Source code for psy_view.ds_widget

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Dataset widget to display the contents of a dataset."""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import (

import as psyd
import yaml
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import get_configdir
from psyplot_gui.common import DockMixin, PyErrorMessage
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon as get_psy_icon
from psyplot_gui.content_widget import (
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

import psy_view.utils as utils
from psy_view.plotmethods import (
from psy_view.rcsetup import rcParams

    from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from psyplot.plotter import Plotter
    from psyplot.project import PlotterInterface, Project
    from psyplot_gui.main import MainWindow
    from xarray import DataArray, Dataset


[docs] def get_dims_to_iterate(arr: DataArray) -> List[str]: """Get the dimensions of an array to iterate over This function takes a data array and returns the dimension in the base dataset that one can interator over. Parameters ---------- arr: xarray.DataArray The data array to iterate over Returns ------- list of strings The dimension strings """ base_var = next(arr.psy.iter_base_variables) return [ dim for dim, size in zip(base_var.dims, base_var.shape) if size > 1 and arr[dim].ndim == 0 ]
TOO_MANY_FIGURES_WARNING = """ Multiple figures are open but you specified only {} filenames: {}.<br> Saving the figures will cause that not all images are saved! We recommend to export to a single PDF (that then includes multiple pages), or modify your filename with strings like <ul> <li> <code>%i</code> for a continuous counter of the images</li> <li><code>%(name)s</code> for variable names</li> <li>or other netCDF attributes (see the <a href=""> examples of exporting psyplot projects</a>)</li> </ul> Shall I continue anyway and save the figures? """
[docs] class DatasetWidget(QtWidgets.QSplitter): """A widget to control the visualization of the variables in a dataset""" #: The title of the widget title: str = "psy-view Plot Control" #: Display the dock widget at the right side of the GUI dock_position = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea _animating: bool = False _ani: Optional[FuncAnimation] = None _init_step: int = 0 #: A :class:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGroupBox` that contains the variable buttons variable_frame: Optional[QtWidgets.QGroupBox] = None #: Buttons for selecting variables in the :attr:`ds` variable_buttons: Dict[str, QtWidgets.QPushButton] _new_plot: bool = False _preset: Optional[Union[str, Dict]] = None #: Attributes to use in the dataset tree ds_attr_columns: List[str] = ["long_name", "dims", "shape"] def __init__(self, ds: Optional[Dataset] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset A dataset to visualize with this widget """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._ds_nums: Dict[int, Dataset] = {} self.setChildrenCollapsible(False) self.ds: Optional[Dataset] = ds self.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) # first row: dataset name self.open_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.lbl_ds = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.open_box.addWidget(self.lbl_ds) self.btn_open = utils.add_pushbutton( get_psy_icon("run_arrow.png"), lambda: self.set_dataset(), "Select and open a netCDF dataset", self.open_box, icon=True, ) self.open_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.open_widget.setLayout(self.open_box) self.addWidget(self.open_widget) # second row: dataset representation self.setup_ds_tree() if ds is not None: self.add_ds_item() self.ds_tree.itemExpanded.connect(self.change_ds) self.ds_tree.itemExpanded.connect(self.load_variable_desc) self.addWidget(self.ds_tree) # third row, navigation self.navigation_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # -- animate backwards button self.btn_animate_backward = utils.add_pushbutton( "◀◀", lambda: self.animate_backward(), "Animate the time dimension backwards", self.navigation_box, ) self.btn_animate_backward.setCheckable(True) # -- go to previous button self.btn_prev = utils.add_pushbutton( "◀", self.go_to_previous_step, "Go to previous time step", self.navigation_box, ) # -- dimension menu for animation self.combo_dims = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.navigation_box.addWidget(self.combo_dims) # -- go to next button self.btn_next = utils.add_pushbutton( "▶", self.go_to_next_step, "Go to next time step", self.navigation_box, ) # -- animate forward button self.btn_animate_forward = utils.add_pushbutton( "▶▶", lambda: self.animate_forward(), "Animate the time dimension", self.navigation_box, ) self.btn_animate_forward.setCheckable(True) # -- interval slider self.sl_interval = QtWidgets.QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.sl_interval.setMinimum(40) # 24 fps self.sl_interval.setMaximum(10000) self.sl_interval.setSingleStep(50) self.sl_interval.setPageStep(500) self.sl_interval.setValue(500) self.sl_interval.valueChanged.connect(self.reset_timer_interval) self.navigation_box.addWidget(self.sl_interval) # -- interval label self.lbl_interval = QtWidgets.QLabel("500 ms") self.navigation_box.addWidget(self.lbl_interval) # --- export/import menus self.export_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # -- Export button self.btn_export = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.btn_export.setText("Export") self.btn_export.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.InstantPopup) self.btn_export.setMenu(self.setup_export_menu()) self.btn_export.setEnabled(False) self.export_box.addWidget(self.btn_export) # --- Presets button self.frm_preset = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.frm_preset.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.frm_preset) self.btn_preset = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.btn_preset.setText("Preset") self.btn_preset.