Source code for psyplot.plotter

"""Core package for interactive visualization in the psyplot package

This package defines the :class:`Plotter` and :class:`Formatoption` classes,
the core of the visualization in the :mod:`psyplot` package. Each
:class:`Plotter` combines a set of formatoption keys where each formatoption
key is represented by a :class:`Formatoption` subclass."""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import logging
import weakref
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from itertools import chain, groupby, repeat, starmap, tee
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from threading import RLock

import six
from numpy import datetime64, inf, ndarray, timedelta64
from xarray.core.formatting import format_timedelta, format_timestamp

from psyplot import rcParams
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import SubDict
from import CFDecoder, InteractiveList, _no_auto_update_getter
from psyplot.docstring import dedent, docstrings
from psyplot.utils import (
from psyplot.warning import PsyPlotRuntimeWarning, warn

#: the default function to use when printing formatoption infos (the default is
#: use print or in the gui, use the help explorer)
default_print_func = six.print_

#: :class:`dict`. Mapping from group to group names
groups = {
    "data": "Data manipulation formatoptions",
    "axes": "Axes formatoptions",
    "labels": "Label formatoptions",
    "plotting": "Plot formatoptions",
    "post_processing": "Post processing formatoptions",
    "colors": "Color coding formatoptions",
    "misc": "Miscallaneous formatoptions",
    "ticks": "Axis tick formatoptions",
    "vector": "Vector plot formatoptions",
    "masking": "Masking formatoptions",
    "regression": "Fitting formatoptions",

def _identity(*args):
    """identity function to make no validation

        just return the last argument in ``*args``"""
    return args[-1]

[docs] def format_time(x): """Formats date values This function formats :class:`datetime.datetime` and :class:`datetime.timedelta` objects (and the corresponding numpy objects) using the :func:`xarray.core.formatting.format_timestamp` and the :func:`xarray.core.formatting.format_timedelta` functions. Parameters ---------- x: object The value to format. If not a time object, the value is returned Returns ------- str or `x` Either the formatted time object or the initial `x`""" if isinstance(x, (datetime64, datetime)): return format_timestamp(x) elif isinstance(x, (timedelta64, timedelta)): return format_timedelta(x) elif isinstance(x, ndarray): return list(x) if x.ndim else x[()] return x
[docs] def is_data_dependent(fmto, data): """Check whether a formatoption is data dependent Parameters ---------- fmto: Formatoption The :class:`Formatoption` instance to check data: xarray.DataArray The data array to use if the :attr:`~Formatoption.data_dependent` attribute is a callable Returns ------- bool True, if the formatoption depends on the data""" if callable(fmto.data_dependent): return fmto.data_dependent(data) return fmto.data_dependent
def _child_property(childname): def get_x(self): return getattr(self.plotter, self._child_mapping[childname]) return property( get_x, doc=childname + " Formatoption instance in the plotter" )
[docs] class FormatoptionMeta(ABCMeta): """Meta class for formatoptions This class serves as a meta class for formatoptions and allows a more efficient docstring generation by using the :attr:`psyplot.docstring.docstrings` when creating a new formatoption class""" def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct): """Assign an automatic documentation to the formatoption""" doc = dct.get("__doc__") if doc is not None: dct["__doc__"] = docstrings.dedent(doc) new_cls = super(FormatoptionMeta, cls).__new__( cls, clsname, bases, dct ) for childname in chain( new_cls.children, new_cls.dependencies, new_cls.connections, new_cls.parents, ): setattr(new_cls, childname, _child_property(childname)) if new_cls.plot_fmt: new_cls.data_dependent = True return new_cls
# priority values #: Priority value of formatoptions that are updated before the data is loaded. START = 30 #: Priority value of formatoptions that are updated before the plot it made. BEFOREPLOTTING = 20 #: Priority value of formatoptions that are updated at the end. END = 10
[docs] @six.add_metaclass(FormatoptionMeta) class Formatoption(object): """Abstract formatoption This class serves as an abstract version of an formatoption descriptor that can be used by :class:`~psyplot.plotter.Plotter` instances.""" priority = END """:class:`int`. Priority value of the the formatoption determining when the formatoption is updated. - 10: at the end (for labels, etc.) - 20: before the plotting (e.g. for colormaps, etc.) - 30: before loading the data (e.g. for lonlatbox)""" #: :class:`str`. Formatoption key of this class in the #: :class:`~psyplot.plotter.Plotter` class key = None _plotter = None @property def plotter(self): """:class:`~psyplot.plotter.Plotter`. Plotter instance this formatoption belongs to""" if self._plotter is None: return return self._plotter() @plotter.setter def plotter(self, value): if value is not None: self._plotter = weakref.ref(value) else: self._plotter = value #: `list of str`. List of formatoptions that have to be updated before this #: one is updated. Those formatoptions are only updated if they exist in #: the update parameters. children = [] #: `list of str`. List of formatoptions that force an update of this #: formatoption if they are updated. dependencies = [] #: `list of str`. Connections to other formatoptions that are (different #: from :attr:`dependencies` and :attr:`children`) not important for the #: update process connections = [] #: `list of str`. List of formatoptions that, if included in the update, #: prevent the update of this formatoption. parents = [] #: :class:`bool`. Has to be True if the formatoption has a ``make_plot`` #: method to make the plot. plot_fmt = False #: :class:`bool`. True if an update of this formatoption requires a #: clearing of the axes and reinitialization of the plot requires_clearing = False #: :class:`str`. Key of the group name in :data:`groups` of this #: formatoption keyword group = "misc" #: :class:`bool` or a callable. This attribute indicates whether this #: :class:`Formatoption` depends on the data and should be updated if the #: data changes. If it is a callable, it must accept one argument: the #: new data. (Note: This is automatically set to True for plot #: formatoptions) data_dependent = False #: :class:`bool`. True if this formatoption needs an update after the plot #: has changed update_after_plot = False #: :class:`set` of the :class:`Formatoption` instance that are shared #: with this instance. shared = set() #: int or None. Index that is used in case the plotting data is a #: :class:`psyplot.InteractiveList` index_in_list = 0 #: :class:`str`. A bit more verbose name than the formatoption key to be #: included in the gui. If None, the key is used in the gui name = None #: Boolean that is True if an update of the formatoption requires a replot requires_replot = False @property def init_kwargs(self): """:class:`dict` key word arguments that are passed to the initialization of a new instance when accessed from the descriptor""" return self._child_mapping @property def project(self): """Project of the plotter of this instance""" return self.plotter.project @property def ax(self): """The axes this Formatoption plots on""" return @property def lock(self): """A :class:`threading.Rlock` instance to lock while updating This lock is used when multiple :class:`plotter` instances are updated at the same time while sharing formatoptions.""" try: return self._lock except AttributeError: self._lock = RLock() return self._lock @property def logger(self): """Logger of the plotter""" return self.plotter.logger.getChild(self.key) @property def groupname(self): """Long name of the group this formatoption belongs too.""" try: return groups[] except KeyError: warn( "Unknown formatoption group " + str(, PsyPlotRuntimeWarning, ) return @property def raw_data(self): """The original data of the plotter of this formatoption""" if self.index_in_list is not None and isinstance(, InteractiveList ): return[self.index_in_list] else: return @property def decoder(self): """The :class:`` instance that decodes the :attr:`raw_data`""" # If the decoder is modified by one of the formatoptions, use this one if self.plotter.plot_data_decoder is not None: if self.index_in_list is not None and isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ): ret = self.plotter.plot_data_decoder[self.index_in_list] if ret is not None: return ret else: return self.plotter.plot_data_decoder data = self.raw_data check = isinstance(data, InteractiveList) while check: data = data[0] check = isinstance(data, InteractiveList) return data.psy.decoder @decoder.setter def decoder(self, value): self.set_decoder(value, self.index_in_list) @property def any_decoder(self): """Return the first possible decoder""" ret = self.decoder while not isinstance(ret, CFDecoder): ret = ret[0] return ret @property def data(self): """The data that is plotted""" if self.index_in_list is not None and isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ): return self.plotter.plot_data[self.index_in_list] else: return self.plotter.plot_data @data.setter def data(self, value): self.set_data(value, self.index_in_list) @property def iter_data(self): """Returns an iterator over the plot data arrays""" data = if isinstance(data, InteractiveList): return iter(data) return iter([data]) @property def iter_raw_data(self): """Returns an iterator over the original data arrays""" data = self.raw_data if isinstance(data, InteractiveList): return iter(data) return iter([data]) @property def validate(self): """Validation method of the formatoption""" try: return self._validate except AttributeError: try: self._validate = self.plotter.get_vfunc(self.key) except KeyError: warn( "Could not find a validation function for %s " "formatoption keyword! No validation will be made!" % (self.key), PsyPlotRuntimeWarning, logger=self.logger, ) self._validate = _identity return self._validate @validate.setter def validate(self, value): self._validate = value @property def default(self): """Default value of this formatoption""" return self.plotter.rc[self.key] @property def default_key(self): """The key of this formatoption in the :attr:`psyplot.rcParams`""" return self.plotter.rc._get_val_and_base(self.key)[0] @property def shared_by(self): """None if the formatoption is not controlled by another formatoption of another plotter, otherwise the corresponding :class:`Formatoption` instance""" return self.plotter._shared.get(self.key) @property def value(self): """Value of the formatoption in the corresponding :attr:`plotter` or the shared value""" shared_by = self.shared_by if shared_by: return shared_by.value2share return self.plotter[self.key] @property @dedent def changed(self): """ :class:`bool` indicating whether the value changed compared to the default or not.""" return self.diff(self.default) @property @dedent def value2share(self): """ The value that is passed to shared formatoptions (by default, the :attr:`value` attribute)""" return self.value @property @dedent def value2pickle(self): """ The value that can be used when pickling the information of the project """ return self.value @docstrings.get_sections(base="Formatoption") @dedent def __init__( self, key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- key: str formatoption key in the `plotter` plotter: psyplot.plotter.Plotter Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor. index_in_list: int or None The index that shall be used if the data is a :class:`psyplot.InteractiveList` additional_children: list or str Additional children to use (see the :attr:`children` attribute) additional_dependencies: list or str Additional dependencies to use (see the :attr:`dependencies` attribute) ``**kwargs`` Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the :attr:`children`, :attr:`dependencies` and :attr:`connections` attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.""" self.key = key self.plotter = plotter self.index_in_list = index_in_list self.shared = set() self.additional_children = additional_children self.additional_dependencies = additional_dependencies self.children = self.children + additional_children self.dependencies = self.dependencies + additional_dependencies self._child_mapping = dict( zip( *tee( chain( self.children, self.dependencies, self.connections, self.parents, ), 2, ) ) ) # check kwargs for key in (key for key in kwargs if key not in self._child_mapping): raise TypeError( "%s.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, key) ) # set up child mapping self._child_mapping.update(kwargs) # reset the dependency lists to match the current plotter setup for attr in ["children", "dependencies", "connections", "parents"]: setattr( self, attr, [self._child_mapping[key] for key in getattr(self, attr)], ) def __set__(self, instance, value): if isinstance(value, Formatoption): setattr(instance, "_" + self.key, value) else: fmto = getattr(instance, self.key) fmto.set_value(value) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self try: return getattr(instance, "_" + self.key) except AttributeError: fmto = self.__class__( self.key, instance, self.index_in_list, additional_children=self.additional_children, additional_dependencies=self.additional_dependencies, **self.init_kwargs, ) setattr(instance, "_" + self.key, fmto) return fmto def __delete__(self, instance, owner): fmto = getattr(instance, "_" + self.key) with instance.no_validation: instance[self.key] = fmto.default
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Formatoption.set_value") @dedent def set_value(self, value, validate=True, todefault=False): """ Set (and validate) the value in the plotter. This method is called by the plotter when it attempts to change the value of the formatoption. Parameters ---------- value Value to set validate: bool if True, validate the `value` before it is set todefault: bool True if the value is updated to the default value""" # do nothing if the key is shared if self.key in self.plotter._shared: return with self.plotter.no_validation: self.plotter[self.key] = ( value if not validate else self.validate(value) )
[docs] def set_data(self, data, i=None): """ Replace the data to plot This method may be used to replace the data that is visualized by the plotter. It changes it's behaviour depending on whether an :class:`` is visualized or a single :class:`` Parameters ---------- data: The data to insert i: int The position in the InteractiveList where to insert the data (if the plotter visualizes a list anyway) Notes ----- This method uses the :attr:`` attribute """ if self.index_in_list is not None: i = self.index_in_list if i is not None and isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ): self.plotter.plot_data[i] = data else: self.plotter.plot_data = data
[docs] def set_decoder(self, decoder, i=None): """ Replace the data to plot This method may be used to replace the data that is visualized by the plotter. It changes it's behaviour depending on whether an :class:`` is visualized or a single :class:`` Parameters ---------- decoder: The decoder to insert i: int The position in the InteractiveList where to insert the data (if the plotter visualizes a list anyway) """ # we do not modify the raw data but instead set it on the plotter # TODO: This is not safe for encapsulated InteractiveList instances! if i is not None and isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ): n = len(self.plotter.plot_data) decoders = self.plotter.plot_data_decoder or [None] * n decoders[i] = decoder self.plotter.plot_data_decoder = decoders else: if isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ) and isinstance(decoder, CFDecoder): decoder = [decoder] * len(self.plotter.plot_data) self.plotter.plot_data_decoder = decoder
[docs] def get_decoder(self, i=None): # we do not modify the raw data but instead set it on the plotter # TODO: This is not safe for encapsulated InteractiveList instances! if i is not None and isinstance( self.plotter.plot_data, InteractiveList ): n = len(self.plotter.plot_data) decoders = self.plotter.plot_data_decoder or [None] * n return decoders[i] or self.plotter.plot_data[i].psy.decoder else: return self.decoder
[docs] def check_and_set(self, value, todefault=False, validate=True): """Checks the value and sets the value if it changed This method checks the value and sets it only if the :meth:`diff` method result of the given `value` is True Parameters ---------- value A possible value to set todefault: bool True if the value is updated to the default value Returns ------- bool A boolean to indicate whether it has been set or not""" if validate: value = self.validate(value) if self.diff(value): self.set_value(value, validate=False, todefault=todefault) return True return False
[docs] def diff(self, value): """Checks whether the given value differs from what is currently set Parameters ---------- value A possible value to set (make sure that it has been validate via the :attr:`validate` attribute before) Returns ------- bool True if the value differs from what is currently set""" return value != self.value
