Source code for psy_view.plotmethods

"""Plotmethod widgets.

This module defines the widgets to interface with the mapplot, plot2d and
lineplot plotmethods.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import dataclasses
import textwrap
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, cycle
from typing import (

import matplotlib.colors as mcol
import psy_simple.widgets.colors as pswc
import as psyd
import xarray as xr
from psyplot.utils import unique_everseen
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon as get_psy_icon
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

import psy_view.dialogs as dialogs
import psy_view.utils as utils
from psy_view.rcsetup import rcParams

    from import InteractiveList
    from psyplot.plotter import Plotter
    from psyplot.project import Project
    from xarray import DataArray, Dataset

T = TypeVar("T", bound="GridCell")

[docs] class PlotType(str, Enum): """A value for the 2D ``plot`` formatoption. See Also -------- psy_simple.plotters.Simple2DPlotter.plot psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.plot """ mesh = "mesh" contourf = "contourf" contour = "contour" poly = "poly"
#: A mapping from projection identifier to the text we want to use in the GUI projection_map = { "cf": "Default", "cyl": "Cylindric", "robin": "Robinson", "ortho": "Orthographic", "moll": "Mollweide", "northpole": "Arctic (Northpole)", "southpole": "Antarctic (Southpole)", }
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class GridCell: """A grid cell within a QGridLayout managing one QWidget.""" #: the :class:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` instance (i.e. the widget) or a #: layout (:class:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLayout`) qobject: Union[QtWidgets.QWidget, QtWidgets.QLayout] #: The starting column for the widget. If None, it will be estimated based #: on the other widgets in the row column: Optional[int] = None #: The number of columns to cover colspan: int = 1 #: A boolean whether to add stretch or not stretch: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_alias( cls: Type[T], o: Union[QtWidgets.QWidget, QtWidgets.QLayout], c: Optional[int] = None, cs: int = 1, s: bool = False, ) -> T: """Create a :class:`GridCell` from shorter kws. Parameters ---------- o: QWidget or QLayout The alias for :attr:`qobject` c: int or None, optional The alias for :attr:`column` cs: int, optional The alias for :attr:`colspan` s: bool, optional The alias for :attr:`stretch` Returns ------- GridCell The generated instance of :class:`GridCell` """ return cls(qobject=o, column=c, colspan=cs, stretch=s)
[docs] class PlotMethodWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """Base class for interfacing a psyplot plotmethod. This method serves as a base class for interfacing any of the psyplot plot methods registered via :func:`psyplot.project.register_plotter`. The name of the plotmethod should be implemented as the :attr:`plotmethod` attribute. """ plotmethod: ClassVar[str] = "" #: trigger a replot of this widget. This can be emitted with the #: :meth:`trigger_replot` method replot = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: trigger a replot of this widget. This can be emitted with the #: :meth:`trigger_reset` method reset = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) #: signalize that the widget has been changed but not plot changes are #: needed changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) array_info = None layout: QtWidgets.QGridLayout = None def __init__( self, get_sp: Callable[[], Optional[Project]], ds: Optional[Dataset] ): super().__init__() self._get_sp = get_sp self.setup() if hasattr(self, "layout"): self.setLayout(self.layout) self.refresh(ds)
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Set up the widget during initialization.""" self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.setup_widgets() self.setup_widget_grid()
@property def formatoption_rows(self) -> List[List[GridCell]]: """Get a mapping from row name to a row of :class:`GridCells`.""" rows: List[List[GridCell]] = [] for func in self.fmt_setup_functions: rows.extend(self.get_rows(func)) return rows
[docs] def get_rows(self, func: Callable) -> List[List[GridCell]]: """Get the rows of the formatoption widgets. This method should take callable from the :attr:`fmt_setup_functions` list and return the rows corresponding to :attr:`formatoption_rows`. """ return [[]]
@property def fmt_setup_functions(self) -> List[Callable]: """Get a list of rows for formatoptions. This property returns a list of callable. Each callable should setup a horizonal (or widget) that is added to the :attr:`layout` vbox. """ return []
[docs] def setup_widgets(self) -> None: """Set up the widgets for this plotmethod.""" for func in self.fmt_setup_functions: func()
