Source code for psyplot.project

"""Project module of the psyplot Package.

This module contains the :class:`Project` class that serves as the main
part of the psyplot API. One instance of the :class:`Project` class serves as
coordinator of multiple plots and can be distributed into subprojects that
keep reference to the main project without holding all array instances

Furthermore this module contains an easy pyplot-like API to the current

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy as _deepcopy
from functools import partial, wraps
from importlib import import_module
from itertools import chain, count, cycle, islice, repeat

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.figure as mfig
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import six
import xarray
import yaml
from matplotlib.axes import SubplotBase

import psyplot
import psyplot.utils as utils
from psyplot import get_versions, rcParams
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import get_configdir, psyplot_fname
from import (
from psyplot.docstring import dedent, docstrings, safe_modulo
from psyplot.plotter import Plotter, unique_everseen
from psyplot.utils import get_default_value as _get_default_value
from psyplot.warning import critical, warn

    from cdo import CDO_PY_VERSION as cdo_version
    from cdo import Cdo as _CdoBase

    with_cdo = True
    cdo_version = tuple(map(int, cdo_version.split(".")[:2]))
except ImportError as e:
    Cdo = _MissingModule(e)
    with_cdo = False
    cdo_version = None

try:  # try import show_colormaps for convenience
    from psy_simple.colors import get_cmap, show_colormaps  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

if rcParams["project.import_seaborn"] is not False:
        import seaborn as _sns
    except ImportError as e:
        if rcParams["project.import_seaborn"]:
        _sns = _MissingModule(e)

_open_projects = []  # list of open projects
_current_project = None  # current main project
_current_subproject = None  # current subproject

# the informations on the psyplot and plugin versions
_versions = get_versions(requirements=False)

_concat_dim_default = _get_default_value(xarray.open_mfdataset, "concat_dim")

def _update_versions():
    """Update :attr:`_versions` with the registered plotter methods"""
    for pm_name in plot._plot_methods:
        pm = getattr(plot, pm_name)
        plugin = pm._plugin
        if (
            plugin is not None
            and plugin not in _versions
            and pm.module in sys.modules
            _versions.update(get_versions(key=lambda s: s == plugin))