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.InstantPopup) self.btn_preset.setMenu(self.setup_preset_menu()) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_preset) # --- presets label self.lbl_preset = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_preset.setVisible(False) hbox.addWidget(self.lbl_preset) # --- unset preset button self.btn_unset_preset = utils.add_pushbutton( get_psy_icon("invalid.png"), self.unset_preset, "Unset the current preset", hbox, icon=True, ) self.btn_unset_preset.setVisible(False) self.export_box.addWidget(self.frm_preset) self.btn_reload = utils.add_pushbutton( get_psy_icon("refresh.png"), self.reload, "Close all open datasets and recreate the plots", self.export_box, icon=True, ) self.export_box.addStretch(0) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(self.navigation_box) vbox.addLayout(self.export_box) self.addLayout(vbox) # fourth row: array selector self.array_frame = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Current plot") hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.combo_array = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.combo_array.setEditable(False) self.combo_array.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda: self.refresh()) self.combo_array.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.show_current_figure) hbox.addWidget(self.combo_array) self.btn_add = utils.add_pushbutton( QtGui.QIcon(get_psy_icon("plus")), self.new_plot, "Create a new plot", hbox, icon=True, ) self.btn_add.setEnabled(ds is not None) self.btn_del = utils.add_pushbutton( QtGui.QIcon(get_psy_icon("minus")), self.close_current_plot, "Remove the current plot", hbox, icon=True, ) self.btn_del.setEnabled(False) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_add) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_del) self.array_frame.setLayout(hbox) self.addWidget(self.array_frame) # fifth row: plot interface self.plot_tabs = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() self.setup_plot_tabs() self.plot_tabs.currentChanged.connect(self.switch_tab) self.addWidget(self.plot_tabs) # sixth row: variables self.variable_scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.variable_scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) self.setup_variable_buttons() self.addWidget(self.variable_scroll) # seventh row: dimensions self.dimension_table = QtWidgets.QTableWidget() self.addWidget(self.dimension_table) self.disable_navigation() if self.ds is not None: self.refresh() self.cids: Dict[str, int] = {}
[docs] def reload(self) -> None: """Close the plot and recreate it.""" import psyplot.project as psy sp = self._sp if sp is None: return fname = sp.dsnames_map[self.ds.psy.num] # type: ignore project = sp.save_project() sp.close(True, True, True) self.ds_tree.clear() self._ds_nums.clear() self.refresh() self._sp = sp = psy.Project.load_project(project) self._ds_nums = sp.datasets num = next(num for num, f in sp.dsnames_map.items() if f == fname) self.ds = self.open_datasets[num] for ds in self._ds_nums.values(): self._add_ds_item(ds) self.refresh()
[docs] def setup_ds_tree(self) -> None: """Setup the number of columns and the header of the dataset tree.""" self.ds_tree = tree = QtWidgets.QTreeWidget() tree.setColumnCount(len(self.ds_attr_columns) + 1) tree.setHeaderLabels([""] + self.ds_attr_columns)
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): ret = super().showEvent(event) current_size = self.size() current_sizes = self.sizes() itree = self.indexOf(self.ds_tree) itable = self.indexOf(self.dimension_table) diff = 0 if current_sizes[itree] < 400: diff += 400 - current_sizes[itree] current_sizes[itree] = 400 if current_sizes[itable] < 300: diff += 300 - current_sizes[itable] current_sizes[itable] = 300 if diff: self.resize(current_size.width(), current_size.height() + diff) self.setSizes(current_sizes) return ret
[docs] def close_current_plot(self) -> None: """Close the figure of the current variable.""" self.variable_buttons[self.variable].click()
[docs] def excepthook(self, type, value, traceback) -> None: """A method to replace the sys.excepthook""" self.error_msg.excepthook(type, value, traceback)
@property def arr_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name of the array of the current plot (if there is one).""" if not self.combo_array.count(): return None else: return self.combo_array.currentText().split(":")[0]
[docs] def change_ds(self, ds_item: DatasetTreeItem) -> None: """Change the current dataset to another one. Parameters ---------- ds_item: psyplot_gui.content_widget.DatasetTreeItem The item in the tree of the new dataset to use """ ds_items = self.ds_items if ds_item in ds_items: with self.block_tree(): self.ds = ds_item.ds() self.expand_ds_item(ds_item) self.setup_variable_buttons() self.change_combo_array() self.refresh(reset_combo=False)
[docs] def expand_ds_item(self, ds_item: DatasetTreeItem) -> None: """Expand an item of a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds_item: DatasetTreeItem The item to expand """ tree = self.ds_tree tree.collapseAll() tree.expandItem(ds_item) ds = ds_item.ds() if len(ds) <= 10: tree.expandItem(ds_item.child(0)) if len(ds.coords) <= 10: tree.expandItem(ds_item.child(1)) if len(ds.attrs) <= 10: tree.expandItem(ds_item.attrs)
def _open_dataset(self) -> Optional[Dataset]: """Open a dialog to open a new dataset from disk. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset or None The :class:`xarray.Dataset` of the selected file, or None if the user aborted the dialog. """ current = self.lbl_ds.text() if not current or not osp.exists(current): current = os.getcwd() fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open dataset", current, "NetCDF files (*.nc *.nc4);;" "Shape files (*.shp);;" "All files (*)", ) if not ok: return None ds = psyd.open_dataset(fname) return ds
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def block_tree(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Block all signals of a tree temporarily. Use this via:: with self.block_tree(): do_something """ self.ds_tree.blockSignals(True) yield self.ds_tree.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def set_dataset(self, ds: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> None: """Ask for a file name and open the dataset.""" if ds is None: ds = self._open_dataset() if ds is None: return self.ds = ds with self.block_tree(): self.add_ds_item() self.setup_variable_buttons() self.btn_add.setEnabled(True) self.btn_del.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def add_ds_item(self) -> None: """Add a new :class:`DatasetTreeItem` for the current :attr:`ds`.""" ds: Dataset = self.ds # type: ignore self._add_ds_item(ds)
