:`txt_para_at`) self.opt_para_at = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("At:") #: Text field to enter the location of the parallels on the map (see #: :attr:`opt_para_at`) self.txt_para_at = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_para_at.setPlaceholderText("-60, -30, 0, 30, ... °N") # TODO: Add validator #: Radiobutton for equal-width spaced parallels (see #: :attr:`txt_para_every`) self.opt_para_every = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Every:") #: Text box to specify the distance between two parallels (see #: :attr:`opt_para_every`) self.txt_para_every = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_para_every.setPlaceholderText("30 °N") self.txt_para_every.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 90, 7)) #: Radiobutton to draw a specific number of parallels with #: equal-distance (see also :attr:`txt_para_num`) self.opt_para_num = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Number:") #: Text box to set the number of parallels to be shown (see #: :attr:`opt_para_num`) self.txt_para_num = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_para_num.setPlaceholderText("5") self.txt_para_num.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(1, 360)) form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(self.parallels_box) form.addRow(self.opt_para_auto) form.addRow(self.opt_para_at, self.txt_para_at) form.addRow(self.opt_para_every, self.txt_para_every) form.addRow(self.opt_para_num, self.txt_para_num) vbox.addWidget(self.parallels_box) #: A box for selecting the background image self.background_img_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Background image") self.background_img_box.setCheckable(True) #: Radio button for using the ``stock_image`` formatoption self.opt_stock_img = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Stock image") #: Radio button for using the ``google_map_detail`` formatoption self.opt_google_image = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Google maps") #: Test box for specifying the detail self.sb_google_image = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() self.sb_google_image.setMinimum(0) self.sb_google_image.setValue(4) self.sb_google_image.setToolTip( "The detail level for the Google image. The higher this " "number, the more details you'll see (and the slower it is)" ) form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(self.background_img_box) form.addRow(self.opt_stock_img) form.addRow(self.opt_google_image, self.sb_google_image) vbox.addWidget(self.background_img_box) vbox.addWidget(self.button_box) self.fill_from_plotter(plotter) for button in [ self.opt_meri_at, self.opt_meri_auto, self.opt_meri_num, self.opt_meri_every, self.opt_para_at, self.opt_para_auto, self.opt_para_num, self.opt_para_every, self.opt_stock_img, self.opt_google_image, ]: button.clicked.connect(self.update_forms) @property def default_colors(self) -> Dict[str, Color]: """Get default colors for the color labels in :attr:`widgets`.""" import cartopy.feature as cf import matplotlib as mpl return { "background": mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"], "land": cf.LAND._kwargs["facecolor"], "ocean": cf.OCEAN._kwargs["facecolor"], "coast": "k", }
[docs] def get_colors(self, plotter: Plotter) -> Dict[str, Color]: """Get the colors for :attr:`widgets` from the plotter formatoptions. Parameters ---------- plotter: psy_maps.plotters.MapPlotter The plotter with the formatoptions Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoptions in :attr:`colors` to the corresponding color in the `plotter`. """ ret = {} if plotter.background.value != "rc": ret["background"] = plotter.background.value lsm = plotter.lsm.value for part in ["land", "ocean", "coast"]: if part in lsm: ret[part] = lsm[part] return ret