[docs] def setup_separation_line(self) -> None: """Just a convenience function to create a separation line. This method does nothing but tells :meth:`get_rows` to add an instance of :class:`QHline`. """ pass
[docs] def setup_widget_grid(self) -> None: """Setup the widget grid based on :attr:`formatoption_rows`.""" rows = self.formatoption_rows layout = self.layout for i, row in enumerate(rows): col: int = 0 for gc in row: col = gc.column if gc.column is not None else col if isinstance(gc.qobject, QtWidgets.QLayout): layout.addLayout(gc.qobject, i, col, 1, gc.colspan) else: layout.addWidget(gc.qobject, i, col, 1, gc.colspan) col += gc.colspan layout.setRowStretch(len(rows), 1)
@property def sp(self) -> Optional[Project]: """Get the subproject of this plotmethod interface.""" return getattr(self._get_sp(), self.plotmethod, None) @property def data(self) -> Union[DataArray, InteractiveList]: """Get the data of this plotmethod interface.""" if self.sp is None: raise ValueError("No plot has yet been initialized") else: return self.sp[0] @property def plotter(self) -> Optional[Plotter]: """Get the first plotter of the :attr:`sp` project.""" if self.sp and self.sp.plotters: return self.sp.plotters[0] else: return None @property def formatoptions(self) -> List[str]: """Get the formatoption keys of this plotmethod.""" if self.plotter is not None: return list(self.plotter) else: import psyplot.project as psy return list(getattr(psy.plot, self.plotmethod).plotter_cls())
[docs] def get_fmts( self, var: DataArray, init: bool = False ) -> Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any]: """Get the formatoptions for a new plot. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.Variable The variable in the base dataset init: bool If True, call the :meth:`init_dims` method to inject necessary formatoptions and dimensions for the initialization. Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoption or dimension to the corresponding value for the plotmethod. """ ret = {} if init: ret.update(self.init_dims(var)) return ret
[docs] def init_dims( self, var: DataArray ) -> Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any]: """Get the formatoptions for a new plot. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.Variable The variable in the base dataset Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoption or dimension to the corresponding value for the plotmethod. """ return {}
[docs] def refresh(self, ds: Optional[Dataset]) -> None: """Refresh this widget from the given dataset.""" self.setEnabled(bool(self.sp))
[docs] def trigger_replot(self) -> None: """Emit the :attr:`replot` signal to replot the project.""" self.replot.emit(self.plotmethod)
[docs] def trigger_reset(self): """Emit the :attr:`reset` signal to reinitialize the project.""" self.array_info = self.sp.array_info(standardize_dims=False)[ self.sp[0].psy.arr_name ] self.reset.emit(self.plotmethod)
[docs] def trigger_refresh(self): """Emit the :attr:`changed` signal to notify changes in the plot.""" self.changed.emit(self.plotmethod)
[docs] def get_slice( self, x: float, y: float ) -> Optional[Dict[Hashable, Union[int, slice]]]: """Get the slice for the selected coordinates. This method is called when the user clicks on the coordinates in the plot. See Also -------- psy_view.ds_widget.DatasetWidget.display_line Notes ----- This is reimplemented in the :class:`MapPlotWidget`. """ return None
[docs] def valid_variables(self, ds: Dataset) -> List[Hashable]: """Get a list of variables that can be visualized with this plotmethod. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset The dataset to use Returns ------- list of str List of variable names to plot """ ret = [] plotmethod = getattr(ds.psy.plot, self.plotmethod) for v in list(ds): init_kws = self.init_dims(ds[v]) # type: ignore dims = init_kws.get("dims", {}) decoder = init_kws.get("decoder") if plotmethod.check_data(ds, v, dims, decoder)[0][0]: ret.append(v) return ret
[docs] class QHLine(QtWidgets.QFrame): """A horizontal seperation line.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setMinimumWidth(1) self.setFixedHeight(20) self.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum )
[docs] class MapPlotWidget(PlotMethodWidget): """A widget to control the mapplot plotmethod.""" plotmethod = "mapplot" @property def sp(self) -> Optional[Project]: sp = super().sp if sp: arrays: List[str] = [ data.psy.arr_name for data in sp if not isinstance(data, psyd.InteractiveList) ] return sp(arr_name=arrays) return sp