def _add_ds_item(self, ds: Dataset) -> None: tree = self.ds_tree ds_item = DatasetTreeItem(ds, self.ds_attr_columns, 0) fname = psyd.get_filename_ds(ds, False)[0] if fname is not None: self.lbl_ds.setText(fname) fname = osp.basename(fname) else: self.lbl_ds.setText("") fname = "" ds_item.setText(0, fname) tree.addTopLevelItem(ds_item) self.expand_ds_item(ds_item) tree.resizeColumnToContents(0) if ds.psy.num not in self.open_datasets: # make sure we do not loose track of open datasets self._ds_nums[ds.psy.num] = ds @property def open_datasets(self) -> Dict[int, Dataset]: """Get a mapping from path to dataset number of the open datasets.""" return self._ds_nums @property def ds_items(self) -> List[DatasetTreeItem]: """Get the :class:`DatasetTreeItems` for the open datasets.""" tree = self.ds_tree return list(map(tree.topLevelItem, range(tree.topLevelItemCount()))) @property def ds_item(self) -> Optional[DatasetTreeItem]: """Get the current dataset item (if there is one).""" ds = self.ds for item in self.ds_items: if item.ds() is ds: return item return None
[docs] def expand_current_variable( self, variable: Optional[Union[Any, Hashable]] = None ) -> None: """Expand the item in the dataset tree of variable. Parameters ---------- variable: str The name of the variable to expand. If None, the current variable is used. """ tree = self.ds_tree top: DatasetTreeItem = self.ds_item # type: ignore tree.expandItem(top) tree.expandItem(top.child(0)) if variable is None: variable: str = self.variable # type: ignore for var_item in map( top.child(0).child, range(top.child(0).childCount()) ): if var_item.text(0) == variable: tree.expandItem(var_item) else: tree.collapseItem(var_item)
[docs] def setup_variable_buttons(self, ncols: int = 4) -> None: """Setup the variable buttons for the current dataset.""" variable_frame = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Variables") self.variable_scroll.setWidget(variable_frame) self.variable_frame = variable_frame self.variable_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.variable_frame) self.variable_buttons = {} ds = self.ds if ds is not None: for i, v in enumerate(ds): btn = utils.add_pushbutton( v, self._draw_variable(v), f"Visualize variable {v}" ) btn.setCheckable(True) self.variable_buttons[v] = btn self.variable_layout.addWidget(btn, i // ncols, i % ncols) if len(ds): rows = len(ds) // ncols minrows = max(1, min(3, rows)) self.variable_scroll.setMinimumHeight( (minrows + 2) * btn.sizeHint().height() )
[docs] def load_variable_desc(self, item: QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem) -> None: """Load the description of the variable of a given tree item. Parameters ---------- item: PyQt5.QtWidget.QTreeWidgetItem The item of the variable in the :attr:`ds_tree`. If this is not an item of a variable, nothing is done. """ parent = item.parent() tree = self.ds_tree if ( parent is tree or parent is None or not ( DatasetTree.is_variable(item) or DatasetTree.is_coord(item) ) ): return if tree.isColumnHidden(1): tree.showColumn(1) tree.resizeColumnToContents(0) top = item while top.parent() and top.parent() is not self: top = top.parent() ds = top.ds() if ds is None: return desc = escape_html(str(ds.variables[item.text(0)])) item.setToolTip(0, "<pre>" + desc + "</pre>")
[docs] def clear_table(self) -> None: """Clear the table that shows the available dimensions.""" self.dimension_table.clear() self.dimension_table.setColumnCount(5) self.dimension_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Type", "First", "Current", "Last", "Units"] ) self.dimension_table.setRowCount(0)
[docs] def addLayout(self, layout: QtWidgets.QLayout) -> QtWidgets.QWidget: """Add a layout to the splitter. This convenience function creates a new QWidget that wraps the given layout and returns it. Parameters ---------- layout: QtWidget.QLayout The layout to add Returns ------- QtWidgets.QWidget The widget that wraps the given layout """ widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() widget.setLayout(layout) self.addWidget(widget) return widget
[docs] def go_to_previous_step(self) -> None: """Decrease the movie dimension to the previous step.""" dim = self.combo_dims.currentText() self.increase_dim(dim, -1)()
[docs] def go_to_next_step(self) -> None: """Increase the movie dimension to the next step.""" dim = self.combo_dims.currentText() self.increase_dim(dim)()
[docs] def animate_backward(self) -> None: """Start the current animation in backward direction, or stop it.""" if self._animating: self.stop_animation() self.btn_animate_backward.setText("◀◀") self.enable_navigation() else: self._animate_forward = False self.btn_animate_backward.setText("■") self.disable_navigation(self.btn_animate_backward) self.start_animation()
[docs] def animate_forward(self, nframes=None): """Start the current animation in forward direction, or stop it.""" if self._animating: self.stop_animation() self.btn_animate_forward.setText("▶▶") self.enable_navigation() else: self._animate_forward = True self.btn_animate_forward.setText("■") self.disable_navigation(self.btn_animate_forward) self.start_animation(nframes)
[docs] def setup_plot_tabs(self) -> None: """Setup the tabs of the various plot methods.""" self.plot_tabs.addTab(MapPlotWidget(self.get_sp, self.ds), "mapplot") self.plot_tabs.addTab(Plot2DWidget(self.get_sp, self.ds), "plot2d") lineplot_widget = LinePlotWidget(self.get_sp, self.ds) self.plot_tabs.addTab(lineplot_widget, "lineplot") for w in map(self.plot_tabs.widget, range(self.plot_tabs.count())): w.replot.connect(self.replot) w.reset.connect(self.reset) w.changed.connect(lambda: self.refresh())