[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="multiple_subplots") @docstrings.dedent def multiple_subplots( rows=1, cols=1, maxplots=None, n=1, delete=True, for_maps=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Function to create subplots. This function creates so many subplots on so many figures until the specified number `n` is reached. Parameters ---------- rows: int The number of subplots per rows cols: int The number of subplots per column maxplots: int The number of subplots per figure (if None, it will be row*cols) n: int number of subplots to create delete: bool If True, the additional subplots per figure are deleted for_maps: bool If True this is a simple shortcut for setting ``subplot_kw=dict(`` and is useful if you want to use the :attr:`~ProjectPlotter.mapplot`, :attr:`~ProjectPlotter.mapvector` or :attr:`~ProjectPlotter.mapcombined` plotting methods ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` anything that is passed to the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` function Returns ------- list list of maplotlib.axes.SubplotBase instances""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt axes = np.array([]) maxplots = maxplots or rows * cols kwargs.setdefault("figsize", [min(8.0 * cols, 16), min(6.5 * rows, 12)]) if for_maps: import as ccrs subplot_kw = kwargs.setdefault("subplot_kw", {}) subplot_kw["projection"] = ccrs.PlateCarree() for i in range(0, n, maxplots): fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, *args, **kwargs) try: axes = np.append(axes, ax.ravel()[:maxplots]) if delete: for iax in range(maxplots, rows * cols): fig.delaxes(ax.ravel()[iax]) except AttributeError: # got a single subplot axes = np.append(axes, [ax]) if i + maxplots > n and delete: for ax2 in axes[n:]: fig.delaxes(ax2) axes = axes[:n] return axes
def _is_slice(val): return isinstance(val, slice) def _only_main(func): """Call the given `func` only from the main project""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.is_main: return getattr(self.main, func.__name__)(*args, **kwargs) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def _first_main(func): """Call the given `func` with the same arguments but after the function of the main project""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.is_main: getattr(self.main, func.__name__)(*args, **kwargs) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class Project(ArrayList): """A manager of multiple interactive data projects""" _main = None _registered_plotters = {} #: registered plotter identifiers #: signal to be emiitted when the current main and/or subproject changes oncpchange = Signal(name="oncpchange", cls_signal=True) # block the signals of this class block_signals = utils._TempBool() @property def main(self): """:class:`Project`. The main project of this subproject""" return self._main if self._main is not None else self @main.setter def main(self, value): self._main = value @property @dedent def plot(self): """ Plotting instance of this :class:`Project`. See the :class:`ProjectPlotter` class for method documentations""" return self._plot @property def _fmtos(self): """An iterator over formatoption objects Contains only the formatoption whose keys are in all plotters in this list""" plotters = self.plotters if len(plotters) == 0: return {} p0 = plotters[0] if len(plotters) == 1: return p0._fmtos return ( getattr(p0, key) for key in set(p0).intersection(*map(set, plotters[1:])) ) @property def is_csp(self): """Boolean that is True if the project is the current subproject""" return self is _current_subproject @property def is_cmp(self): """Boolean that is True if the project is the current main project""" return self is _current_project @property def figs(self): """A mapping from figures to data objects with the plotter in this figure""" ret = utils.Defaultdict(lambda: self[1:0]) for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter is not None: ret[].append(arr) return dict(ret) @property def axes(self): """A mapping from axes to data objects with the plotter in this axes""" ret = utils.Defaultdict(lambda: self[1:0]) for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter is not None: ret[].append(arr) return dict(ret) @property def is_main(self): """:class:`bool`. True if this :class:`Project` is a main project""" return self._main is None @property def logger(self): """:class:`logging.Logger` of this instance""" if not self.is_main: return self.main.logger try: return self._logger except AttributeError: name = "%s.%s.%s" % ( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.num, ) self._logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.logger.debug("Initializing...") return self._logger @logger.setter def logger(self, value): self._logger = value def with_plotter(self): ret = super(Project, self).with_plotter ret.main = self.main return ret with_plotter = property(with_plotter, doc=ArrayList.with_plotter.