[docs] def get_rows(self, func: Callable) -> List[List[GridCell]]: """Get the rows of the formatoption widgets. This method should take callable from the :attr:`fmt_setup_functions` list and return the rows corresponding to :attr:`formatoption_rows`. """ if func == self.setup_color_buttons: row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("Colormap")), GridCell(self.btn_cmap), GridCell(self.btn_cmap_settings, stretch=True), ] elif func == self.setup_plot_buttons: row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("Plot type")), GridCell(self.combo_plot), GridCell(self.btn_datagrid, stretch=True), ] elif func == self.setup_projection_buttons: row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("Projection")), GridCell(self.btn_proj), GridCell(self.btn_proj_settings, stretch=True), ] elif func == self.setup_labels_button: row = [GridCell(self.btn_labels, colspan=3)] elif func == self.setup_separation_line: row = [GridCell(QHLine(), colspan=3)] elif func == self.setup_dimension_box: row = [GridCell(self.dimension_box, colspan=3)] elif func == self.setup_fix_extent_buttons: hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.btn_fix_extent) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_fix_lonlatbox) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_reset_extent) row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("Viewport")), GridCell(hbox, colspan=3), ] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown function {func}") return [row]
@property def fmt_setup_functions(self) -> List[Callable]: """Get a list of rows for formatoptions. This property returns a list of callable. Each callable should setup a horizonal (or widget) that is added to the :attr:`layout` vbox. """ return [ self.setup_color_buttons, self.setup_plot_buttons, self.setup_projection_buttons, self.setup_labels_button, self.setup_separation_line, self.setup_fix_extent_buttons, self.setup_separation_line, self.setup_dimension_box, ]
[docs] def setup_labels_button(self) -> None: """Add a button to modify the text labels.""" self.btn_labels = utils.add_pushbutton( "Edit labels", self.edit_labels, "Edit title, colorbar labels, etc.", )
[docs] def setup_fix_extent_buttons(self): """Setup the buttons for fixing the extent or data""" self.btn_fix_extent = utils.add_pushbutton( "Fix view", self.fix_extent, ( "Fix the current view such that it is not update on redrawing " "the plot." ), ) self.btn_fix_lonlatbox = utils.add_pushbutton( "Restrict data", self.fix_data, ( "Extract the data for the plot, such that it matches the " "current view." ), ) self.btn_reset_extent = utils.add_pushbutton( "Reset", self.reset_extent_and_lonlatbox, ( "Reset the view and the data selection to the default " "(i.e. to the full data)." ), )
[docs] def fix_extent(self): """Call the fix_map_extent method of all map plotters.""" for plotter in self.sp.plotters: if hasattr(plotter, "fix_map_extent"): plotter.fix_map_extent()
[docs] def fix_data(self): """Call the fix_lonlatbox method of all map plotters.""" for plotter in self.sp.plotters: if hasattr(plotter, "fix_lonlatbox"): plotter.fix_lonlatbox()
[docs] def reset_extent_and_lonlatbox(self): """Reset the extent and the lonlatbox to the defaults.""" for plotter in self.sp.plotters: plotter.update( lonlatbox=plotter.lonlatbox.default, map_extent=plotter.map_extent.default, force=True, )
[docs] def setup_plot_buttons(self) -> None: """Setup the second row of formatoption widgets.""" self.combo_plot = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.plot_types: List[Optional[PlotType]] = [ PlotType.mesh, PlotType.contourf, PlotType.contour, PlotType.poly, None, ] self.combo_plot.setEditable(False) self.combo_plot.addItems( [ "Default", "Filled contours", "Contours", "Gridcell polygons", "Disable", ] ) self.combo_plot.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._set_plot_type) self.btn_datagrid = utils.add_pushbutton( "Gridcell boundaries", self.toggle_datagrid, "Toggle the visibility of grid cell boundaries", ) self.btn_datagrid.setCheckable(True) return
[docs] def setup_color_buttons(self) -> None: """Set up the buttons to change the colormap, etc.""" self.btn_cmap = pswc.CmapButton() self.btn_cmap.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.btn_cmap.setToolTip("Select a different colormap") self.btn_cmap.colormap_changed.connect(self.set_cmap) self.btn_cmap.colormap_changed[mcol.Colormap].connect(self.set_cmap) self.setup_cmap_menu() self.btn_cmap_settings = utils.add_pushbutton( utils.get_icon("color_settings"), self.edit_color_settings, "Edit color settings", icon=True, )
[docs] def setup_cmap_menu(self) -> QtWidgets.QMenu: """Set up the menu to change the colormaps.""" menu = self.btn_cmap.cmap_menu menu.addSeparator() self.select_cmap_action = menu.addAction( "More colormaps", self.open_cmap_dialog ) self.color_settings_action = menu.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(utils.get_icon("color_settings")), "More options", self.edit_color_settings, ) return menu
[docs] def open_cmap_dialog(self, N: int = 10) -> None: """Open the dialog to change the colormap. Parameters ---------- N: int The number of colormaps to show See Also -------- psy_simple.widgets.colors.CmapButton """ if self.plotter: N = self.plotter.plot.mappable.get_cmap().N else: N = 10 self.btn_cmap.open_cmap_dialog(N)