[docs] def fill_from_plotter(self, plotter: Plotter) -> None: """Fill the dialog from a given plotter. Parameters ---------- plotter: psy_maps.plotters.MapPlotter The plotter to get the formatoptions from. """ chosen_colors = self.get_colors(plotter) for i, col in enumerate(self.colors): enable = col in chosen_colors cb = self.widgets.iloc[0, i] lbl = self.widgets.iloc[1, i] cb.setChecked(enable) if enable: lbl._set_color(chosen_colors[col]) if plotter.clon.value is not None: self.txt_clon.setText(str(plotter.clon.value)) if plotter.clat.value is not None: self.txt_clat.setText(str(plotter.clat.value)) lsm = plotter.lsm.value if not lsm: self.lsm_box.setChecked(False) else: res = lsm["res"] getattr(self, "opt_" + res).setChecked(True) grid_labels = plotter.grid_labels.value if grid_labels is None: grid_labels = True self.grid_labels_box.setChecked(grid_labels) self.txt_grid_fontsize.setText(str(plotter.grid_labelsize.value)) self.xgrid_value = None value = plotter.xgrid.value if not value: self.meridionals_box.setChecked(False) elif value is True: self.opt_meri_auto.setChecked(True) elif isinstance(value[0], str): self.xgrid_value = value[0] self.opt_meri_num.setChecked(True) self.txt_meri_num.setText(str(value[1])) elif isinstance(value, tuple): self.xgrid_value: Tuple[Any, Any] = value[:2] # type: ignore self.opt_meri_num.setChecked(True) steps = 11 if len(value) == 2 else value[3] self.txt_meri_num.setText(str(steps)) else: self.opt_meri_at.setChecked(True) self.txt_meri_at.setText(", ".join(map(str, value))) self.ygrid_value = None value = plotter.ygrid.value if not value: self.parallels_box.setChecked(False) elif value is True: self.opt_para_auto.setChecked(True) elif isinstance(value[0], str): self.opt_para_num.setChecked(True) self.txt_para_num.setText(str(value[1])) self.ygrid_value = value[0] elif isinstance(value, tuple): self.ygrid_value: Tuple[Any, Any] = value[:2] # type: ignore self.opt_para_num.setChecked(True) steps = 11 if len(value) == 2 else value[3] self.txt_para_num.setText(str(steps)) else: self.opt_para_at.setChecked(True) self.txt_para_at.setText(", ".join(map(str, value))) stock_img = plotter.stock_img.value google_img_detail = plotter.google_map_detail.value if not stock_img and google_img_detail is None: self.background_img_box.setChecked(False) else: self.background_img_box.setChecked(True) if stock_img: self.opt_stock_img.setChecked(True) elif google_img_detail is not None: self.opt_google_image.setChecked(True) self.sb_google_image.setValue(google_img_detail)
[docs] def update_forms(self) -> None: """Update text widgets for the options to draw merdionals and parallels.""" if self.meridionals_box.isChecked(): self.txt_meri_at.setEnabled(self.opt_meri_at.isChecked()) self.txt_meri_every.setEnabled(self.opt_meri_every.isChecked()) self.txt_meri_num.setEnabled(self.opt_meri_num.isChecked()) if self.parallels_box.isChecked(): self.txt_para_at.setEnabled(self.opt_para_at.isChecked()) self.txt_para_every.setEnabled(self.opt_para_every.isChecked()) self.txt_para_num.setEnabled(self.opt_para_num.isChecked()) if self.background_img_box.isChecked(): self.sb_google_image.setEnabled(self.opt_google_image.isChecked())
@property def value(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the formatoptions of this dialog to update a plotter.""" import numpy as np ret: Dict[str, Any] = {} ret["clon"] = ( None if not self.txt_clon.text().strip() else float(self.txt_clon.text().strip()) ) ret["clat"] = ( None if not self.txt_clat.text().strip() else float(self.txt_clat.text().strip()) ) lsm: LSM_T = {} for col in ["land", "ocean", "coast"]: lbl = self.widgets.loc["color", col] if lbl.isEnabled(): lsm[col] = list(lbl.color.getRgbF()) if lsm or self.lsm_box.isChecked(): if self.opt_110m.isChecked(): lsm["res"] = "110m" elif self.opt_50m.isChecked(): lsm["res"] = "50m" elif self.opt_10m.isChecked(): lsm["res"] = "10m" else: lsm["res"] = "110m" else: lsm["res"] = False if lsm: ret["lsm"] = lsm bc_lbl = self.widgets.loc["color", "background"] if bc_lbl.isEnabled(): ret["background"] = list(bc_lbl.color.getRgbF()) ret["grid_labels"] = self.grid_labels_box.isChecked() if ret["grid_labels"]: ret["grid_labels"] = None labelsize = self.txt_grid_fontsize.text().strip() if labelsize: try: labelsize = float(labelsize) except TypeError: pass ret["grid_labelsize"] = labelsize if not self.meridionals_box.isChecked(): ret["xgrid"] = False elif self.opt_meri_auto.isChecked(): ret["xgrid"] = True elif self.opt_meri_every.isChecked(): ret["xgrid"] = np.arange( -180, 180, float(self.txt_meri_every.text().strip() or 30) ) elif self.opt_meri_at.isChecked(): ret["xgrid"] = ( list(map(float, self.txt_meri_at.text().split(","))) or False ) elif self.opt_meri_num.isChecked(): if self.xgrid_value is None: ret["xgrid"] = ["rounded", int(self.txt_meri_num.text() or 5)] elif isinstance(self.xgrid_value, str): ret["xgrid"] = [ self.xgrid_value, int(self.txt_meri_num.text() or 5), ] else: ret["xgrid"] = tuple(self.xgrid_value) + ( int(self.txt_meri_num.text() or 