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """Method that is called when the plot is made the first time Parameters ---------- value The value to use for the initialization""" self.update(value, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, value): """Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes Parameters ---------- value Value to update""" pass
[docs] def get_fmt_widget(self, parent, project): """Get a widget to update the formatoption in the GUI This method should return a QWidget that is loaded by the psyplot-gui when the formatoption is selected in the :attr:`psyplot_gui.main.Mainwindow.fmt_widget`. It should call the :meth:`~psyplot_gui.fmt_widget.FormatoptionWidget.insert_text` method when the update text for the formatoption should be changed. Parameters ---------- parent: psyplot_gui.fmt_widget.FormatoptionWidget The parent widget that contains the returned QWidget project: psyplot.project.Project The current subproject (see :func:`psyplot.project.gcp`) Returns ------- PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget The widget to control the formatoption""" return None
[docs] def share(self, fmto, initializing=False, **kwargs): """Share the settings of this formatoption with other data objects Parameters ---------- fmto: Formatoption The :class:`Formatoption` instance to share the attributes with ``**kwargs`` Any other keyword argument that shall be passed to the update method of `fmto`""" # lock all the childrens and the formatoption itself self.lock.acquire() fmto._lock_children() fmto.lock.acquire() # update the other plotter if initializing: fmto.initialize_plot(self.value2share, **kwargs) else: fmto.update(self.value2share, **kwargs) self.shared.add(fmto) # release the locks fmto.lock.release() fmto._release_children() self.lock.release()
def _lock_children(self): """acquire the locks of the children""" plotter = self.plotter for key in self.children + self.dependencies: try: getattr(plotter, key).lock.acquire() except AttributeError: pass def _release_children(self): """release the locks of the children""" plotter = self.plotter for key in self.children + self.dependencies: try: getattr(plotter, key).lock.release() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def finish_update(self): """Finish the update, initialization and sharing process This function is called at the end of the :meth:`Plotter.start_update`, :meth:`Plotter.initialize_plot` or the :meth:`Plotter.share` methods. """ pass
[docs] @dedent def remove(self): """ Method to remove the effects of this formatoption This method is called when the axes is cleared due to a formatoption with :attr:`requires_clearing` set to True. You don't necessarily have to implement this formatoption if your plot results are removed by the usual :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.clear` method.""" pass
[docs] @docstrings.get_extended_summary(base="Formatoption.convert_coordinate") @docstrings.get_sections( base="Formatoption.convert_coordinate", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"], ) def convert_coordinate(self, coord, *variables): """Convert a coordinate to units necessary for the plot. This method takes a single coordinate variable (e.g. the `bounds` of a coordinate, or the coordinate itself) and transforms the units that the plotter requires. One might also provide additional `variables` that are supposed to be on the same unit, in case the given `coord` does not specify a `units` attribute. `coord` might be a CF-conform `bounds` variable, and one of the variables might be the corresponding `coordinate`. Parameters ---------- coord: xr.Variable The variable to transform ``*variables`` The variables that are on the same unit as `coord` Returns ------- xr.Variable The transformed `coord` Notes ----- By default, this method uses the :meth:`~Plotter.convert_coordinate` method of the :attr:`plotter`. """ return self.plotter.convert_coordinate(coord, *variables)
[docs] class DictFormatoption(Formatoption): """ Base formatoption class defining an alternative set_value that works for dictionaries."""
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def set_value(self, value, validate=True, todefault=False): """ Set (and validate) the value in the plotter Parameters ---------- %(Formatoption.set_value.parameters)s Notes ----- - If the current value in the plotter is None, then it will be set with the given `value`, otherwise the current value in the plotter is updated - If the value is an empty dictionary, the value in the plotter is cleared""" value = value if not validate else self.validate(value) # if the key in the plotter is not already set (i.e. it is initialized # with None, we set it) if self.plotter[self.key] is None: with self.plotter.no_validation: self.plotter[self.key] = value.copy() # in case of an empty dict, clear the value elif not value: self.plotter[self.key].clear() # otherwhise we update the dictionary else: if todefault: self.plotter[self.key].clear() self.plotter[self.key].update(value)
[docs] class PostTiming(Formatoption): """ Determine when to run the :attr:`post` formatoption This formatoption determines, whether the :attr:`post` formatoption should be run never, after replot or after every update. Possible types -------------- 'never' Never run post processing scripts 'always' Always run post processing scripts 'replot' Only run post processing scripts when the data changes or a replot is necessary See Also -------- post: The post processing formatoption""" default = "never" priority = -inf group = "post_processing" name = "Timing of the post processing"
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(value): value = six.text_type(value) possible_values = ["never", "always", "replot"] if value not in possible_values: raise ValueError( "String must be one of %s, not %r" % (possible_values, value) ) return value
[docs] def update(self, value): pass
[docs] def get_fmt_widget(self, parent, project): from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import QComboBox combo = QComboBox(parent) combo.addItems(["never", "always", "replot"]) combo.setCurrentText( next((plotter[self.key] for plotter in project.plotters), "never") ) combo.currentTextChanged.connect(parent.set_obj) return combo
[docs] class PostProcDependencies(object): """The dependencies of this formatoption""" def __get__(self, instance, owner): if ( instance is None or instance.plotter is None or not instance.plotter._initialized ): return [] elif instance.post_timing.value == "always": return list(set(instance.plotter) - {instance.key}) else: return [] def __set__(self, instance, value): pass
[docs] class PostProcessing(Formatoption): """ Apply your own postprocessing script This formatoption let's you apply your own post processing script. Just enter the script as a string and it will be executed. The formatoption will be made available via the ``self`` variable Possible types -------------- None Don't do anything str The post processing script as string Note ---- This formatoption uses the built-in :func:`exec` function to compile the script. Since this poses a security risk when loading psyplot projects, it is by default disabled through the :attr:`Plotter.enable_post` attribute. If you are sure that you can trust the script in this formatoption, set this attribute of the corresponding :class:`Plotter` to ``True`` Examples -------- Assume, you want to manually add the mean of the data to the title of the matplotlib axes. You can simply do this via .. code-block:: python from psyplot.plotter import Plotter from xarray import DataArray plotter = Plotter(DataArray([1, 2, 3])) # enable the post formatoption plotter.enable_post = True plotter.update(post="") "2.0" By default, the ``post`` formatoption is only ran, when it is explicitly updated. However, you can use the :attr:`post_timing` formatoption, to run it automatically. E.g. for running it after every update of the plotter, you can set .. code-block:: python plotter.update(post_timing="always") See Also -------- post_timing: Determine the timing of this formatoption""" children = ["post_timing"] default = None priority = -inf group = "post_processing" name = "Custom post processing script"
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(value): if value is None: return value elif not isinstance(value, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Expected a string, not %s" % (type(value),)) else: return six.text_type(value)