[docs] def setup_projection_menu(self) -> QtWidgets.QMenu: """Set up the menu to modify the basemap.""" menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() for projection in rcParams["projections"]: menu.addAction( projection_map.get(projection, projection), partial(self.set_projection, projection), ) menu.addSeparator() self.proj_settings_action = menu.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(utils.get_icon("proj_settings")), "Customize basemap...", self.edit_basemap_settings, ) return menu
[docs] def get_projection_label(self, proj: str) -> str: """Get the label for a projection in the GUI. Parameters ---------- proj: str The projection value for the :attr:`~psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.plot` formatoption Returns ------- str The label of the projection in the GUI See Also -------- get_projection_label projection_map psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.plot """ return projection_map.get(proj, proj)
[docs] def get_projection_value(self, label: str) -> str: """Get the value for the `projection` formatoption. This method is the inverse of :meth:`get_projection_label`. Parameters ---------- label: str The projection label that is used in the GUI :attr:`~psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.plot` formatoption Returns ------- str The value to use for the ``projection`` formatoption See Also -------- get_projection_label projection_map psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.plot """ inv_map = {lbl: proj for proj, lbl in projection_map.items()} return inv_map.get(label, rcParams["projections"][0])
[docs] def setup_projection_buttons(self) -> None: """Set up the buttons to modify the basemap.""" self.btn_proj = utils.add_pushbutton( self.get_projection_label(rcParams["projections"][0]), self.choose_next_projection, "Change the basemap projection", toolbutton=True, ) self.btn_proj.setMenu(self.setup_projection_menu()) self.btn_proj.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.btn_proj.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) self.btn_proj_settings = utils.add_pushbutton( utils.get_icon("proj_settings"), self.edit_basemap_settings, "Edit basemap settings", icon=True, )
[docs] def setup_dimension_box(self) -> None: """Set up a box to control, what is the x and y-dimension.""" self.dimension_box = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.dimension_box.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("x-Dimension:"), 0, 0) self.combo_xdim = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.dimension_box.addWidget(self.combo_xdim, 0, 1) self.dimension_box.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("y-Dimension:"), 0, 2) self.combo_ydim = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.dimension_box.addWidget(self.combo_ydim, 0, 3) self.dimension_box.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("x-Coordinate:"), 1, 0) self.combo_xcoord = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.dimension_box.addWidget(self.combo_xcoord, 1, 1) self.dimension_box.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel("y-Coordinate:"), 1, 2) self.combo_ycoord = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.dimension_box.addWidget(self.combo_ycoord, 1, 3) self.combo_xdim.currentTextChanged.connect(self.set_xcoord) self.combo_ydim.currentTextChanged.connect(self.set_ycoord) for combo in self.coord_combos: combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.trigger_refresh)
[docs] def set_xcoord(self, text: str) -> None: """Set the name of the x-coordinate.""" self.set_combo_text(self.combo_xcoord, text)
[docs] def set_ycoord(self, text: str) -> None: """Set the name of the y-coordinate.""" self.set_combo_text(self.combo_ycoord, text)
[docs] def set_combo_text(self, combo: QtWidgets.QComboBox, text: str) -> None: """Convenience function to update set the current text of a combobox. Parameters ---------- combo: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QComboBox The combobox to modify text: str The item to use""" items = list(map(combo.itemText, range(combo.count()))) if text in items: combo.setCurrentIndex(items.index(text))