5), ) if not self.parallels_box.isChecked(): ret["ygrid"] = False elif self.opt_para_auto.isChecked(): ret["ygrid"] = True elif self.opt_para_every.isChecked(): ret["ygrid"] = np.arange( -180, 180, float(self.txt_para_every.text().strip() or 30) ) elif self.opt_para_at.isChecked(): ret["ygrid"] = ( list(map(float, self.txt_para_at.text().split(","))) or False ) elif self.opt_para_num.isChecked(): if self.ygrid_value is None: ret["ygrid"] = ["rounded", int(self.txt_para_num.text() or 5)] elif isinstance(self.ygrid_value, str): ret["ygrid"] = [ self.ygrid_value, int(self.txt_para_num.text() or 5), ] else: ret["ygrid"] = tuple(self.ygrid_value) + ( int(self.txt_para_num.text() or 5), ) if self.background_img_box.isChecked(): if self.opt_stock_img.isChecked(): ret["stock_img"] = True ret["google_map_detail"] = None elif self.opt_google_image.isChecked(): ret["stock_img"] = False ret["google_map_detail"] = self.sb_google_image.value() or 0 else: ret["stock_img"] = False ret["google_map_detail"] = None return ret
[docs] @classmethod def update_plotter(cls, plotter: Plotter) -> None: """Open a :class:`BasemapDialog` to update a plotter. Parameters ---------- plotter: psy_maps.plotters.MapPlotter The plotter to update. """ dialog = cls(plotter) dialog.raise_() dialog.activateWindow() dialog.exec_() if dialog.result() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: plotter.update(**dialog.value)
[docs] class CmapDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """A dialog to modify color bounds and colormaps.""" def __init__(self, project: Project, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The psyplot project to update. Note that we will only use the very first plotter in this project """ import psy_simple.widgets.colors as pswc super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: Button box to accept or cancel this dialog self.button_box = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox( QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, self, ) self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) #: Mapping from formatoption key to :class:`LabelWidgetLine` widgets to #: controlling the formatoption self.fmt_widgets = {} plotter = project(fmts=["cmap", "bounds"]).plotters[0] #: Widget for manipulating the color map self.cmap_widget = self.fmt_widgets["cmap"] = LabelWidgetLine( plotter.cmap, project, pswc.CMapFmtWidget, widget_kws=dict(properties=False), ) self.cmap_widget.editor.setVisible(False) self.cmap_widget.editor.line_edit.textChanged.connect( self.update_preview ) #: tabs for switching between bounds (:attr:`bounds_widget`) and #: colorbar ticks (:attr:`cticks_widget`) self.tabs = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() #: :class:`LabelWidgetLine` to controll the colorbar bounds self.bounds_widget = self.fmt_widgets["bounds"] = LabelWidgetLine( plotter.bounds, project, pswc.BoundsFmtWidget, widget_kws=dict(properties=False), ) self.bounds_widget.editor.line_edit.textChanged.connect( self.update_preview ) self.tabs.addTab(self.bounds_widget, "Colormap boundaries") #: :class:`LabelWidgetLine` to controll the ctick positions self.cticks_widget = self.fmt_widgets["cticks"] = LabelWidgetLine( plotter.cticks, project, pswc.CTicksFmtWidget, widget_kws=dict(properties=False), ) self.cticks_widget.editor.line_edit.textChanged.connect( self.update_preview ) self.tabs.addTab(self.cticks_widget, "Colorbar ticks") #: :class:`ColorbarPreview` to show a preview of the colorbar with #: the selected formatoption in :attr:`fmt_widgets` self.cbar_preview = ColorbarPreview(plotter) self.cbar_preview.setMaximumHeight(self.tabs.sizeHint().height() // 3) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(self.cmap_widget) vbox.addWidget(self.tabs) vbox.addWidget(self.cbar_preview) vbox.addWidget(self.button_box) @property def plotter(self) -> Plotter: """Get the plotter with the formatoptions we use to fill this dialog.""" return self.bounds_widget.editor.fmto.plotter
[docs] def update_preview(self) -> None: """Update the :attr:`cbar_preview` from the various :attr:`fmt_widgets`.""" try: bounds = self.bounds_widget.editor.value except Exception: bounds = self.plotter.bounds.value try: cticks = self.cticks_widget.editor.value except Exception: cticks = self.plotter.cticks.value try: cmap = self.cmap_widget.editor.value except Exception: cmap = self.plotter.cmap.value self.cbar_preview.update_colorbar( bounds=bounds, cticks=cticks, cmap=cmap )