__doc__) @property def arr_names(self): """Names of the arrays (!not of the variables!) in this list This attribute can be set with an iterable of unique names to change the array names of the data objects in this list.""" return list(arr.psy.arr_name for arr in self) @arr_names.setter def arr_names(self, value): value = list(islice(value, len(self))) if not len(set(value)) == len(self): raise ValueError( "Got %i unique array names for %i data objects!" % (len(set(value)), len(self)) ) elif not self.is_main and set(value) & ( set(self.main.arr_names) - set(self.arr_names) ): raise ValueError( "Cannot rename arrays because there are duplicates with the " "main project: %s" % ( set(value) & (set(self.main.arr_names) - set(self.arr_names)), ) ) for arr, n in zip(self, value): arr.psy.arr_name = n if self.main is gcp(True): for arr in self: arr.psy.onupdate.emit() @property def plotters(self): """A list of all the plotters in this instance""" return [arr.psy.plotter for arr in self.with_plotter] @property def datasets(self): """A mapping from dataset numbers to datasets in this list""" return { key: val["ds"] for key, val in six.iteritems( self._get_ds_descriptions( self.array_info(ds_description=["ds"]) ) ) } @property def dsnames_map(self): """A dictionary from the dataset numbers in this list to their filenames""" return { key: val["fname"] for key, val in six.iteritems( self._get_ds_descriptions( self.array_info(ds_description=["num", "fname"]), ds_description={"fname"}, ) ) } @property def dsnames(self): """The set of dataset names in this instance""" return {t[0] for t in self._get_dsnames(self.array_info()) if t[0]} @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project") @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(ArrayList.parameters)s main: Project The main project this subproject belongs to (or None if this project is the main project) num: int The number of the project """ self.main = kwargs.pop("main", None) self._plot = ProjectPlotter(self) self.num = kwargs.pop("num", 1) self._ds_counter = count() with self.block_signals: super(Project, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project._register_plotter") @dedent def _register_plotter( cls, identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls=None ): """ Register a plotter in the :class:`Project` class to easy access it Parameters ---------- identifier: str Name of the attribute that is used to filter for the instances belonging to this plotter module: str The module from where to import the `plotter_name` plotter_name: str The name of the plotter class in `module` plotter_cls: type The imported class of `plotter_name`. If None, it will be imported when it is needed """ if plotter_cls is not None: # plotter has already been imported def get_x(self): return self(plotter_cls) else: def get_x(self): return self(getattr(import_module(module), plotter_name)) setattr( cls, identifier, property( get_x, doc=( "List of data arrays that are plotted by :class:`%s.%s`" " plotters" ) % (module, plotter_name), ), ) cls._registered_plotters[identifier] = (module, plotter_name)
[docs] def disable(self): """Disables the plotters in this list""" for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter: arr.psy.plotter.disabled = True
[docs] def enable(self): for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter: arr.psy.plotter.disabled = False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = super(Project, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) ret.main = self.main return ret def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close(True, True, True) @staticmethod @docstrings.get_sections( base="Project._load_preset", sections=["Parameters", "Notes"] ) def _load_preset(preset: str): """Load a preset from disk Parameters ---------- preset: str or dict The filename or identifier of a preset. If the given `preset` is the path to an existing yaml file, it will be loaded. Otherwise we look up the `preset` in the psyplot configuration directory (see :func:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.get_configdir`). If a dictionary is provided, we assume that this is the preset Returns ------- dict The loaded preset Notes ----- An identifier is the filename without extension. If you want to list the available presets, run ``psyplot -lp`` from the command-line""" if isinstance(preset, dict): config = preset else: path = Project._resolve_preset_path(preset) if path in rcParams["presets.trusted"]: loader = yaml.Loader else: loader = yaml.SafeLoader with open(path) as f: try: config = yaml.load(f, loader) except yaml.constructor.ConstructorError as e: e.note = (e.note or "") + ( " You might want to add it to the trusted presets " 'via\n\npsy.rcParams["presets.trusted"].append("{}")\n\n' "and run this method again. To permanently store " "this preset, edit the file at\n\n{} " ).format(path, psyplot_fname()) raise return config @staticmethod def _resolve_preset_path(preset, if_exists=True): if osp.exists(preset): return preset else: confdir = get_configdir() presets_dir = osp.join(confdir, "presets") if osp.exists(osp.join(presets_dir, preset)): return osp.join(presets_dir, preset) elif osp.exists(osp.join(presets_dir, preset + ".yml")): return osp.join(presets_dir, preset + ".yml") else: if if_exists: raise ValueError( f"Could not find a preset with name {preset}" ) else: if not preset.endswith(".yml"): return osp.join(presets_dir, preset + ".yml") return preset
