Contribution and development hints


This page has been automatically generated as has not yet been reviewed by the authors of psyplot!

The psyplot project is developed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. It is open-source as we believe that this analysis can be helpful for reproducibility and collaboration, and we are looking forward for your feedback, questions and especially for your contributions.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the psyplot Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

What should I know before I get started?

The psyplot framework

psyplot is just the framework that allows interactive data analysis and visualization. Much of the functionality however is implemented by other packages. What package is the correct one for your bug report/feature request, can be determined by the following list

  • psyplot-gui: Everything specific to the graphical user interface

  • psy-view: Everything specific to the psy-view graphical user interface

  • psy-simple: Everything concerning, e.g. the lineplot, plot2d, density or vector plot methods

  • psy-maps: Everything concerning, e.g. the mapplot, mapvector mapcombined plot methods

  • psy-reg: Everything concerning, e.g. the linreg or densityreg plot methods

  • psyplot: Everything concerning the general framework, e.g. data handling, parallel update, etc.

Concerning plot methods, you can simply find out which module implemented it via

import psyplot.project as psy

print( - of - your - plot - method._plugin)

If you still don’t know, where to open the issue, just go for psyplot.

Contributing in the development


We use automated formatters to ensure a high quality and maintanability of our source code. Getting familiar with these techniques can take quite some time and you might get error messages that are hard to understand.

We not slow down your development and we do our best to support you with these techniques. If you have any troubles, just commit with git commit --no-verify (see below) and the maintainers will take care of the tests and continuous integration.

Thanks for your wish to contribute to this project!! The source code of the psyplot package is hosted at

This is an open gitlab where you can register via the Helmholtz AAI. If your home institution is not listed in the Helmholtz AAI, please use one of the social login providers, such as Google, GitHub or OrcID.

Once you created an account in this gitlab, you can fork this repository to your own user account and implement the changes.

Afterwards, please make a merge request into the main repository. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to create an issue on gitlab and contact the maintainers of this package.

Once you created you fork, you can clone it via

git clone<your-user>/psyplot.git

we recommend that you change into the directory and create a virtual environment via:

cd psyplot
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # (or venv/Scripts/Activate.bat on windows)

and install it in development mode with the [dev] option via:

pip install -e ./psyplot/[dev]


Shortcuts with make

There are several shortcuts available with the Makefile in the root of the repository. On Linux, you can execute make help to get an overview.

Annotating licenses

If you want to create new files, you need to set license and copyright statements correctly. We use reuse to check that the licenses are correctly encoded. As a helper script, you can use the script at .reuse/ that provides several shortcuts from .reuse/shortcuts.yaml. Please select the correct shortcut, namely

  • If you create a new python file, you should run:

    python .reuse/ code <file-you-created>.py
  • If you created a new file for the docs, you should run:

    python .reuse/ docs <file-you-created>.py
  • If you created any other non-code file, you should run:

    python .reuse/ supp <file-you-created>.py

If you have any questions on how licenses are handled, please do not hesitate to contact the maintainers of psyplot.

Fixing the docs

The documentation for this package is written in restructured Text and built with sphinx and deployed on readthedocs.

If you found something in the docs that you want to fix, head over to the docs folder, install the necessary requirements via pip install -r requirements.txt ../[docs] and build the docs with make html (or make.bat on windows).

The docs are then available in docs/_build/html/index.html that you can open with your local browser.

Implement your fixes in the corresponding .rst-file and push them to your fork on gitlab.

Contributing to the code

We use automated formatters (see their config in pyproject.toml), namely

  • Black for standardized code formatting

  • blackdoc for standardized code formatting in documentation

  • Flake8 for general code quality

  • isort for standardized order in imports.

  • mypy for static type checking on type hints

  • reuse for handling of licenses

  • cffconvert for validating the CITATION.cff file.

We highly recommend that you setup pre-commit hooks to automatically run all the above tools every time you make a git commit. This can be done by running:

pre-commit install

from the root of the repository. You can skip the pre-commit checks with git commit --no-verify but note that the CI will fail if it encounters any formatting errors.

You can also run the pre-commit step manually by invoking:

pre-commit run --all-files

Updating the skeleton for this package

This package has been generated from the template ``__.

See the template repository for instructions on how to update the skeleton for this package.