@property def data_dependent(self): """True if the corresponding :class:`post_timing <PostTiming>` formatoption is set to ``'replot'`` to run the post processing script after every change of the data""" return self.post_timing.value == "replot" dependencies = PostProcDependencies()
[docs] def update(self, value): if value is None: return if not self.plotter.enable_post: warn( "Post processing is disabled. Set the ``enable_post`` " "attribute to True to run the script" ) else: exec(value, {"self": self})
[docs] class Plotter(dict): """Interactive plotting object for one or more data arrays This class is the base for the interactive plotting with the psyplot module. It capabilities are determined by it's descriptor classes that are derived from the :class:`Formatoption` class""" #: List of base strings in the :attr:`psyplot.rcParams` dictionary _rcparams_string = [] post_timing = PostTiming("post_timing") post = PostProcessing("post") no_validation = _temp_bool_prop( "no_validation", """ Temporarily disable the validation Examples -------- Although it is not recommended to set a value with disabled validation, you can disable it via:: >>> with plotter.no_validation: ... plotter["ticksize"] = "x" ... To permanently disable the validation, simply set >>> plotter.no_validation = True >>> plotter["ticksize"] = "x" >>> plotter.no_validation = False # reenable validation""", ) #: Temporarily include links in the key descriptions from #: :meth:`show_keys`, :meth:`show_docs` and :meth:`show_summaries`. #: Note that this is a class attribute, so each change to the value of this #: attribute will affect all instances and subclasses include_links = _TempBool() @property def ax(self): """Axes instance of the plot""" if self._ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() self._ax = plt.axes(projection=self._get_sample_projection()) return self._ax @ax.setter def ax(self, value): self._ax = value #: The :class:`psyplot.project.Project` instance this plotter belongs to _project = None @property def project(self): """:class:`psyplot.project.Project` instance this plotter belongs to""" if self._project is None: return return self._project() @project.setter def project(self, value): if value is not None: self._project = weakref.ref(value) else: self._project = value @property @dedent def rc(self): """ Default values for this plotter This :class:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.SubDict` stores the default values for this plotter. A modification of the dictionary does not affect other plotter instances unless you set the :attr:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.SubDict.trace` attribute to True""" try: return self._rc except AttributeError: self._set_rc() return self._rc @property def base_variables(self): """A mapping from the base_variable names to the variables""" if isinstance(, InteractiveList): return dict( chain( *map( lambda arr: six.iteritems(arr.psy.base_variables),, ) ) ) else: return @property def iter_base_variables(self): """A mapping from the base_variable names to the variables""" if isinstance(, InteractiveList): return chain(*(arr.psy.iter_base_variables for arr in else: return no_auto_update = property( _no_auto_update_getter, doc=_no_auto_update_getter.__doc__ ) @no_auto_update.setter def no_auto_update(self, value): self.no_auto_update.value = bool(value) @property def changed(self): """:class:`dict` containing the key value pairs that are not the default""" return { key: value for key, value in six.iteritems(self) if getattr(self, key).changed } @property def figs2draw(self): """All figures that have been manipulated through sharing and the own figure. Notes ----- Using this property set will reset the figures too draw""" return self._figs2draw.union([]) @property @docstrings def _njobs(self): """%(InteractiveBase._njobs)s""" if self.disabled: return [0] return [1, 1] @property def _fmtos(self): """Iterator over the formatoptions""" return (getattr(self, key) for key in self) @property def _fmto_groups(self): """Mapping from group to a set of formatoptions""" ret = defaultdict(set) for key in self: ret[getattr(self, key).group].add(getattr(self, key)) return dict(ret) @property def fmt_groups(self): """A mapping from the formatoption group to the formatoptions""" ret = defaultdict(set) for key in self: ret[getattr(self, key).group].add(key) return dict(ret) @property def groups(self): """A mapping from the group short name to the group description""" return {group: groups[group] for group in self.fmt_groups} @property def data(self): """The :class:`psyplot.InteractiveBase` instance of this plotter""" return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value @property def plot_data(self): """The data that is used for plotting""" return getattr(self, "_plot_data", @plot_data.setter def plot_data(self, value): self._set_data(value) #: The decoder to use for the formatoptions. If None, the decoder of the #: raw data is used plot_data_decoder = None #: :class:`bool` that has to be ``True`` if the post processing script in #: the :attr:`post` formatoption should be enabled enable_post = False def _set_data(self, value): if isinstance(value, InteractiveList): self._plot_data = value.copy() else: self._plot_data = value @property def logger(self): """:class:`logging.Logger` of this plotter""" try: return except AttributeError: name = "%s.%s" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) return logging.getLogger(name) docstrings.keep_params("InteractiveBase.parameters", "auto_update") @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter") @docstrings.dedent def __init__( self, data=None, ax=None, auto_update=None, project=None, draw=False, make_plot=True, clear=False, enable_post=False, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- data: InteractiveArray or ArrayList, optional Data object that shall be visualized. If given and `plot` is True, the :meth:`initialize_plot` method is called at the end. Otherwise you can call this method later by yourself ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib Axes to plot on. If None, a new one will be created as soon as the :meth:`initialize_plot` method is called %(InteractiveBase.parameters.auto_update)s %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s make_plot: bool If True, and `data` is not None, the plot is initialized. Otherwise only the framework between plotter and data is set up clear: bool If True, the axes is cleared first enable_post: bool If True, the :attr:`post` formatoption is enabled and post processing scripts are allowed ``**kwargs`` Any formatoption key from the :attr:`formatoptions` attribute that shall be used""" self.project = project = ax = data self.enable_post = enable_post if auto_update is None: auto_update = rcParams["lists.auto_update"] self.no_auto_update = not bool(auto_update) self._registered_updates = {} self._todefault = False self._old_fmt = [] self._figs2draw = set() #: formatoptions that have to be updated by other plotters that share #: the given formatoption with this Plotter. :attr:`_to_update` is a #: mapping from the formatoptions in this plotter to the corresponding #: other plotter self._to_update = {} self.disabled = False #: Dictionary holding the Formatoption instances of other plotters #: if their value shall be used instead of the one in this instance self._shared = {} #: list of str. Formatoption keys that were changed during the last #: update self._last_update = [] #: The set of formatoptions that shall be updated even if they did not #: change self._force = set() self.replot = True self.cleared = clear self._updating = False # will be set to True when the plot is first initialized self._initialized = False # first we initialize all keys with None. This is necessary in order # to make the validation functioning with self.no_validation: for key in self._get_formatoptions(): self[key] = None for key in self: # then we set the default values fmto = getattr(self, key) self._try2set(fmto, fmto.default, validate=False) self._set_rc() for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): # then the user values self[key] = value self.initialize_plot( data, ax=ax, draw=draw, clear=clear, make_plot=make_plot ) def _try2set(self, fmto, *args, **kwargs): """Sets the value in `fmto` and gives additional informations when fail Parameters ---------- fmto: Formatoption ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` Anything that is passed to `fmto`s :meth:`~Formatoption.set_value` method""" fmto.set_value(*args, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: self.check_key(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not self.no_validation: self.check_key(key) self._try2set(getattr(self, key), value) return # prevent from setting during an update process getattr(self, key).lock.acquire() dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) getattr(self, key).lock.release() def __delitem__(self, key): self[key] = getattr(self, key).default docstrings.delete_params("check_key.parameters", "possible_keys", "name")