@property def fmts(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Map from formatoption in :attr:`fmt_widgets` to values.""" ret = {} for fmt, widget in self.fmt_widgets.items(): if widget.editor.changed: try: value = widget.editor.value except Exception: raise IOError( f"{fmt}-value {widget.editor.text} could " "not be parsed to python!" ) else: ret[fmt] = value return ret
[docs] @classmethod def update_project(cls, project: Project) -> None: """Create a :class:`CmapDialog` to update a `project` This classmethod creates a new :class:`CmapDialog` instance, fills it with the formatoptions of the first plotter in `project`, enters the main event loop, and updates the `project` upon acceptance. Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The psyplot project to update """ dialog = cls(project) dialog.raise_() dialog.activateWindow() dialog.exec_() if dialog.result() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: project.update(**dialog.fmts)
class _DummyFormatOption(Formatoption): """Dummy formatoption for static type checking. This is just a workaround for the static type checker to be able to tell what the :class:`FakePlotter` formatoptions are, used in :attr:`ColorbarPreview.fake_plotter` """ def update( self, ): pass
[docs] class FakePlotter(Plotter): """A dummy plotter for the colorbar preview.""" bounds: Formatoption = _DummyFormatOption("bounds") cmap: Formatoption = _DummyFormatOption("cmap") cticks: Formatoption = _DummyFormatOption("cticks") cbar: Formatoption = _DummyFormatOption("cbar")
[docs] class ColorbarPreview(FigureCanvas): """A preview widget of a colorbar. This matplotlib figure contains one single axes to display the colorbar filled by the formatoptions of a given `plotter`.""" def __init__( self, plotter: Plotter, parent: Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- plotter: psy_simple.plotters.Base2D The plotter to use to draw the colorbar from parent: QtWidget.QWidget The parent widget """ fig = Figure(*args, **kwargs) FigureCanvas.__init__(self, fig) self.setParent(parent) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy( self, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, ) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) self.axes_counter = 0 #: The plotter to use for displaying the colorbar self.plotter = plotter self.init_colorbar(plotter)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event: QEvent) -> Any: """Reimplemented to make sure we cannot get smaller than 0.""" h = event.size().height() if h <= 0: return return super().resizeEvent(event)
[docs] def init_colorbar(self, plotter: Plotter) -> None: """Initialize the colorbar. This method extracts the formatoptions of the given `plotter` and draws the colorbar. """ from import ScalarMappable norm = plotter.bounds.norm cmap = plotter.cmap.get_cmap(self.plotter.plot.array) self.mappable = sm = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) self.cax = self.figure.add_axes( [0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 0.5], label=self.axes_counter ) self.cbar = self.figure.colorbar( sm, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, cax=self.cax, orientation="horizontal" )
@property def fake_plotter(self) -> FakePlotter: """Create a plotter with the formatoptions of the real :attr:`plotter`. We can update this plotter without impacting the origin :attr:`plotter` """ class _FakePlotter(FakePlotter): bounds = self.plotter.bounds.__class__("bounds") cmap = self.plotter.cmap.__class__("cmap") cticks = self.plotter.cticks.__class__("cticks") cbar = self.plotter.cbar.__class__("cbar") _rcparams_string = self.plotter._get_rc_strings() ref = self.plotter fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot() plotter = _FakePlotter(, make_plot=False, bounds=ref["bounds"], cmap=ref["cmap"], cticks=ref["cticks"], cbar="", ax=ax, ) plotter.cticks._colorbar = self.cbar plotter.plot_data = ref.plot_data return plotter