[docs] def replot(self, plotmethod: str) -> None: """Regenerate the plot of a given plotmethod, without closing it. Parameters ---------- plotmethod: str The name of the plotmethod See Also -------- reset: The same method, but closes the plot before genereting a new one. """ self.plotmethod = plotmethod self.make_plot() self.refresh()
[docs] def reset(self, plotmethod: str) -> None: """Close the plot of the given plotmethod and regenerate it. The same as :meth:`replot`, but closes the plot. Parameters ---------- plotmethod: str The name of the plotmethod See Also -------- reset: The same method, but closes the plot before genereting a new one. """ self.plotmethod = plotmethod self.close_sp() self.make_plot() self.refresh()
[docs] def disable_navigation( self, but: Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None ) -> None: """Disable the navigation buttons. This function disables all navigation buttons but the one you specify. Parameters ---------- but: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton If not None, this button is not disabled. """ for item in map( self.navigation_box.itemAt, range(self.navigation_box.count()) ): w = item.widget() if w is not but and w is not self.sl_interval: w.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def enable_navigation(self) -> None: """Enable all navigation buttons again.""" for item in map( self.navigation_box.itemAt, range(self.navigation_box.count()) ): w = item.widget() w.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def disable_variables(self): """Disable all variable selection buttons.""" for btn in self.variable_buttons.values(): btn.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def enable_variables(self): """Enable all variable selection buttons again.""" valid_variables = self.plotmethod_widget.valid_variables(self.ds) for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setEnabled(v in valid_variables)
[docs] def start_animation(self, nframes: Optional[int] = None): """Start the animation along the selected dimension. Parameters ---------- nframes: int or None If not None, the number of frames to draw See Also -------- animation_frames: The iterator to generate the frames """ self._animating = True self._animation_frames = nframes self._starting_step = 1 self.disable_variables() self.plot_tabs.setEnabled(False) if self.sp is not None: if self.animation is None or self.animation.event_source is None: self.animation = FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.update_dims, frames=self.animation_frames(), init_func=self.sp.draw, interval=self.sl_interval.value(), repeat=False, ) # HACK: Make sure that the animation starts although the figure # is already shown self.animation._draw_frame(next(self.animation_frames())) else: self.animation.event_source.start()
[docs] def reset_timer_interval(self, value: int) -> None: """Change the interval of the timer.""" self.lbl_interval.setText("%i ms" % value) if self.animation is None or self.animation.event_source is None: pass else: self.animation.event_source.stop() self.animation._interval = value self.animation.event_source.interval = value self.animation.event_source.start()
[docs] def stop_animation(self) -> None: """Stop the current animation.""" self._animating = False if ( self.animation is not None and self.animation.event_source is not None ): self.animation.event_source.stop() self.plot_tabs.setEnabled(True) self.enable_variables() self.refresh()
[docs] def animation_frames(self) -> Iterator[Dict[str, int]]: """Get the animation frames for the :attr:`combo_dims` dimension.""" while ( self._animating and self._animation_frames is None or self._animation_frames ): if self._animation_frames is not None and not self._init_step: self._animation_frames -= 1 dim = self.combo_dims.currentText() i =[dim] imax = self.ds.dims[dim] - 1 # type: ignore if self._init_step: self._init_step -= 1 elif self._starting_step: self._starting_step -= 1 elif self._animate_forward: i += -i if i == imax else 1 else: i += imax if i == 0 else -1 yield {dim: i}
[docs] def update_dims(self, dims: Dict[str, Any]): if self.sp is not None: self.sp.update(dims=dims)
def _load_preset(self) -> None: """Open a file dialog and load the selected preset.""" fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Load preset", osp.join(get_configdir(), "presets"), "YAML files (*.yml *.yaml);;" "All files (*)", ) if ok: self.load_preset(fname)
[docs] def load_preset(self, preset: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]): """Load a given preset from disk. Parameters ---------- preset: str or dict The name or path to the preset, or a dictionary """ self.preset = preset # type: ignore if self.sp: loaded_preset: Dict[str, Any] = self.preset # now that it's loaded if loaded_preset: self.sp.load_preset(loaded_preset) self.refresh() self.maybe_show_preset()
@property def preset(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the currently loaded preset.""" if self._preset is None: return {} import psyplot.project as psy preset = self._preset try: preset = psy.Project._load_preset(preset) except yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: answer = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Can I trust this?", f"Failed to load the preset at <i>{preset}</i> in safe mode. Can we " "trust this preset and load it in unsafe mode?", ) if answer == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: psyd.rcParams["presets.trusted"].append( psy.Project._resolve_preset_path(preset) ) preset = psy.Project._load_preset(preset) else: preset = {} return preset # type: ignore @preset.setter def preset(self, value: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]): self._preset = value
[docs] def unset_preset(self) -> None: """Unset the current preset and do not use it anymore.""" self.preset = None # type: ignore self.maybe_show_preset()
[docs] def maybe_show_preset(self) -> None: """Show the name of the current preset if one is selected.""" if self._preset is not None and isinstance(self._preset, str): self.lbl_preset.setText( "<i>" + osp.basename(osp.splitext(self._preset)[0]) + "</i>" ) self.lbl_preset.setVisible(True) self.btn_unset_preset.setVisible(True) elif self._preset is not None: self.lbl_preset.setText("<i>custom</i>") self.lbl_preset.setVisible(True) self.btn_unset_preset.setVisible(True) else: self.lbl_preset.setVisible(False) self.btn_unset_preset.setVisible(False)