[docs] def init_dims( self, var: DataArray ) -> Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any]: """Get the formatoptions for a new plot. This method updates the coordinates combo boxes with the x- and y-coordinate of the variable. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.Variable The variable in the base dataset Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoption or dimension to the corresponding value for the plotmethod. """ ret = super().init_dims(var) dims: Dict[Hashable, Union[int, slice]] = {} xdim = ydim = None if self.combo_xdim.currentIndex(): xdim = self.combo_xdim.currentText() if xdim in var.dims: dims[xdim] = slice(None) if self.combo_ydim.currentIndex(): ydim = self.combo_ydim.currentText() if ydim in var.dims: dims[ydim] = slice(None) if dims: missing = [dim for dim in var.dims if dim not in dims] for dim in missing: dims[dim] = 0 if len(dims) == 1 and xdim != ydim: if xdim is None: xdim = missing[-1] else: ydim = missing[-1] dims[missing[-1]] = slice(None) # keep the last dimension ret["dims"] = dims if self.combo_xcoord.currentIndex(): xcoord = self.combo_xcoord.currentText() ret["decoder"] = {"x": {xcoord}} if self.combo_ycoord.currentIndex(): ycoord = self.combo_ycoord.currentText() ret.setdefault("decoder", {}) ret["decoder"]["y"] = {ycoord} if ( xdim is not None and xdim in var.dims and ydim is not None and ydim in var.dims ): ret["transpose"] = var.dims.index(xdim) < var.dims.index(ydim) return ret
[docs] def valid_variables(self, ds: Dataset) -> List[Hashable]: """Get a list of variables that can be visualized with this plotmethod. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset The dataset to use Returns ------- list of str List of variable names to plot """ valid = super().valid_variables(ds) if not any(combo.count() for combo in self.coord_combos) or not any( combo.currentIndex() for combo in self.coord_combos ): return valid if self.combo_xdim.currentIndex(): xdim = self.combo_xdim.currentText() valid = [v for v in valid if xdim in ds[v].dims] if self.combo_ydim.currentIndex(): ydim = self.combo_xdim.currentText() valid = [v for v in valid if ydim in ds[v].dims] if self.combo_xcoord.currentIndex(): xc_dims = set(ds[self.combo_xcoord.currentText()].dims) valid = [v for v in valid if xc_dims.intersection(ds[v].dims)] if self.combo_ycoord.currentIndex(): yc_dims = set(ds[self.combo_ycoord.currentText()].dims) valid = [v for v in valid if yc_dims.intersection(ds[v].dims)] return valid
@property def coord_combos(self) -> List[QtWidgets.QComboBox]: """Get the combo boxes for x- and y-dimension and -coordinates.""" return [ self.combo_xdim, self.combo_ydim, self.combo_xcoord, self.combo_ycoord, ]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def block_combos(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Temporarilly block any signal of the :attr:`coord_combos`.""" for combo in self.coord_combos: combo.blockSignals(True) yield for combo in self.coord_combos: combo.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def setEnabled(self, b: bool) -> None: """Enable or disable the projection and color buttons. Parameters ---------- b: bool If True, enable the buttons, else disable. """ self.btn_proj_settings.setEnabled(b) self.proj_settings_action.setEnabled(b) self.btn_datagrid.setEnabled(b) self.color_settings_action.setEnabled(b) self.btn_cmap_settings.setEnabled(b) self.btn_labels.setEnabled(b) self.btn_fix_extent.setEnabled(b) self.btn_fix_lonlatbox.setEnabled(b) self.btn_reset_extent.setEnabled(b)
[docs] def set_cmap(self, cmap: str) -> None: """Update the plotter with the given colormap. Parameters ---------- cmap: str The colormap name. """ plotter = self.plotter if plotter and "cmap" in plotter: plotter.update(cmap=cmap)
[docs] def toggle_datagrid(self) -> None: """Toggle the visibility of the grid cell boundaries.""" if self.plotter: if self.btn_datagrid.isChecked(): self.plotter.update(datagrid="k-") else: self.plotter.update(datagrid=None)
[docs] def edit_labels(self) -> None: """Open the dialog to edit the text labels in the plot.""" dialogs.LabelDialog.update_project( self.sp, "figtitle", "title", "clabel" )
[docs] def edit_color_settings(self) -> None: """Open the dialog to edit the color settings.""" if self.sp and self.plotter: dialogs.CmapDialog.update_project(self.sp) if isinstance(self.plotter.cmap.value, str): self.btn_cmap.setText(self.plotter.cmap.value) else: self.btn_cmap.setText("Custom")
[docs] def choose_next_projection(self) -> None: """Choose the next projection from the rcParams `projection` value.""" select = False nprojections = len(rcParams["projections"]) current = self.get_projection_value(self.btn_proj.text()) for i, proj in enumerate(cycle(rcParams["projections"])): if proj == current: select = True elif select or i == nprojections: break self.set_projection(proj)
[docs] def set_projection(self, proj: str) -> None: """Update the projection of the plot with the given projection. Parameters ---------- projection: str The projection name for the :attr:`~psy_maps.plotters.FieldPlotter.projection` formatoption. """ self.btn_proj.setText(self.get_projection_label(proj)) plotter = self.plotter if plotter and "projection" in plotter: plotter.update(projection=proj)
def _set_plot_type(self, i: int) -> None: """Set the plot type from the index in :attr:`combo_plot`.""" self.set_plot_type(self.plot_types[i])
[docs] def set_plot_type(self, plot_type: Optional[PlotType]) -> None: """Update the value for the ``plot`` formatoption Parameters ---------- ploy_type: :class:`PlotType` or None The value for the :attr:`~psy_simple.plotters.Simple2DPlotter.plot` formatoption. """ plotter = self.plotter if plotter: plotter.update(plot=plot_type)