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def check_key(self, key, raise_error=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Checks whether the key is a valid formatoption Parameters ---------- %(check_key.parameters.no_possible_keys|name)s Returns ------- %(check_key.returns)s Raises ------ %(check_key.raises)s""" return check_key( key, possible_keys=list(self), raise_error=raise_error, name="formatoption keyword", *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections( base="Plotter.check_data", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"] ) @dedent def check_data(cls, name, dims, is_unstructured): """ A validation method for the data shape The default method does nothing and should be subclassed to validate the results. If the plotter accepts a :class:`InteractiveList`, it should accept a list for name and dims Parameters ---------- name: str or list of str The variable name(s) of the data dims: list of str or list of lists of str The dimension name(s) of the data is_unstructured: bool or list of bool True if the corresponding array is unstructured Returns ------- list of bool or None True, if everything is okay, False in case of a serious error, None if it is intermediate. Each object in this list corresponds to one in the given `name` list of str The message giving more information on the reason. Each object in this list corresponds to one in the given `name`""" if isinstance(name, six.string_types): name = [name] dims = [dims] is_unstructured = [is_unstructured] N = len(name) if len(dims) != N or len(is_unstructured) != N: return [False] * N, [ "Number of provided names (%i) and dimensions " "(%i) or unstructured information (%i) are not the same" % (N, len(dims), len(is_unstructured)) ] * N return [True] * N, [""] * N
docstrings.keep_params("Plotter.parameters", "ax", "make_plot", "clear")
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def initialize_plot( self, data=None, ax=None, make_plot=True, clear=False, draw=False, remove=False, priority=None, ): """ Initialize the plot for a data array Parameters ---------- data: InteractiveArray or ArrayList, optional Data object that shall be visualized. - If not None and `plot` is True, the given data is visualized. - If None and the :attr:`data` attribute is not None, the data in the :attr:`data` attribute is visualized - If both are None, nothing is done. %(|make_plot|clear)s %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s remove: bool If True, old effects by the formatoptions in this plotter are undone first priority: int If given, initialize only the formatoption with the given priority. This value must be out of :data:`START`, :data:`BEFOREPLOTTING` or :data:`END` """ if data is None and is not None: data = else: = data = ax if data is None: # nothing to do if no data is given return self.no_auto_update = not ( not self.no_auto_update or not data.psy.no_auto_update ) data.psy.plotter = self if not make_plot: # stop here if we shall not plot return self.logger.debug("Initializing plot...") if remove: self.logger.debug(" Removing old formatoptions...") for fmto in self._fmtos: try: fmto.remove() except Exception: self.logger.debug( "Could not remove %s while initializing", fmto.key, exc_info=True, ) if clear: self.logger.debug(" Clearing axes...") self.cleared = True # get the formatoptions. We sort them here by key to make sure that the # order always stays the same (easier for debugging) fmto_groups = self._grouped_fmtos( self._sorted_by_priority( sorted(self._fmtos, key=lambda fmto: fmto.key) ) ) self.plot_data = self._updating = True for fmto_priority, grouper in fmto_groups: if priority is None or fmto_priority == priority: self._plot_by_priority( fmto_priority, grouper, initializing=True ) self._release_all(True) # finish the update self.cleared = False self.replot = False self._initialized = True self._updating = False if draw is None: draw = rcParams["auto_draw"] if draw: self.draw() if rcParams["auto_show"]:
docstrings.keep_params( "InteractiveBase._register_update.parameters", "force", "todefault" ) @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter._register_update") @docstrings.dedent def _register_update( self, fmt={}, replot=False, force=False, todefault=False ): """ Register formatoptions for the update Parameters ---------- fmt: dict Keys can be any valid formatoptions with the corresponding values (see the :attr:`formatoptions` attribute) replot: bool Boolean that determines whether the data specific formatoptions shall be updated in any case or not. %(InteractiveBase._register_update.parameters.force|todefault)s""" if self.disabled: return self.replot = self.replot or replot self._todefault = self._todefault or todefault if force is True: force = list(fmt) self._force.update( [ret[0] for ret in map(self.check_key, force or [])] ) # check the keys list(map(self.check_key, fmt)) self._registered_updates.update(fmt)
[docs] def make_plot(self): """Method for making the plot This method is called at the end of the :attr:`BEFOREPLOTTING` stage if and only if the :attr:`plot_fmt` attribute is set to ``True``""" pass
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def start_update(self, draw=None, queues=None, update_shared=True): """ Conduct the registered plot updates This method starts the updates from what has been registered by the :meth:`update` method. You can call this method if you did not set the `auto_update` parameter to True when calling the :meth:`update` method and when the :attr:`no_auto_update` attribute is True. Parameters ---------- %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters)s Returns ------- %(InteractiveBase.start_update.returns)s See Also -------- :attr:`no_auto_update`, update""" def update_the_others(): for fmto in fmtos: for other_fmto in fmto.shared: if not other_fmto.plotter._updating: other_fmto.plotter._register_update( force=[other_fmto.key] ) for fmto in fmtos: for other_fmto in fmto.shared: if not other_fmto.plotter._updating: other_draw = other_fmto.plotter.start_update( draw=False, update_shared=False ) if other_draw: self._figs2draw.add( ) if self.disabled: return False if queues is not None: queues[0].get() self.logger.debug( "Starting update of %r", self._registered_updates.keys() ) # update the formatoptions self._save_state() try: # get the formatoptions. We sort them here by key to make sure that # the order always stays the same (easier for debugging) fmtos = sorted(self._set_and_filter(), key=lambda fmto: fmto.key) except Exception: # restore last (working) state last_state = self._old_fmt.pop(-1) with self.no_validation: for key in self: self[key] = last_state.get(key, getattr(self, key).default) if queues is not None: queues[0].task_done() self._release_all(queue=None if queues is None else queues[1]) # raise the error raise for fmto in fmtos: for fmto2 in fmto.shared: fmto2.plotter._to_update[fmto2] = self if queues is not None: self._updating = True queues[0].task_done() # wait for the other tasks to finish queues[0].join() queues[1].get() fmtos.extend( [ fmto for fmto in self._insert_additionals(list(self._to_update)) if fmto not in fmtos ] ) self._to_update.clear() fmto_groups = self._grouped_fmtos(self._sorted_by_priority(fmtos[:])) # if any formatoption requires a clearing of the axes is updated, # we reinitialize the plot try: if self.cleared: self.reinit(draw=draw) update_the_others() arr_draw = True else: # otherwise we update it arr_draw = False for priority, grouper in fmto_groups: arr_draw = True self._plot_by_priority(priority, grouper) update_the_others() except Exception: raise finally: # make sure that all locks are released self._release_all( finish=True, queue=None if queues is None else queues[1] ) if draw is None: draw = rcParams["auto_draw"] if draw and arr_draw: self.draw() if rcParams["auto_show"]: self.replot = False return arr_draw