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def load_preset(self, preset: str, **kwargs): """Load a preset from disk and apply it to the open project. This method loads a preset and updates the corresponding plots Parameters ---------- %(Project._load_preset.parameters)s ``**kwargs`` Any other parameter that shall be passed to the :meth:`` method Notes ----- %(Project._load_preset.notes)s """ config = self._load_preset(preset) plotmethods = self.plot._plot_methods pm_config, defaults = utils.sort_kwargs(config, plotmethods) with self.no_auto_update: for pm in plotmethods: method = getattr(self.plot, pm) if method.is_imported: sp = getattr(self, pm) if sp: valid = list(method.plotter_cls._get_formatoptions()) fmts = { key: val for key, val in defaults.items() if key in valid } fmts.update(pm_config.get(pm, {})) sp.update(fmt=fmts, **kwargs) self.start_update()
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_fmts_from_preset(preset: str, plotmethod: str): """Extract the formatoptions for a plotmethod from a given preset This method takes the preset and extracts the formatoptions valid for the given plotmethod Parameters ---------- %(Project._load_preset.parameters)s plotmethod: str The plotmethod to use""" preset = Project._load_preset(preset) try: plotmethod._method except AttributeError: method = getattr(plot, plotmethod) else: method = plotmethod plotmethod = method._method plotmethods = plot._plot_methods pm_config, defaults = utils.sort_kwargs(preset, plotmethods) valid = list(method.plotter_cls._get_formatoptions()) fmts = {key: val for key, val in defaults.items() if key in valid} fmts.update(pm_config.get(plotmethod, {})) return fmts
[docs] def save_preset(self, fname=None, include_defaults=False, update=False): """Save the formatoptions of this project as a preset This method takes the formatoptions in the plotters of this project and saves it as a preset file""" def include(fmto, plotters): key = fmto.key for plotter in plotters: if fmto.diff(plotter[key]): return False return True if include_defaults else fmto.changed if update: with open(fname) as f: preset = yaml.load(f, yaml.Loader) else: preset = {} plotters = self.plotters for fmto in self._fmtos: if include(fmto, plotters): preset[fmto.key] = fmto.value for pm in self.plot._plot_methods: method = getattr(self.plot, pm) if method.is_imported: sp = getattr(self, pm) plotters = sp.plotters for fmto in sp._fmtos: if fmto.key not in preset and include(fmto, plotters): preset.setdefault(pm, {}) preset[pm][fmto.key] = fmto.value if fname is not None: fname = self._resolve_preset_path(fname, False) os.makedirs(osp.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True) with open(fname, "w") as f: yaml.dump(preset, f) else: return preset
[docs] @_first_main def extend(self, *args, **kwargs): len0 = len(self) ret = super(Project, self).extend(*args, **kwargs) if self._main is None: for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter is not None: arr.psy.plotter._project = self if len(self) > len0 and (self.is_csp or self.is_cmp): self.oncpchange.emit(self) return ret
extend.__doc__ = ArrayList.extend.__doc__
[docs] @_first_main def append(self, *args, **kwargs): len0 = len(self) ret = super(Project, self).append(*args, **kwargs) if self._main is None: for arr in self: if arr.psy.plotter is not None: arr.psy.plotter._project = self if len(self) > len0 and (self.is_csp or self.is_cmp): self.oncpchange.emit(self) return ret
append.__doc__ = ArrayList.append.__doc__ __call__.__doc__ = ArrayList.__call__.__doc__
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.close") @dedent def close(self, figs=True, data=False, ds=False, remove_only=False): """ Close this project instance Parameters ---------- figs: bool Close the figures data: bool delete the arrays from the (main) project ds: bool If True, close the dataset as well remove_only: bool If True and `figs` is True, the figures are not closed but the plotters are removed""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt close_ds = ds for arr in self[:]: if figs and arr.psy.plotter is not None: if remove_only: for fmto in arr.psy.plotter._fmtos: try: fmto.remove() except Exception: pass else: plt.close( arr.psy.plotter = None if data: self.remove(arr) if not self.is_main: try: self.main.remove(arr) except ValueError: # arr not in list pass if close_ds: if isinstance(arr, InteractiveList): for ds in [ val["ds"] for val in six.itervalues( arr._get_ds_descriptions( arr.array_info( ds_description=["ds"], standardize_dims=False, ) ) ) ]: ds.close() else: arr.psy.base.close() if self.is_main and self is gcp(True) and data: scp(None) elif self.is_main and self.is_cmp: self.oncpchange.emit(self) elif self.main.is_cmp: self.oncpchange.emit(self.main)