[docs] def save_current_preset(self) -> None: """Save the preset of the current plot to a file.""" if self.sp is not None: preset_func = self.sp.save_preset self._save_preset(preset_func)
[docs] def save_full_preset(self) -> None: """Save the preset of all open plots to a file.""" sp = self._sp if sp is not None: return self._save_preset(sp.save_preset) return None
def _save_preset(self, save_func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> None: """Save the preset to a file. Parameters ---------- save_func: function The function that is called to save the preset. Must accept the path as an argument """ fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save preset", osp.join(get_configdir(), "presets"), "YAML files (*.yml *.yaml);;" "All files (*)", ) if not ok: return None save_func(fname)
[docs] def setup_preset_menu(self) -> QtWidgets.QMenu: """Set up the menu to select/load presets.""" self.preset_menu = menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self._save_preset_actions = [] self._load_preset_action = menu.addAction( "Load preset", self._load_preset ) self._unset_preset_action = menu.addAction( "Unset preset", self.unset_preset ) menu.addSeparator() self._save_preset_actions.append( menu.addAction( "Save format of current plot as preset", self.save_current_preset, ) ) self._save_preset_actions.append( menu.addAction( "Save format of all plots as preset", self.save_full_preset ) ) for action in self._save_preset_actions: action.setEnabled(False) return menu
[docs] def setup_export_menu(self) -> QtWidgets.QMenu: """Set up the menu to export the current plot.""" self.export_menu = menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() menu.addAction("image (PDF, PNG, etc.)", self.export_image) menu.addAction("all images (PDF, PNG, etc.)", self.export_all_images) menu.addAction("animation (GIF, MP4, etc.", self.export_animation) menu.addAction("psyplot project (.pkl file)", self.export_project) menu.addAction( "psyplot project with data", self.export_project_with_data ) py_action = menu.addAction("python script (.py)", self.export_python) py_action.setEnabled(False) # psyplot does not yet export to python return menu
[docs] def export_image(self) -> None: """Ask for a filename and export the current plot to a file.""" if self.sp is not None: fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Export image", os.getcwd(), "Images (*.png *.pdf *.jpg *.svg)", ) if ok: self.sp.export(fname, **rcParams["savefig_kws"])
[docs] def export_all_images(self) -> None: """Ask for a filename and export all plots to one (or more) files.""" fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Export image", os.getcwd(), "Images (*.png *.pdf *.jpg *.svg)", ) if ok and self._sp: # test filenames if not osp.splitext(fname)[-1].lower() == ".pdf": fnames = [ sp.format_string(fname, False, i) for i, sp in enumerate(self._sp.figs.values()) ] if len(fnames) != len(set(fnames)): answer = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Too many figures", TOO_MANY_FIGURES_WARNING.format( len(set(fnames)), ", ".join(set(fnames)) ), ) if answer == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: return self._sp.export(fname, **rcParams["savefig_kws"])
[docs] def export_animation(self) -> None: """Ask for a filename and export the animation.""" fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Export animation", os.getcwd(), "Movie (*.mp4 *.mov *.gif)" ) if ok: dim = self.combo_dims.currentText() nframes: int = self.ds.dims[dim] # type: ignore self._init_step = 1 self.animate_forward(nframes) if self.animation is not None: fname, **rcParams["animations.export_kws"], fps=round(1000.0 / self.sl_interval.value()), ) self.animate_forward() self.animation = None
[docs] def export_project(self) -> None: """Ask for a filename and export the psyplot project as .pkl file.""" if self.sp is not None: fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Export project", os.getcwd(), "Psyplot projects (*.pkl)" ) if ok: self.sp.save_project(fname)
[docs] def export_project_with_data(self) -> None: """Ask for a filename export project (incl. data) as .pkl file. Same as :meth:`export_project`, but adds the data to the pickle dump. """ if self.sp is not None: fname, ok = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Export project", os.getcwd(), "Psyplot projects (*.pkl)" ) if ok: self.sp.save_project(fname, ds_description={"ds"})
[docs] def export_python(self): """Export the project as python file. This method is not yet implemented as the functionality is missing in psyplot. """ pass
def _draw_variable(self, v): def func(): """Visualize variable v""" btn = self.variable_buttons[v] if not btn.isChecked(): self.close_sp() if self.combo_array.count() > 1: with self.block_widgets(self.combo_array): current = self.combo_array.currentIndex() self.combo_array.setCurrentIndex(current - 1) else: with self.silence_variable_buttons(): for var, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): if var != v: btn.setChecked(False) self.make_plot() self.refresh() return func
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def silence_variable_buttons(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager to disable variable selection buttons.""" yield self.block_widgets(*self.variable_buttons.values()) # type: ignore