def _release_all(self, finish=False, queue=None): # make sure that all locks are released try: for fmto in self._fmtos: if finish: fmto.finish_update() try: fmto.lock.release() except RuntimeError: pass except Exception: raise finally: if queue is not None: queue.task_done() queue.join() self._updating = False def _plot_by_priority(self, priority, fmtos, initializing=False): def update(fmto): other_fmto = self._shared.get(fmto.key) if other_fmto: self.logger.debug( "%s is shared with %s", fmto.key,, ) other_fmto.share(fmto, initializing=initializing) # but if not, share them else: if initializing: self.logger.debug("Initializing %s", fmto.key) fmto.initialize_plot(fmto.value) else: self.logger.debug("Updating %s", fmto.key) fmto.update(fmto.value) try: fmto.lock.release() except RuntimeError: pass self._initializing = initializing self.logger.debug( "%s formatoptions with priority %i", "Initializing" if initializing else "Updating", priority, ) if priority >= START or priority == END: for fmto in fmtos: update(fmto) elif priority == BEFOREPLOTTING: for fmto in fmtos: update(fmto) self._make_plot() self._initializing = False
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def reinit(self, draw=None, clear=False): """ Reinitializes the plot with the same data and on the same axes. Parameters ---------- %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s clear: bool Whether to clear the axes or not Warnings -------- The axes may be cleared when calling this method (even if `clear` is set to False)!""" # call the initialize_plot method. Note that clear can be set to # False if any fmto has requires_clearing attribute set to True, # because this then has been cleared before self.initialize_plot(, self._ax, draw=draw, clear=clear or any(fmto.requires_clearing for fmto in self._fmtos), remove=True, )
[docs] def draw(self): """Draw the figures and those that are shared and have been changed""" for fig in self.figs2draw: fig.canvas.draw() self._figs2draw.clear()
def _grouped_fmtos(self, fmtos): def key_func(fmto): if fmto.priority >= START: return START elif fmto.priority >= BEFOREPLOTTING: return BEFOREPLOTTING else: return END return groupby(fmtos, key_func) def _set_and_filter(self): """Filters the registered updates and sort out what is not needed This method filters out the formatoptions that have not changed, sets the new value and returns an iterable that is sorted by the priority (highest priority comes first) and dependencies Returns ------- list list of :class:`Formatoption` objects that have to be updated""" fmtos = [] seen = set() for key in self._force: self._registered_updates.setdefault(key, getattr(self, key).value) for key, value in chain( six.iteritems(self._registered_updates), six.iteritems({key: getattr(self, key).default for key in self}) if self._todefault else (), ): if key in seen: continue seen.add(key) fmto = getattr(self, key) # if the key is shared, a warning will be printed as long as # this plotter is not also updating (for example due to a whole # project update) if key in self._shared and key not in self._force: if not self._shared[key].plotter._updating: warn( ( "%s formatoption is shared with another plotter." " Use the unshare method to enable the updating" ) % (fmto.key), logger=self.logger, ) changed = False else: try: changed = fmto.check_and_set( value, todefault=self._todefault, validate=not self.no_validation, ) except Exception as e: self._registered_updates.pop(key, None) self.logger.debug("Failed to set %s", key) raise e changed = changed or key in self._force if changed: fmtos.append(fmto) fmtos = self._insert_additionals(fmtos, seen) for fmto in fmtos: fmto.lock.acquire() self._todefault = False self._registered_updates.clear() self._force.clear() return fmtos def _insert_additionals(self, fmtos, seen=None): """ Insert additional formatoptions into `fmtos`. This method inserts those formatoptions into `fmtos` that are required because one of the following criteria is fullfilled: 1. The :attr:`replot` attribute is True 2. Any formatoption with START priority is in `fmtos` 3. A dependency of one formatoption is in `fmtos` Parameters ---------- fmtos: list The list of formatoptions that shall be updated seen: set The formatoption keys that shall not be included. If None, all formatoptions in `fmtos` are used Returns ------- fmtos The initial `fmtos` plus further formatoptions Notes ----- `fmtos` and `seen` are modified in place (except that any formatoption in the initial `fmtos` has :attr:`~Formatoption.requires_clearing` attribute set to True)""" def get_dependencies(fmto): if fmto is None: return [] return fmto.dependencies + list( chain( *map( lambda key: get_dependencies(getattr(self, key, None)), fmto.dependencies, ) ) ) seen = seen or {fmto.key for fmto in fmtos} keys = {fmto.key for fmto in fmtos} self.replot = self.replot or any( fmto.requires_replot for fmto in fmtos ) if self.replot or any(fmto.priority >= START for fmto in fmtos): self.replot = True self.plot_data = new_fmtos = dict( (f.key, f) for f in self._fmtos if ((f not in fmtos and is_data_dependent(f, ) seen.update(new_fmtos) keys.update(new_fmtos) fmtos += list(new_fmtos.values()) # insert the formatoptions that have to be updated if the plot is # changed if any(fmto.priority >= BEFOREPLOTTING for fmto in fmtos): new_fmtos = dict( (f.key, f) for f in self._fmtos if ((f not in fmtos and f.update_after_plot)) ) fmtos += list(new_fmtos.values()) for fmto in set(self._fmtos).difference(fmtos): all_dependencies = get_dependencies(fmto) if keys.intersection(all_dependencies): fmtos.append(fmto) if any(fmto.requires_clearing for fmto in fmtos): self.cleared = True return list(self._fmtos) return fmtos def _sorted_by_priority(self, fmtos, changed=None): """Sort the formatoption objects by their priority and dependency Parameters ---------- fmtos: list list of :class:`Formatoption` instances changed: list the list of formatoption keys that have changed Yields ------ Formatoption The next formatoption as it comes by the sorting Warnings -------- The list `fmtos` is cleared by this method!""" def pop_fmto(key): idx = fmtos_keys.index(key) del fmtos_keys[idx] return fmtos.pop(idx) def get_children(fmto, parents_keys): all_fmtos = fmtos_keys + parents_keys for key in fmto.children + fmto.dependencies: if key not in fmtos_keys: continue child_fmto = pop_fmto(key) for childs_child in get_children( child_fmto, parents_keys + [child_fmto.key] ): yield childs_child # filter out if parent is in update list if ( any(key in all_fmtos for key in child_fmto.parents) or fmto.key in child_fmto.parents ): continue yield child_fmto fmtos.sort(key=lambda fmto: fmto.priority, reverse=True) fmtos_keys = [fmto.key for fmto in fmtos] self._last_update = changed or fmtos_keys[:] self.logger.debug("Update the formatoptions %s", fmtos_keys) while fmtos: del fmtos_keys[0] fmto = fmtos.pop(0) # first update children for child_fmto in get_children(fmto, [fmto.key]): yield child_fmto # filter out if parent is in update list if any(key in fmtos_keys for key in fmto.parents): continue yield fmto @classmethod def _get_formatoptions(cls, include_bases=True): """ Iterator over formatoptions This class method returns an iterator that contains all the formatoption keys that are in this class and that are defined in the base classes Notes ----- There is absolutely no need to call this method besides the plotter initialization, since all formatoptions are in the plotter itself. Just type:: >>> list(plotter) to get the formatoptions. See Also -------- _format_keys""" def base_fmtos(base): return filter( lambda key: isinstance(getattr(cls, key), Formatoption), getattr(base, "_get_formatoptions", empty)(False), ) def empty(*args, **kwargs): return list() fmtos = ( attr for attr, obj in six.iteritems(cls.__dict__) if isinstance(obj, Formatoption) ) if not include_bases: return fmtos return unique_everseen(chain(fmtos, *map(base_fmtos, cls.__mro__))) docstrings.keep_types( "check_key.parameters", "kwargs", r"``\*args,\*\*kwargs``" ) @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter._enhance_keys") @docstrings.dedent def _enhance_keys(cls, keys=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Enhance the given keys by groups Parameters ---------- keys: list of str or None If None, the all formatoptions of the given class are used. Group names from the :attr:`psyplot.plotter.groups` mapping are replaced by the formatoptions Other Parameters ---------------- %(check_key.parameters.kwargs)s Returns ------- list of str The enhanced list of the formatoptions""" all_keys = list(cls._get_formatoptions()) if isinstance(keys, six.string_types): keys = [keys] else: keys = list(keys or sorted(all_keys)) fmto_groups = defaultdict(list) for key in all_keys: fmto_groups[getattr(cls, key).group].append(key) new_i = 0 for i, key in enumerate(keys[:]): if key in fmto_groups: del keys[new_i] for key2 in fmto_groups[key]: if key2 not in keys: keys.insert(new_i, key2) new_i += 1 else: valid, similar, message = check_key( key, all_keys, False, "formatoption keyword", *args, **kwargs, ) if not valid: keys.remove(key) new_i -= 1 warn(message) new_i += 1 return keys