docstrings.keep_params("multiple_subplots.parameters", "delete") docstrings.delete_params("ArrayList.from_dataset.parameters", "base") docstrings.delete_kwargs( "ArrayList.from_dataset.other_parameters", kwargs="kwargs" ) docstrings.keep_params("xarray.open_mfdataset.parameters", "concat_dim") docstrings.keep_params("Project._load_preset.parameters", "preset") @_only_main @docstrings.get_sections( base="Project._add_data", sections=["Parameters", "Other Parameters", "Returns"], ) @docstrings.dedent def _add_data( self, plotter_cls, filename_or_obj, fmt={}, make_plot=True, draw=False, mf_mode=False, ax=None, engine=None, delete=True, share=False, clear=False, enable_post=None, concat_dim=_concat_dim_default, load=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Extract data from a dataset and visualize it with the given plotter Parameters ---------- plotter_cls: type The subclass of :class:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter` to use for visualization filename_or_obj: filename, :class:`xarray.Dataset` or data store The object (or file name) to open. If not a dataset, the :func:`` will be used to open a dataset fmt: dict Formatoptions that shall be when initializing the plot (you can however also specify them as extra keyword arguments) make_plot: bool If True, the data is plotted at the end. Otherwise you have to call the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.initialize_plot` method or the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.reinit` method by yourself %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s mf_mode: bool If True, the :func:`psyplot.open_mfdataset` method is used. Otherwise we use the :func:`psyplot.open_dataset` method which can open only one single dataset ax: None, tuple (x, y[, z]) or (list of) matplotlib.axes.Axes Specifies the subplots on which to plot the new data objects. - If None, a new figure will be created for each created plotter - If tuple (x, y[, z]), `x` specifies the number of rows, `y` the number of columns and the optional third parameter `z` the maximal number of subplots per figure. - If :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` (or list of those, e.g. created by the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` function), the data will be plotted on these subplots %(open_dataset.parameters.engine)s %(multiple_subplots.parameters.delete)s share: bool, fmt key or list of fmt keys Determines whether the first created plotter shares it's formatoptions with the others. If True, all formatoptions are shared. Strings or list of strings specify the keys to share. clear: bool If True, axes are cleared before making the plot. This is only necessary if the `ax` keyword consists of subplots with projection that differs from the one that is needed enable_post: bool If True, the :attr:`` formatoption is enabled and post processing scripts are allowed. If ``None``, this parameter is set to True if there is a value given for the `post` formatoption in `fmt` or `kwargs` %(xarray.open_mfdataset.parameters.concat_dim)s This parameter only does have an effect if `mf_mode` is True. load: bool If True, load the complete dataset into memory before plotting. This might be useful if the data of other variables in the dataset has to be accessed multiple times, e.g. for unstructured grids. %(ArrayList.from_dataset.parameters.no_base)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(ArrayList.from_dataset.other_parameters.no_args_kwargs)s ``**kwargs`` Any other dimension or formatoption that shall be passed to `dims` or `fmt` respectively. Returns ------- Project The subproject that contains the new (visualized) data array""" if not isinstance(filename_or_obj, xarray.Dataset): if mf_mode: filename_or_obj = open_mfdataset( filename_or_obj, engine=engine, concat_dim=concat_dim ) else: filename_or_obj = open_dataset(filename_or_obj, engine=engine) if load: old = filename_or_obj filename_or_obj = filename_or_obj.load() old.close() fmt = dict(fmt) possible_fmts = list(plotter_cls._get_formatoptions()) additional_fmt, kwargs = utils.sort_kwargs(kwargs, possible_fmts) fmt.update(additional_fmt) if enable_post is None: enable_post = bool(fmt.get("post")) # create the subproject sub_project = self.from_dataset(filename_or_obj, **kwargs) sub_project.main = self sub_project.no_auto_update = not ( not sub_project.no_auto_update or not self.no_auto_update ) # create the subplots proj = plotter_cls._get_sample_projection() if