@property def variable(self) -> str: """The current variable""" for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): if btn.isChecked(): return v return NOTSET @variable.setter def variable(self, value: str) -> None: with self.silence_variable_buttons(): for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setChecked(v == value) @property def available_plotmethods(self) -> List[str]: """Get the plotmethods that can visualize the selected variable. Returns ------- list of str A list of plotmethod names that can visualize the current :attr:`variable` """ v = self.variable if v == NOTSET: return [] ret = [] ds: Dataset = self.ds # type: ignore plot = ds.psy.plot for plotmethod in self.plotmethods: if plotmethod in plot._plot_methods: if getattr(plot, plotmethod).check_data(ds, v, {})[0]: ret.append(plotmethod) return ret @property def plot(self) -> PlotterInterface: """Get the plotting function of the currently selected plotmethod.""" if self.ds is not None: return getattr(self.ds.psy.plot, self.plotmethod) else: raise ValueError( "No dataset has yet been selected, so no plot method!" ) @property def plot_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get further keyword arguments for the :attr:`plot` function.""" if self.ds is not None: ret: Dict[str, Any] = self.plotmethod_widget.get_fmts( # type: ignore self.ds.psy[self.variable], True ) preset = self.preset if preset: import psyplot.project as psy preset = psy.Project.extract_fmts_from_preset( preset, self.plotmethod ) ret.update(dict(preset)) return ret return {} @property def plotmethod(self) -> str: """Get the name of the current plotmethod.""" return self.plot_tabs.tabText(self.plot_tabs.currentIndex()) @plotmethod.setter def plotmethod(self, label: str): i = next( ( i for i in range(self.plot_tabs.count()) if self.plot_tabs.tabText(i) == label ), None, ) if i is not None: self.plot_tabs.setCurrentIndex(i) @property def plotmethods(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of available plotmethods.""" return list(map(self.plot_tabs.tabText, range(self.plot_tabs.count()))) @property def plotmethod_widget(self) -> PlotMethodWidget: """Get widget of the current plotmethod.""" label = self.plotmethod i = next( ( i for i in range(self.plot_tabs.count()) if self.plot_tabs.tabText(i) == label ), None, ) return self.plot_tabs.widget(i) @property def plotmethod_widgets(self) -> Dict[str, PlotMethodWidget]: """Get a list of available plotmethod widgets.""" return dict( zip( self.plotmethods, map(self.plot_tabs.widget, range(self.plot_tabs.count())), ) ) _sp = None
[docs] def get_sp(self) -> Optional[Project]: sp = self._sp if sp is None: return sp return self.filter_sp(sp)
[docs] def filter_sp(self, sp: Project, ds_only: bool = False) -> Project: """Filter the psyplot project to only include the arrays of :attr:`ds`""" if self._new_plot: return None if self.ds is None: return sp num = self.ds.psy.num ret = sp[:0] for i in range(len(sp)): if list(sp[i : i + 1].datasets) == [num]: ret += sp[i : i + 1] if ds_only: return ret arr_name = self.arr_name if arr_name is None: return ret return ret(arr_name=arr_name)
[docs] def new_plot(self) -> None: """Select a new variable and make a plot. This method asks for a variable and them makes a new plot with the selected plotmethod. See Also -------- make_plot: plot the currently selected variable without asking """ if self.ds is not None: name, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "New plot", "Select a variable", self.plotmethod_widget.valid_variables(self.ds), ) if not ok: return with self.silence_variable_buttons(): for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setChecked(v == name) with self.creating_new_plot(): self.make_plot() self.btn_del.setEnabled(True) self.refresh()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def creating_new_plot(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Tell that we are making a new plot.""" self._new_plot = True yield self._new_plot = False
@property def sp(self) -> Optional[Project]: """Get the psyplot project of the current plotmethod.""" return self.plotmethod_widget.sp or None @sp.setter def sp(self, sp: Optional[Project]): if sp is None and ( not self._sp or not getattr(self._sp, self.plotmethod) ): pass else: # first remove the current arrays if self.get_sp() and getattr(self.get_sp(), self.plotmethod): to_remove = getattr(self.get_sp(), self.plotmethod).arr_names _sp: Project = self._sp # type: ignore for i in list(reversed(range(len(_sp)))): if _sp[i].psy.arr_name in to_remove: _sp.pop(i) # then add the new arrays if sp: if self._sp: self._sp.extend(list(sp), new_name=True) else: self._sp = sp @property def data(self) -> Union[psyd.InteractiveList, DataArray]: """Get the raw data of the current plot.""" return @property def plotter(self) -> Plotter: """Get the psyplot plotter of the current plot.""" return self.plotmethod_widget.plotter @property def fig(self) -> Figure: """Get the figure of the current plot.""" if self.sp: return list(self.sp.figs)[0] _animations: Dict[str, FuncAnimation] = {} @property def animation(self) -> Optional[FuncAnimation]: """Get the animation of the current plotmethod.""" return self._animations.get(self.plotmethod) @animation.setter def animation(self, ani: Optional[FuncAnimation]): if ani is None: self._animations.pop(self.plotmethod, None) else: self._animations[self.plotmethod] = ani
[docs] def make_plot(self) -> None: """Make or update the plot of the current variable. See Also -------- new_plot: A function to select the variable first """ plotmethods = self.available_plotmethods plotmethod = self.plotmethod if plotmethod not in plotmethods: if not plotmethods: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Visualization impossible", f"Found no plotmethod for variable {self.variable}", ) return plotmethod, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Choose a plot method", "Plot method:", plotmethods ) if not ok: return self.plotmethod = plotmethod new_v = self.variable fmts: Dict[str, Any] = {} dims: Dict[Hashable, int] = {} if self.sp: ds: Dataset = self.ds # type: ignore if not set( <= set(ds[new_v].dims): self.close_sp() else: for dim in set(ds[new_v].dims) - set( dims[dim] = 0 for dim in set( - set(ds[new_v].dims): del[dim] if self.sp: if is None:, **fmts) self.sp.update(replot=True) else:, dims=dims, **fmts) self.show_fig(self.sp) else: self.ani = None self.sp = sp = self.plot(name=self.variable, **self.plot_options) self._preset = None cid = sp.plotters[0].ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect( "button_press_event", self.display_line ) self.cids[self.plotmethod] = cid self.show_fig(sp) descr = sp[0].psy._short_info() with self.block_widgets(self.combo_array): self.combo_array.addItem(descr) self.combo_array.setCurrentText(descr) self.expand_current_variable() self.enable_navigation()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def block_widgets(self, *widgets: QtWidgets.QWidget) -> Iterator[None]: """Temporarilly block all signals for the given widgets.""" for w in widgets: w.blockSignals(True) yield for w in widgets: w.