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections( base="Plotter.show_keys", sections=["Parameters", "Returns", "Other Parameters"], ) @docstrings.dedent def show_keys( cls, keys=None, indent=0, grouped=False, func=None, include_links=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Classmethod to return a nice looking table with the given formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter._enhance_keys.parameters)s indent: int The indentation of the table grouped: bool, optional If True, the formatoptions are grouped corresponding to the :attr:`Formatoption.groupname` attribute Other Parameters ---------------- func: function or None The function the is used for returning (by default it is printed via the :func:`print` function or (when using the gui) in the help explorer). The given function must take a string as argument include_links: bool or None, optional Default False. If True, links (in restructured formats) are included in the description. If None, the behaviour is determined by the :attr:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.include_links` attribute. %(Plotter._enhance_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- results of `func` None if `func` is the print function, otherwise anything else See Also -------- show_summaries, show_docs""" def titled_group(groupname): bars = str_indent + "*" * len(groupname) + "\n" return bars + str_indent + groupname + "\n" + bars keys = cls._enhance_keys(keys, *args, **kwargs) str_indent = " " * indent func = func or default_print_func # call this function recursively when grouped is True if grouped: grouped_keys = Defaultdict(list) for fmto in map(lambda key: getattr(cls, key), keys): grouped_keys[fmto.groupname].append(fmto.key) text = "" for group, keys in six.iteritems(grouped_keys): text += ( titled_group(group) + cls.show_keys( keys, indent=indent, grouped=False, func=six.text_type, include_links=include_links, ) + "\n\n" ) return func(text.rstrip()) if not keys: return n = len(keys) ncols = min([4, n]) # number of columns # The number of cells in the table is one of the following cases: # 1. The number of columns and equal to the number of keys # 2. The number of keys # 3. The number of keys plus the empty cells in the last column ncells = n + ((ncols - (n % ncols)) if n != ncols else 0) if include_links or (include_links is None and cls.include_links): long_keys = list( map( lambda key: ":attr:`~%s.%s.%s`" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__, key), keys, ) ) else: long_keys = keys maxn = max(map(len, long_keys)) # maximal lenght of the keys # extend with empty cells long_keys.extend([" " * maxn] * (ncells - n)) bars = (str_indent + "+-" + ("-" * (maxn) + "-+-") * ncols)[:-1] lines = ( "| %s |\n%s" % ( " | ".join( key.ljust(maxn) for key in long_keys[i : i + ncols] ), bars, ) for i in range(0, n, ncols) ) text = bars + "\n" + str_indent + ("\n" + str_indent).join(lines) if six.PY2: text = text.encode("utf-8") return func(text)
@classmethod @docstrings.dedent def _show_doc( cls, fmt_func, keys=None, indent=0, grouped=False, func=None, include_links=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Classmethod to print the formatoptions and their documentation This function is the basis for the :meth:`show_summaries` and :meth:`show_docs` methods Parameters ---------- fmt_func: function A function that takes the key, the key as it is printed, and the documentation of a formatoption as argument and returns what shall be printed %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- show_summaries, show_docs""" def titled_group(groupname): bars = str_indent + "*" * len(groupname) + "\n" return bars + str_indent + groupname + "\n" + bars func = func or default_print_func keys = cls._enhance_keys(keys, *args, **kwargs) str_indent = " " * indent if grouped: grouped_keys = Defaultdict(list) for fmto in map(lambda key: getattr(cls, key), keys): grouped_keys[fmto.groupname].append(fmto.key) text = "\n\n".join( titled_group(group) + cls._show_doc( fmt_func, keys, indent=indent, grouped=False, func=str, include_links=include_links, ) for group, keys in six.iteritems(grouped_keys) ) return func(text.rstrip()) if include_links or (include_links is None and cls.include_links): long_keys = list( map( lambda key: ":attr:`~%s.%s.%s`" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__, key), keys, ) ) else: long_keys = keys text = "\n".join( str_indent + long_key + "\n" + fmt_func(key, long_key, getattr(cls, key).__doc__) for long_key, key in zip(long_keys, keys) ) return func(text)
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.dedent def show_summaries(cls, keys=None, indent=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Classmethod to print the summaries of the formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- show_keys, show_docs""" def find_summary(key, key_txt, doc): return "\n".join(wrapper.wrap(doc[: doc.find("\n\n")])) str_indent = " " * indent wrapper = TextWrapper( width=80, initial_indent=str_indent + " " * 4, subsequent_indent=str_indent + " " * 4, ) return cls._show_doc( find_summary, keys=keys, indent=indent, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.dedent def show_docs(cls, keys=None, indent=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Classmethod to print the full documentations of the formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- show_keys, show_docs""" def full_doc(key, key_txt, doc): return ("=" * len(key_txt)) + "\n" + doc + "\n" return cls._show_doc( full_doc, keys=keys, indent=indent, *args, **kwargs )
@classmethod def _get_rc_strings(cls): """ Recursive method to get the base strings in the rcParams dictionary. This method takes the :attr:`_rcparams_string` attribute from the given `class` and combines it with the :attr:`_rcparams_string` attributes from the base classes. The returned frozenset can be used as base strings for the :meth:`psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams.find_and_replace` method. Returns ------- list The first entry is the :attr:`_rcparams_string` of this class, the following the :attr:`_rcparams_string` attributes of the base classes according to the method resolution order of this class""" return list( unique_everseen( chain( *map( lambda base: getattr(base, "_rcparams_string", []), cls.__mro__, ) ) ) ) def _set_rc(self): """Method to set the rcparams and defaultParams for this plotter""" base_str = self._get_rc_strings() # to make sure that the '.' is not interpreted as a regex pattern, # we specify the pattern_base by ourselves pattern_base = map(lambda s: s.replace(".", r"\."), base_str) # pattern for valid keys being all formatoptions in this plotter pattern = "(%s)(?=$)" % "|".join(self._get_formatoptions()) self._rc = rcParams.find_and_replace( base_str, pattern=pattern, pattern_base=pattern_base ) user_rc = SubDict( rcParams["plotter.user"], base_str, pattern=pattern, pattern_base=pattern_base, ) self._rc.update( self._defaultParams = SubDict( rcParams.defaultParams, base_str, pattern=pattern, pattern_base=pattern_base, ) docstrings.keep_params("InteractiveBase.update.parameters", "auto_update")
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter.update") @docstrings.dedent def update( self, fmt={}, replot=False, auto_update=False, draw=None, force=False, todefault=False, **kwargs, ): """ Update the formatoptions and the plot If the :attr:`data` attribute of this plotter is None, the plotter is updated like a usual dictionary (see :meth:`dict.update`). Otherwise the update is registered and the plot is updated if `auto_update` is True or if the :meth:`start_update` method is called (see below). Parameters ---------- %(Plotter._register_update.parameters)s %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters)s %(InteractiveBase.update.parameters.auto_update)s ``**kwargs`` Any other formatoption that shall be updated (additionally to those in `fmt`) Notes ----- %(InteractiveBase.update.notes)s""" if self.disabled: return fmt = dict(fmt) if kwargs: fmt.update(kwargs) # if the data is None, update like a usual dictionary (but with # validation) if not self._initialized: for key, val in six.iteritems(fmt): self[key] = val return self._register_update( fmt=fmt, replot=replot, force=force, todefault=todefault ) if not self.no_auto_update or auto_update: self.start_update(draw=draw)