[docs] def edit_basemap_settings(self) -> None: """Open a dialog to edit the basemap and projection settings.""" if self.plotter: dialogs.BasemapDialog.update_plotter(self.plotter)
[docs] def get_fmts( self, var: DataArray, init: bool = False ) -> Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any]: """Get the formatoptions for a new plot. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.Variable The variable in the base dataset init: bool If True, call the :meth:`init_dims` method to inject necessary formatoptions and dimensions for the initialization. Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoption or dimension to the corresponding value for the plotmethod. """ fmts: Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any] = {} fmts["cmap"] = self.btn_cmap.text() if "projection" in self.formatoptions: fmts["projection"] = self.get_projection_value( self.btn_proj.text() ) if "time" in var.dims: fmts["title"] = "%(time)s" if "long_name" in var.attrs: fmts["clabel"] = "%(long_name)s" else: fmts["clabel"] = "%(name)s" if "units" in var.attrs: fmts["clabel"] += " %(units)s" fmts["plot"] = self.plot_types[self.combo_plot.currentIndex()] if fmts["plot"] == "contour": # we need to set a global map extend, see # fmts["map_extent"] = "global" if init: fmts.update(self.init_dims(var)) return fmts
[docs] def refresh(self, ds: Optional[Dataset]) -> None: """Refresh this widget from the given dataset.""" self.setEnabled(bool(self.sp)) auto = "Set automatically" self.refresh_from_sp() with self.block_combos(): if ds is None: ds = xr.Dataset() current_dims = set( map( self.combo_xdim.itemText, range(1, self.combo_xdim.count()) ) ) ds_dims = list( map(str, (dim for dim, n in ds.dims.items() if n > 1)) ) if current_dims != set(ds_dims): self.combo_xdim.clear() self.combo_ydim.clear() self.combo_xdim.addItems([auto] + ds_dims) self.combo_ydim.addItems([auto] + ds_dims) current_coords = set( map( self.combo_xcoord.itemText, range(1, self.combo_xcoord.count()), ) ) ds_coords = list( map(str, (c for c, arr in ds.coords.items() if arr.ndim)) ) if current_coords != set(ds_coords): self.combo_xcoord.clear() self.combo_ycoord.clear() self.combo_xcoord.addItems([auto] + ds_coords) self.combo_ycoord.addItems([auto] + ds_coords) enable_combos = not bool(self.sp) if not enable_combos and self.combo_xdim.isEnabled(): self.reset_combos = [ combo.currentIndex() == 0 for combo in self.coord_combos ] elif enable_combos and not self.combo_xdim.isEnabled(): for reset, combo in zip(self.reset_combos, self.coord_combos): if reset: combo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.reset_combos = [False] * len(self.coord_combos) for combo in self.coord_combos: combo.setEnabled(enable_combos) if not enable_combos: data = xdim = str(data.psy.get_dim("x")) ydim = str(data.psy.get_dim("y")) self.combo_xdim.setCurrentText(xdim) self.combo_ydim.setCurrentText(ydim) xcoord = data.psy.get_coord("x") xcoord = if xcoord is not None else xdim ycoord = data.psy.get_coord("y") ycoord = if ycoord is not None else ydim self.combo_xcoord.setCurrentText(xcoord) self.combo_ycoord.setCurrentText(ycoord)
[docs] def refresh_from_sp(self) -> None: """Refresh this widget from the plotters project.""" plotter = self.plotter if plotter: if isinstance(plotter.projection.value, str): self.btn_proj.setText( self.get_projection_label(plotter.projection.value) ) else: self.btn_proj.setText("Custom") if isinstance(plotter.cmap.value, str): self.btn_cmap.setText(plotter.cmap.value) else: self.btn_cmap.setText("Custom")
[docs] def transform(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Transform coordinates of a point to the plots projection. Parameters ---------- x: float The x-coordinate in axes coordinates y: float The y-coordinate in axes coordinates Returns ------- float The transformed x-coordinate `x` float The transformed y-coordinate `y` """ import as ccrs import numpy as np plotter = self.plotter if not plotter: raise ValueError( "Cannot transform the coordinates as no plot is shown " "currently!" ) x, y = plotter.transform.projection.transform_point( x, y, ) # shift if necessary if isinstance(plotter.transform.projection, ccrs.PlateCarree): coord = plotter.plot.xcoord if coord.min() >= 0 and x < 0: x -= 360 elif coord.max() <= 180 and x > 180: x -= 360 if "rad" in coord.attrs.get("units", "").lower(): x = np.deg2rad(x) y = np.deg2rad(y) return x, y