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def display_line(self, event: MouseEvent) -> None: """Display the line when clicked on a 2D-plot.""" if not event.inaxes: return else: sl = None for widget in map( self.plot_tabs.widget, range(self.plot_tabs.count()) ): if widget.sp and event.inaxes == sl = widget.get_slice(event.xdata, event.ydata) break variable = raw_data =[variable] if ( sl is None or widget.plotmethod not in ["mapplot", "plot2d"] or raw_data.ndim == 2 or != "" ): return # check if the mappable contains the event if not self.plotter.plot.mappable.contains(event)[0] and ( not hasattr(self.plotter.plot, "_wrapped_plot") or not self.plotter.plot._wrapped_plot.contains(event)[0] ): return current_pm = self.plotmethod self.plotmethod = "lineplot" linewidget = self.plotmethod_widget xdim = linewidget.xdim if xdim is None: xdim = self.combo_dims.currentText() if not linewidget.sp or ( linewidget.xdim and linewidget.xdim not in raw_data.dims ): with self.silence_variable_buttons(): for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setChecked(v == variable) self.make_plot() linewidget.xdim = xdim else: linewidget.xdim = xdim linewidget.add_line(variable, **sl) self.plotmethod = current_pm
[docs] def close_sp(self) -> None: """Close the current subproject.""" sp = self.sp self.sp = None if sp is not None: sp.close(figs=True, data=True, ds=False)
[docs] def show_current_figure(self) -> None: """Show figure of the current plotmethod.""" if self.sp is not None: self.show_fig(self.sp)
[docs] def show_fig(self, sp: Project) -> None: """Show the first figure in a psyplot project.""" if len(sp): try: fig = sp.plotters[0].ax.figure fig.canvas.window().show() fig.canvas.window().raise_() except AttributeError:
[docs] def switch_tab(self) -> None: """Select a valid variable when switching the plotmethod tabs.""" with self.silence_variable_buttons(): if self.sp: name = else: name = NOTSET for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setChecked(v == name) self.refresh()
[docs] def change_combo_array(self) -> None: """Update the iteration dimension depending on the selected variable.""" with self.block_widgets(self.combo_array): sp = self.filter_sp(self._sp, ds_only=True) if sp and self.arr_name not in sp.arr_names: new_arr = sp.arr_names[0] all_arrays = getattr(self._sp, self.plotmethod) try: idx_arr = all_arrays.arr_names.index(new_arr) except ValueError: idx_arr = 0 self.combo_array.setCurrentIndex(idx_arr) try: vname = except Exception: vname = self.variable if vname != NOTSET: self.expand_current_variable(vname) self.show_fig(sp[:1])
[docs] def reset_combo_array(self) -> None: """Clear and fill the iteration dimension based on :attr:`ds`.""" curr_arr_name = self.arr_name with self.block_widgets(self.combo_array): self.combo_array.clear() if self._sp: all_arrays = getattr(self._sp, self.plotmethod) current_ds = self.ds if all_arrays: for arr in all_arrays: self.combo_array.addItem(arr.psy._short_info()) if curr_arr_name in all_arrays.arr_names: idx_arr = all_arrays.arr_names.index(curr_arr_name) self.combo_array.setCurrentIndex(idx_arr) else: idx_arr = 0 self.ds = list( all_arrays[idx_arr : idx_arr + 1].datasets.values() )[0] if self.ds is not current_ds: with self.block_tree(): self.expand_ds_item(self.ds_item) self.expand_current_variable(
[docs] def refresh(self, reset_combo: bool = True) -> None: """Refresh the state of this widget. This method refreshes the widget based on the selected project, variable, etc. Parameters ---------- reset_combo: bool If True (default), the :meth:`reset_combo_array` is called """ self.clear_table() if reset_combo: self.reset_combo_array() if self.sp: variable = for action in self._save_preset_actions: action.setEnabled(True) self.btn_del.setEnabled(True) self.btn_export.setEnabled(True) else: variable = self.variable for action in self._save_preset_actions: action.setEnabled(False) self.btn_del.setEnabled(False) self.btn_export.setEnabled(False) # refresh variable buttons with self.silence_variable_buttons(): for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setChecked(v == variable) # refresh tabs for i in range(self.plot_tabs.count()): w = self.plot_tabs.widget(i) w.refresh(self.ds) if self.ds is not None and self.variable_buttons: valid_variables = self.plotmethod_widget.valid_variables(self.ds) for v, btn in self.variable_buttons.items(): btn.setEnabled(v in valid_variables) elif self.ds is None or variable == NOTSET or not self.sp: return table = self.dimension_table if self.sp: data = ds_data = self.ds.psy[self.variable] with self.silence_variable_buttons(): self.variable_buttons[self.variable].setChecked(True) dims: Tuple[Hashable, ...] = ds_data.dims # type: ignore table.setRowCount(ds_data.ndim) table.setVerticalHeaderLabels(ds_data.dims) # set time, z, x, y info for c in "XYTZ": cname = ds_data.psy.get_dim(c) if cname and cname in dims: table.setItem( dims.index(cname), 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(c) ) for i, dim in enumerate(dims): coord = self.ds[dim] if "units" in coord.attrs: table.setItem( i, 4, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(coord.attrs["units"])), ) try: coord = list(map("{:1.4f}".format, coord.values)) # type: ignore except (ValueError, TypeError): try: coord = coord.to_pandas().dt.to_pydatetime() # type: ignore except AttributeError: coord = list(map(str, coord.values)) # type: ignore else: coord = [t.isoformat() for t in coord] # type: ignore first = coord[0] last = coord[-1] table.setItem(i, 1, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(first)) table.setItem(i, 3, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(last)) current = data.psy.idims.get(dim) if current is not None and isinstance(current, int): table.setCellWidget( i, 2, self.new_dimension_button(dim, coord[current]) ) # update animation checkbox dims_to_animate = get_dims_to_iterate(data) current_dims_to_animate = list( map(self.combo_dims.itemText, range(self.combo_dims.count())) ) if dims_to_animate != current_dims_to_animate: self.combo_dims.clear() self.combo_dims.addItems(dims_to_animate) table.resizeColumnsToContents() # update plots items for ds_item in self.ds_items: for item in map(ds_item.child, range(ds_item.childCount())): for child in map(item.child, range(item.childCount())): if DatasetTree.is_variable(child): plots_item = ds_item.get_plots_item(child) ds_item.refresh_plots_item( plots_item, child.text(0), self._sp, self.sp )