[docs] def update_colorbar(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Update the colorbar with new formatoptions. This method takes the :attr:`fake_plotter`, updates it from the given `kwargs`, updates the colorbar preview. Parameters ---------- ``**kwargs`` `bounds`, `cmap`, `cticks` or `cbar` formatoption keyword-value pairs """ # create a dummy plotter plotter = self.fake_plotter # update from the given kwargs try: for key, val in kwargs.items(): plotter[key] = val except (ValueError, TypeError): return plotter.initialize_plot( current_norm = self.mappable.norm current_cmap = self.mappable.get_cmap() current_locator = self.cbar.locator # update the preview with the norm of the plotter try: try: plotter.bounds.norm._check_vmin_vmax() except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass try: plotter.bounds.norm.autoscale_None(plotter.bounds.array) except AttributeError: pass self.mappable.set_norm(plotter.bounds.norm) self.mappable.set_cmap( plotter.cmap.get_cmap(self.plotter.plot.array) ) plotter.cticks.colorbar = self.cbar plotter.cticks.default_locator = ( self.plotter.cticks.default_locator ) plotter.cticks.update_axis(plotter.cticks.value) self.draw() except Exception: self.mappable.set_norm(current_norm) self.mappable.set_cmap(current_cmap) self.cbar.locator = current_locator self.cbar.update_ticks()
[docs] class FormatoptionsEditor(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A widget to update a formatoption. This widget is a light-weight version of the :class:`psyplot_gui.fmt_widget.FormatoptionsWidget` class. It contains a line editor and a text editor to set the value of a specific formatoption. """ def __init__(self, fmto: Formatoption, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- fmto: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption The formatoption instance to display the value from """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() #: The :class:`~psyplot.plotter.Formatoption` that fills this widget self.fmto = fmto #: A single line editor holding the formatoption value (see also #: :attr:`text_edit` and :attr:`btn_multiline`) self.line_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() layout.addWidget(self.line_edit) #: A multi-line editor holiding the value of :attr:`fmto` (see also #: :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`btn_multiline`) self.text_edit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.text_edit.setVisible(False) layout.addWidget(self.text_edit) #: A tool button to switch from the single line editor :attr:`line_edit` #: to the multi-line editor :attr:`text_edit` self.btn_multiline = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.btn_multiline.setText("⌵") self.btn_multiline.setCheckable(True) self.btn_multiline.setToolTip("Toggle multiline editor") self.btn_multiline.clicked.connect(self.toggle_multiline) layout.addWidget(self.btn_multiline) self.insert_obj(fmto.value) #: Value of the :attr:`fmto` at the initialization of this widget self.initial_value = self.line_edit.text() self.setLayout(layout) @property def changed(self) -> bool: """Check if the value in this editor differs from the original `fmto`.""" return self.fmto.diff(self.fmto.validate(self.get_obj()))
[docs] def toggle_multiline(self) -> None: """Switch from :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`text_edit` or back.""" multiline = self.multiline self.text_edit.setVisible(multiline) self.line_edit.setVisible(not multiline) if multiline: self.text_edit.setPlainText(self.line_edit.text()) else: self.line_edit.setText(self.text_edit.toPlainText())
@property def multiline(self) -> bool: """True if the :attr:`text_edit` should be visible.""" return self.btn_multiline.isChecked() @property def text(self) -> str: """Text of the :attr:`text_edit` (or :attr:`line_edit`).""" return ( self.text_edit.toPlainText() if self.multiline else self.line_edit.text() ) @text.setter def text(self, s: str) -> None: self.clear_text() if self.multiline: self.text_edit.insertPlainText(s) else: self.line_edit.insert(s) @property def value(self) -> Any: """Load the value of :attr:`text` with yaml.""" text = self.text return yaml.load(text, Loader=yaml.Loader)
[docs] def clear_text(self) -> None: """Clear the editor.""" if self.multiline: self.text_edit.clear() else: self.line_edit.clear()
[docs] def set_obj(self, obj: Any) -> None: """Clear the editor and set another object.""" self.clear_text() self.insert_obj(obj)
[docs] def get_obj(self) -> Any: """Alias for :attr:`value`.""" return self.value