def _set_sharing_keys(self, keys): """ Set the keys to share or unshare Parameters ---------- keys: string or iterable of strings The iterable may contain formatoptions that shall be shared (or unshared), or group names of formatoptions to share all formatoptions of that group (see the :attr:`fmt_groups` property). If None, all formatoptions of this plotter are inserted. Returns ------- set The set of formatoptions to share (or unshare)""" if isinstance(keys, str): keys = {keys} keys = set(self) if keys is None else set(keys) fmto_groups = self._fmto_groups keys.update( chain( *( map(lambda fmto: fmto.key, fmto_groups[key]) for key in keys.intersection(fmto_groups) ) ) ) keys.difference_update(fmto_groups) return keys
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter.share") @docstrings.dedent def share(self, plotters, keys=None, draw=None, auto_update=False): """ Share the formatoptions of this plotter with others This method shares the formatoptions of this :class:`Plotter` instance with others to make sure that, if the formatoption of this changes, those of the others change as well Parameters ---------- plotters: list of :class:`Plotter` instances or a :class:`Plotter` The plotters to share the formatoptions with keys: string or iterable of strings The formatoptions to share, or group names of formatoptions to share all formatoptions of that group (see the :attr:`fmt_groups` property). If None, all formatoptions of this plotter are unshared. %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s %(InteractiveBase.update.parameters.auto_update)s See Also -------- unshare, unshare_me""" auto_update = auto_update or not self.no_auto_update if isinstance(plotters, Plotter): plotters = [plotters] keys = self._set_sharing_keys(keys) for plotter in plotters: for key in keys: fmto = self._shared.get(key, getattr(self, key)) if not getattr(plotter, key) == fmto: plotter._shared[key] = getattr(self, key) fmto.shared.add(getattr(plotter, key)) # now exit if we are not initialized if self._initialized: self.update(force=keys, auto_update=auto_update, draw=draw) for plotter in plotters: if not plotter._initialized: continue old_registered = plotter._registered_updates.copy() plotter._registered_updates.clear() try: plotter.update(force=keys, auto_update=auto_update, draw=draw) except Exception: raise finally: plotter._registered_updates.clear() plotter._registered_updates.update(old_registered) if draw is None: draw = rcParams["auto_draw"] if draw: self.draw() if rcParams["auto_show"]:
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def unshare(self, plotters, keys=None, auto_update=False, draw=None): """ Close the sharing connection of this plotter with others This method undoes the sharing connections made by the :meth:`share` method and releases the given `plotters` again, such that the formatoptions in this plotter may be updated again to values different from this one. Parameters ---------- plotters: list of :class:`Plotter` instances or a :class:`Plotter` The plotters to release keys: string or iterable of strings The formatoptions to unshare, or group names of formatoptions to unshare all formatoptions of that group (see the :attr:`fmt_groups` property). If None, all formatoptions of this plotter are unshared. %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s %(InteractiveBase.update.parameters.auto_update)s See Also -------- share, unshare_me""" auto_update = auto_update or not self.no_auto_update if isinstance(plotters, Plotter): plotters = [plotters] keys = self._set_sharing_keys(keys) for plotter in plotters: plotter.unshare_me( keys, auto_update=auto_update, draw=draw, update_other=False ) self.update(force=keys, auto_update=auto_update, draw=draw)
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Plotter.unshare_me") @docstrings.dedent def unshare_me( self, keys=None, auto_update=False, draw=None, update_other=True ): """ Close the sharing connection of this plotter with others This method undoes the sharing connections made by the :meth:`share` method and release this plotter again. Parameters ---------- keys: string or iterable of strings The formatoptions to unshare, or group names of formatoptions to unshare all formatoptions of that group (see the :attr:`fmt_groups` property). If None, all formatoptions of this plotter are unshared. %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s %(InteractiveBase.update.parameters.auto_update)s See Also -------- share, unshare""" auto_update = auto_update or not self.no_auto_update keys = self._set_sharing_keys(keys) to_update = [] for key in keys: fmto = getattr(self, key) try: other_fmto = self._shared.pop(key) except KeyError: pass else: other_fmto.shared.remove(fmto) if update_other: other_fmto.plotter._register_update(force=[other_fmto.key]) to_update.append(other_fmto.plotter) self.update(force=keys, draw=draw, auto_update=auto_update) if update_other and auto_update: for plotter in to_update: plotter.start_update(draw=draw)
[docs] def get_vfunc(self, key): """Return the validation function for a specified formatoption Parameters ---------- key: str Formatoption key in the :attr:`rc` dictionary Returns ------- function Validation function for this formatoption""" return self._defaultParams[key][1]
def _save_state(self): """Saves the current formatoptions""" self._old_fmt.append(self.changed)
[docs] def show(self): """Shows all open figures""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[docs] @dedent def has_changed(self, key, include_last=True): """ Determine whether a formatoption changed in the last update Parameters ---------- key: str A formatoption key contained in this plotter include_last: bool if True and the formatoption has been included in the last update, the return value will not be None. Otherwise the return value will only be not None if it changed during the last update Returns ------- None or list - None, if the value has not been changed during the last update or `key` is not a valid formatoption key - a list of length two with the old value in the first place and the given `value` at the second""" if self._initializing or key not in self: return fmto = getattr(self, key) if self._old_fmt and key in self._old_fmt[-1]: old_val = self._old_fmt[-1][key] else: old_val = fmto.default if fmto.diff(old_val) or ( include_last and fmto.key in self._last_update ): return [old_val, fmto.value]
[docs] def get_enhanced_attrs(self, arr, axes=["x", "y", "t", "z"]): if isinstance(arr, InteractiveList): all_attrs = list( starmap(self.get_enhanced_attrs, zip(arr, repeat(axes))) ) attrs = { key: val for key, val in six.iteritems(all_attrs[0]) if all( key in attrs and attrs[key] == val for attrs in all_attrs[1:] ) } attrs.update(arr.attrs) else: attrs = arr.attrs.copy() base_variables = self.base_variables if len(base_variables) > 1: # multiple variables for name, base_var in six.iteritems(base_variables): attrs.update( { six.text_type(name) + key: value for key, value in six.iteritems(base_var.attrs) } ) else: base_var = next(six.itervalues(base_variables)) attrs["name"] = for dim, coord in six.iteritems(getattr(arr, "coords", {})): if coord.size == 1: attrs[dim] = format_time(coord.values) if isinstance(, InteractiveList): base =[0].psy.base else: base = for dim in axes: for obj in [base_var, arr]: decoder = CFDecoder.get_decoder(base, obj) coord = getattr(decoder, "get_" + dim)( obj, coords=getattr(arr, "coords", None) ) if coord is None: continue if coord.size == 1: attrs[dim] = format_time(coord.values) attrs[dim + "name"] = for key, val in six.iteritems(coord.attrs): attrs[dim + key] = val self._enhanced_attrs = attrs return attrs
def _make_plot(self): plot_fmtos = [fmto for fmto in self._fmtos if fmto.plot_fmt] plot_fmtos.sort(key=lambda fmto: fmto.priority, reverse=True) for fmto in plot_fmtos: self.logger.debug("Making plot with %s formatoption", fmto.key) fmto.make_plot() @classmethod def _get_sample_projection(cls): """Returns None. May be subclassed to return a projection that can be used when creating a subplot""" pass
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def convert_coordinate(self, coord, *variables): """Convert a coordinate to units necessary for the plot. %(Formatoption.convert_coordinate.summary_ext)s Parameters ---------- %(Formatoption.convert_coordinate.parameters)s Returns ------- %(Formatoption.convert_coordinate.returns)s Notes ----- This method is supposed to be implemented by subclasses. The default implementation by the :class:`Plotter` class does nothing. """ return coord