[docs] def get_slice( self, x: float, y: float ) -> Optional[Dict[Hashable, Union[int, slice]]]: """Get the slice for the selected coordinates. This method is called when the user clicks on the coordinates in the plot. See Also -------- psy_view.ds_widget.DatasetWidget.display_line Notes ----- This is reimplemented in the :class:`MapPlotWidget`. """ import numpy as np data =[] x, y = self.transform(x, y) plotter = self.plotter if not plotter: raise ValueError( "Cannot transform the coordinates as no plot is shown " "currently!" ) fmto = plotter.plot xcoord = fmto.xcoord ycoord = fmto.ycoord if fmto.decoder.is_unstructured(fmto.raw_data) or xcoord.ndim == 2: xy = xcoord.values.ravel() + 1j * ycoord.values.ravel() dist = np.abs(xy - (x + 1j * y)) imin = np.nanargmin(dist) if xcoord.ndim == 2: ncols = data.shape[-2] return dict(zip(data.dims[-2:], [imin // ncols, imin % ncols])) else: return {data.dims[-1]: imin} else: ix: int = xcoord.indexes[].get_loc(x, method="nearest") iy: int = ycoord.indexes[].get_loc(y, method="nearest") return dict(zip(data.dims[-2:], [iy, ix]))
[docs] class Plot2DWidget(MapPlotWidget): """A widget to control the plot2d plotmethod.""" plotmethod = "plot2d" @property def fmt_setup_functions(self) -> List[Callable]: """Get a list of rows for formatoptions. This property returns a list of callable. Each callable should setup a horizonal (or widget) that is added to the :attr:`layout` vbox. """ ret = super().fmt_setup_functions ret.remove(self.setup_projection_buttons) idx_extent = ret.index(self.setup_fix_extent_buttons) # remove the separator and the function del ret[idx_extent - 1] del ret[idx_extent - 1] return ret
[docs] def setEnabled(self, b: bool) -> None: """Enable or disable the datagrid and color buttons. Parameters ---------- b: bool If True, enable the buttons, else disable. """ self.btn_datagrid.setEnabled(b) self.btn_cmap_settings.setEnabled(b) self.btn_labels.setEnabled(b)
[docs] def edit_labels(self) -> None: """Open the dialog to edit the text labels in the plot.""" dialogs.LabelDialog.update_project( self.sp, "figtitle", "title", "clabel", "xlabel", "ylabel" )
[docs] def transform(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Reimplemented to not transform the coordinates.""" return x, y
[docs] def refresh_from_sp(self) -> None: """Refresh this widget from the plotters project.""" plotter = self.plotter if plotter: if isinstance(plotter.cmap.value, str): self.btn_cmap.setText(plotter.cmap.value)
[docs] class LinePlotWidget(PlotMethodWidget): """A widget to control the lineplot plotmethod.""" plotmethod = "lineplot" @property def fmt_setup_functions(self) -> List[Callable]: return [ self.setup_dimension_combo, self.setup_line_selection, self.setup_labels_button, ]
[docs] def get_rows(self, func: Callable) -> List[List[GridCell]]: """Get the rows of the formatoption widgets. This method should take callable from the :attr:`fmt_setup_functions` list and return the rows corresponding to :attr:`formatoption_rows`. """ if func == self.setup_dimension_combo: row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("x-Dimension:")), GridCell(self.combo_dims), ] elif func == self.setup_line_selection: row = [ GridCell(QtWidgets.QLabel("Active line:")), GridCell(self.combo_lines), GridCell(self.btn_add), GridCell(self.btn_del), ] elif func == self.setup_labels_button: row = [GridCell(self.btn_labels, colspan=4)] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown function {func}") return [row]
[docs] def setup_dimension_combo(self) -> None: """Set up the combobox for selecting the x-dimension.""" self.combo_dims = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.combo_dims.setEditable(False) self.combo_dims.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.trigger_reset) self.combo_dims.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding )
[docs] def setup_line_selection(self) -> None: """Setup the row for selecting new lines.""" self.combo_lines = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.combo_lines.setEditable(False) self.combo_lines.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.combo_lines.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.trigger_refresh) self.btn_add = utils.add_pushbutton( QtGui.QIcon(get_psy_icon("plus")), lambda: self.add_line(), "Add a line to the plot", icon=True, ) self.btn_del = utils.add_pushbutton( QtGui.QIcon(get_psy_icon("minus")), self.remove_line, "Add a line to the plot", icon=True, )
[docs] def setup_labels_button(self) -> None: """Add a button to modify the text labels.""" self.btn_labels = utils.add_pushbutton( "Edit labels", self.edit_labels, "Edit title, x-label, legendlabels, etc.", )
@property def xdim(self) -> str: """Get the x-dimension for the plot.""" return self.combo_dims.currentText() @xdim.setter def xdim(self, xdim: Hashable) -> None: if xdim != self.combo_dims.currentText(): self.combo_dims.setCurrentText(str(xdim)) @property def data(self) -> DataArray: """The first array in the list.""" data = super().data if len(data) - 1 < self.combo_lines.currentIndex(): return data[0] else: return data[self.combo_lines.currentIndex()]