[docs] def insert_obj(self, obj: Any) -> None: """Add a string to the formatoption widget. Parameters ---------- obj: object The object to insert into the line editor. it will be dumped using yaml and displayed in the :attr:`text_edit` (or :attr:`line_edit`) """ current = self.text use_line_edit = not self.multiline # strings are treated separately such that we consider quotation marks # at the borders if isinstance(obj, str) and current: if use_line_edit: pos = self.line_edit.cursorPosition() else: pos = self.text_edit.textCursor().position() if pos not in [0, len(current)]: s = obj else: if current[0] in ['"', "'"]: current = current[1:-1] self.clear_text() if pos == 0: s = '"' + obj + current + '"' else: s = '"' + current + obj + '"' current = "" elif isinstance(obj, str): # add quotation marks s = '"' + obj + '"' else: s = yaml.dump(obj, default_flow_style=True).strip() if s.endswith("\n..."): s = s[:-4] if use_line_edit: self.line_edit.insert(s) else: self.text_edit.insertPlainText(s)
[docs] class LabelWidgetLine(QtWidgets.QGroupBox): """A widget to change a formatoption. This class holds a :class:`FormatoptionsEditor` to control the appearance of a specific formatoption. Additionally it displays the formatoption specific line widget (see :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption.get_fmt_widget`) to contol it. """ def __init__( self, fmto: Formatoption, project: Project, fmto_widget: Type[QtWidgets.QWidget], widget_kws: Dict[str, Any] = {}, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- fmto: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption The formatoption to manipulate project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use to fill this formatoption fmto_widget: type A subclass of the :class:`QWidget` that can be used to control the formatoption. This class is commonly used in the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption.get_fmt_widget` of the given `fmto` widget_kws: dict Further keywords that are passed to the creation of the `fmto_widget` instance. """ super().__init__(f"{} ({fmto.key})", *args, **kwargs) self.editor = FormatoptionsEditor(fmto) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(fmto_widget(self.editor, fmto, project, **widget_kws)) vbox.addWidget(self.editor) self.setLayout(vbox)
[docs] class LabelDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """A dialog to change labels. This class contains one :class:`LabelWidgetLine` per text formatoption.""" def __init__(self, project: Project, *fmts: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The psyplot project to update. Note that we will only use the very first plotter in this project ``*fmts`` The formatoption keys to display. Each formatoption should be a subclass of :class:`psy_simple.base.TextBase` """ from psy_simple.widgets.texts import LabelWidget super().__init__() self.project = project layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() plotter = project.plotters[0] self.fmt_widgets = {} for fmt in fmts: fmto = getattr(plotter, fmt) fmt_widget = LabelWidgetLine( fmto, project, LabelWidget, widget_kws=dict(properties=False) ) self.fmt_widgets[fmt] = fmt_widget layout.addWidget(fmt_widget) self.button_box = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox( QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, self, ) self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) layout.addWidget(self.button_box) self.setLayout(layout) @property def fmts(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Mapping from formatoption key to value in this dialog.""" ret = {} for fmt, widget in self.fmt_widgets.items(): if widget.editor.changed: try: value = widget.editor.value except Exception: raise IOError( f"{fmt}-value {widget.editor.text} could " "not be parsed to python!" ) else: ret[fmt] = value return ret
[docs] @classmethod def update_project(cls, project: Project, *fmts: str) -> None: """Create a :class:`LabelDialog` to update the labels in a `project`. This classmethod creates a new :class:`LabelDialog` instance, fills it with the formatoptions of the first plotter in `project`, enters the main event loop, and updates the `project` upon acceptance. Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The psyplot project to update. Note that we will only use the very first plotter in this project ``*fmts`` The formatoption keys to display. Each formatoption should be a subclass of :class:`psy_simple.base.TextBase` """ dialog = cls(project, *fmts) dialog.raise_() dialog.activateWindow() dialog.exec_() if dialog.result() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: project.update(**dialog.fmts)