[docs] def new_dimension_button( self, dim: Hashable, label: Any ) -> utils.QRightPushButton: """Generate a new button to increase of decrease a dimension.""" btn = utils.QRightPushButton(label) btn.clicked.connect(self.increase_dim(str(dim))) btn.rightclicked.connect(self.increase_dim(str(dim), -1)) btn.setToolTip( f"Increase dimension {dim} with left-click, and " "decrease with right-click." ) return btn
[docs] def update_project(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Update the correct project :attr:`sp` and refresh the widget.""" sp = self.sp if sp is not None: sp.update(*args, **kwargs) self.refresh()
[docs] def increase_dim(self, dim: str, increase: int = 1) -> Callable[[], None]: """Get a function to update a specific dimension. Parameters ---------- dim: str The dimension name increase: int The number of steps to increase (or decrease) the given `dim`. """ def update(): i =[dim] dims={dim: (i + increase) % self.ds.dims[dim]} ) if is None: self.sp.update(replot=True) self.refresh() return update
[docs] class DatasetWidgetStandAlone(DatasetWidget): """A :class:`DatasetWidget` that is supposed to work as a standalone GUI"""
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event: Any): """Reimplemented close event to stop the running ``QApplication``.""" ret = super().closeEvent(event) QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().quit() return ret
[docs] class DatasetWidgetPlugin(DatasetWidget, DockMixin): """A :class:`DatasetWidget` plugin for the psyplot GUI. This widget can be embeded in the psyplot GUI. Different from the standalone :class:`DatasetWidget` class, this one here uses the current psyplot project (:func:`psyplot.project.gcp`) """ #: The title of the widget title = "psy-view Dataset viewer" #: Display the dock widget at the right side of the GUI dock_position = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): import psyplot.project as psy super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) psy.Project.oncpchange.connect(self.oncpchange) @property # type: ignore def _sp(self) -> Project: # type: ignore import psyplot.project as psy return psy.gcp(True) @_sp.setter def _sp(self, value): pass @property def sp(self) -> Optional[Project]: """Get the psyplot project of the current plotmethod.""" return self.plotmethod_widget.sp or None @sp.setter def sp(self, sp: Optional[Project]): current = self.get_sp() if sp is None or not current: return elif getattr(current, self.plotmethod, []): if len(current) == 1 and len(sp) == 1: pass # first remove the current arrays if current and getattr(current, self.plotmethod): to_remove = getattr(self.get_sp(), self.plotmethod).arr_names for i in list(reversed(range(len(current)))): if current[i].psy.arr_name in to_remove: current.pop(i) # then add the new arrays if sp: if current: current.extend(list(sp), new_name=True) else: current = sp current.oncpchange.emit(current) @property def open_datasets(self) -> Dict[int, Dataset]: """Get a mapping from path to dataset number of the open datasets.""" ret = self._sp.datasets ret.update(self._ds_nums) return ret
[docs] def close_sp(self) -> None: ds = self.ds super().close_sp() if ds is not None: if ds.psy.num not in self._sp.datasets: self.set_dataset(ds)
[docs] def reload(self) -> None: """Close the plot and recreate it.""" import psyplot.project as psy if not all(self._sp.dsnames_map.values()): # we have datasets that only exist in memory, so better ask answer = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Shall I close this?", "Reloading the data closes all open plots. Any data in the memory " "is lost and open files are reloaded from disk! " "Shall I really continue?", ) if answer != QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: return sp = self._sp fname = sp.dsnames_map[self.ds.psy.num] # type: ignore project = sp.save_project() sp.close(True, True, True) self.ds_tree.clear() self._ds_nums.clear() self.refresh() self._sp = sp = psy.Project.load_project(project) num = next(num for num, f in sp.dsnames_map.items() if f == fname) self.ds = self.open_datasets[num] self.refresh()
[docs] def oncpchange(self, sp: Optional[Project]) -> None: """Update this widget from the current psyplot main (or sub) project.""" self.reset_combo_array() if self.ds is not None and self.ds.psy.num not in self._sp.datasets: self.ds = None self.disable_navigation() self.setup_variable_buttons() self.btn_add.setEnabled(False) self.btn_del.setEnabled(False) elif self.ds is None and self._sp: self.set_dataset(next(iter(self._sp.datasets.values()))) elif self.ds is not None and self._sp: self.enable_navigation()
[docs] def show_fig(self, sp: Optional[Project]) -> None: """Show the figure of the the current subproject.""" from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow super().show_fig(sp) if mainwindow.figures and sp: try: dock = sp.plotters[0].ax.figure.canvas.manager.window dock.widget().show_plugin() dock.raise_() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def setup_ds_tree(self) -> None: """Setup the number of columns and the header of the dataset tree. Reimplemented to use the :class:`psyplot_gui.content_widget.DatasetTree` """ self.ds_tree = tree = DatasetTree() tree.setColumnCount(len(self.ds_attr_columns) + 1) tree.setHeaderLabels([""] + self.ds_attr_columns)
[docs] def position_dock(self, main: MainWindow, *args, **kwargs) -> None: height = main.help_explorer.dock.size().height() main.splitDockWidget(main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock, Qt.Vertical) if hasattr(main, "resizeDocks"): # qt >= 5.6 main.resizeDocks( [main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock], [height // 2, height // 2], Qt.Vertical, )