[docs] def add_line(self, name: Hashable = None, **sl) -> None: """Add a line to the plot. This method adds a new line for the plot specified by the given `name` of the variable and the slices. Parameters ---------- name: str The variable name to display ``**sl`` The slices to turn the `name` variable into a 1D-array. """ if not self.sp: raise ValueError("No plot has yet been initialized!") ds = xdim = self.xdim if name is None: name, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem( self, "New line", "Select a variable", [key for key, var in ds.items() if xdim in var.dims], ) if not ok: return arr = ds.psy[name] for key, val in if key in arr.dims: sl.setdefault(key, val) for dim in arr.dims: if dim != xdim: sl.setdefault(dim, 0) self.sp[0].append(arr.psy[sl], new_name=True) item = self.item_texts[-1] self.sp.update(replot=True) self.combo_lines.addItem(item) self.combo_lines.setCurrentText(item) self.trigger_refresh()
[docs] def remove_line(self) -> None: """Remove the current line from the plot.""" if not self.sp: raise ValueError( "No plot has yet been initialized, so I cannot remove any line!" ) i = self.combo_lines.currentIndex() self.sp[0].pop(i) self.sp.update(replot=True) self.combo_lines.setCurrentText(self.item_texts[i - 1 if i else 0]) self.changed.emit(self.plotmethod)
@property def item_texts(self) -> List[str]: """Get the labels for the individual lines.""" if not self.sp: return [] return [ f"Line {i}: {arr.psy._short_info()}" for i, arr in enumerate(self.sp[0]) ]
[docs] def init_dims( self, var: DataArray ) -> Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any]: """Get the formatoptions for a new plot. Parameters ---------- var: xarray.Variable The variable in the base dataset Returns ------- dict A mapping from formatoption or dimension to the corresponding value for the plotmethod. """ ret: Dict[Union[Hashable, str, Any], Any] = {} xdim: Union[None, Hashable, str] = self.xdim or next( (d for d in var.dims if var[d].size > 1), None # type: ignore ) if self.array_info: arr_names = {} for arrname, d in self.array_info.items(): if arrname != "attrs": dims = d["dims"].copy() if xdim in dims: for dim, sl in dims.items(): if not isinstance(sl, int): dims[dim] = 0 dims[xdim] = slice(None) dims["name"] = d["name"] arr_names[arrname] = dims ret["arr_names"] = arr_names del self.array_info else: if xdim not in var.dims: xdim = next((d for d in var.dims if var[d].size > 1), None) if xdim is None: raise ValueError( f"Cannot plot variable {} with size smaller than " "2" ) ret[xdim] = slice(None) for d in var.dims: if d != xdim: ret[d] = 0 return ret
[docs] def edit_labels(self) -> None: """Open the dialog to edit the text labels in the plot.""" dialogs.LabelDialog.update_project( self.sp, "figtitle", "title", "xlabel", "ylabel", "legendlabels" )
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def block_combos(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Temporarilly block any signal of the combo boxes.""" self.combo_dims.blockSignals(True) self.combo_lines.blockSignals(True) yield self.combo_dims.blockSignals(False) self.combo_lines.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def valid_variables(self, ds: Dataset) -> List[Hashable]: """Get a list of variables that can be visualized with this plotmethod. Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset The dataset to use Returns ------- list of str List of variable names to plot """ valid = list(ds) if not self.sp or len(self.sp[0]) < 2: return valid else: current_dim = self.combo_dims.currentText() return [v for v in valid if current_dim in ds[v].dims]
[docs] def setEnabled(self, b: bool) -> None: """Enable or disable the datagrid and color buttons. Parameters ---------- b: bool If True, enable the buttons, else disable. """ self.btn_add.setEnabled(b) self.btn_del.setEnabled(b and self.sp and len(self.sp[0]) > 1) self.btn_labels.setEnabled(b)
[docs] def refresh(self, ds) -> None: """Refresh this widget from the given dataset.""" self.setEnabled(bool(self.sp)) if self.sp: with self.block_combos(): self.combo_dims.clear() all_dims = list( chain.from_iterable( [ [d for i, d in enumerate(a.dims) if a.shape[i] > 1] for a in arr.psy.iter_base_variables ] for arr in self.sp[0] ) ) intersection = set(all_dims[0]) for dims in all_dims[1:]: intersection.intersection_update(dims) new_dims = list( filter( lambda d: d in intersection, unique_everseen(chain.from_iterable(all_dims)), ) ) self.combo_dims.addItems(new_dims) self.combo_dims.setCurrentIndex( new_dims.index([-1]) ) # fill lines combo current = self.combo_lines.currentIndex() self.combo_lines.clear() descriptions = self.item_texts short_descs = [textwrap.shorten(s, 50) for s in descriptions] self.combo_lines.addItems(short_descs) for i, desc in enumerate(descriptions): self.combo_lines.setItemData( i, desc, QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole ) if current < len(descriptions): self.combo_lines.setCurrentText(short_descs[current]) else: with self.block_combos(): self.combo_dims.clear() self.combo_lines.clear()