isinstance(ax, tuple): axes = iter( multiple_subplots( *ax, n=len(sub_project), subplot_kw={"projection": proj} ) ) elif ax is None or isinstance( ax, (mpl.axes.SubplotBase, mpl.axes.Axes) ): axes = repeat(ax) else: axes = iter(ax) clear = clear or (isinstance(ax, tuple) and proj is not None) for arr in sub_project: plotter_cls( arr, make_plot=(not bool(share) and make_plot), draw=False, ax=next(axes), clear=clear, project=self, enable_post=enable_post, **fmt, ) if share: if share is True: share = possible_fmts elif isinstance(share, six.string_types): share = [share] else: share = list(share) sub_project[0].psy.plotter.share( [arr.psy.plotter for arr in sub_project[1:]], keys=share, draw=False, ) if make_plot: for arr in sub_project: arr.psy.plotter.reinit(draw=False, clear=clear) if draw is None: draw = rcParams["auto_draw"] if draw: sub_project.draw() if rcParams["auto_show"]: self.extend(sub_project, new_name=True) if self is gcp(True): scp(sub_project) return sub_project def __getitem__(self, key): """Overwrites lists __getitem__ by returning subproject if `key` is a slice""" if isinstance(key, slice): # return a new project ret = self.__class__(super(Project, self).__getitem__(key)) ret.main = self.main else: # return the item ret = super(Project, self).__getitem__(key) return ret if six.PY2: # for compatibility to python 2.7 def __getslice__(self, *args): return self[slice(*args)] def __add__(self, other): # overwritte to return a subproject ret = self.__class__(super(Project, self).__add__(other)) ret.main = self.main return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def show(): """Shows all open figures""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
docstrings.keep_params("join_dicts.parameters", "delimiter") docstrings.keep_params("join_dicts.parameters", "keep_all")
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.joined_attrs") @docstrings.with_indent(8) def joined_attrs( self, delimiter=", ", enhanced=True, plot_data=False, keep_all=True ): """Join the attributes of the arrays in this project Parameters ---------- %(join_dicts.parameters.delimiter)s enhanced: bool If True, the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.get_enhanced_attrs` method is used, otherwise the :attr:`xarray.DataArray.attrs` attribute is used. plot_data: bool It True, use the :attr:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.plot_data` attribute of the plotters rather than the raw data in this project %(join_dicts.parameters.keep_all)s Returns ------- dict A mapping from the attribute to the joined attributes which are either strings or (if there is only one attribute value), the data type of the corresponding value""" if enhanced: all_attrs = [ plotter.get_enhanced_attrs( getattr(plotter, "plot_data" if plot_data else "data") ) for plotter in self.plotters ] else: if plot_data: all_attrs = [ plotter.plot_data.attrs for plotter in self.plotters ] else: all_attrs = [arr.attrs for arr in self] return utils.join_dicts( all_attrs, delimiter=delimiter, keep_all=keep_all )
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.format_string") @docstrings.with_indent(8) def format_string( self, s, use_time=False, format_args=None, *args, **kwargs ): """Format a string with the attributes in this project Parameters ---------- s: str The string that is subject to be formatted use_time: bool If True, formatting strings for the :meth:`datetime.datetime.strftime` are expected to be found in `output` (e.g. ``'%%m'``, ``'%%Y'``, etc.). If so, other formatting strings must be escaped by double ``'%%'`` (e.g. ``'%%%i'`` instead of (``'%%i'``)) format_args: tuple A tuple of arguments that shall be inserted in `s` via ``s %% format_args``. (There will be no error, when this fails!) %(Project.joined_attrs.parameters)s Returns ------- str The formatted string `s` """ attrs = self.joined_attrs(*args, **kwargs) if use_time: tnames = self._get_tnames() tname = next(iter(tnames)) if len(tnames) == 1 else None time = attrs[tname] try: # assume a valid datetime.datetime instance s = pd.to_datetime(time).strftime(s) except ValueError: pass if format_args is not None: try: s = safe_modulo(s, format_args, print_warning=False) except TypeError: pass return safe_modulo(s, attrs)
docstrings.keep_params("Project.format_string.parameters", "use_time")
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def export( self, output, tight=False, concat=True, close_pdf=None, use_time=False, **kwargs, ): """Exports the figures of the project to one or more image files Parameters ---------- output: str, iterable or matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages if string or list of strings, those define the names of the output files. Otherwise you may provide an instance of :class:`matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages` to save the figures in it. If string (or iterable of strings), attribute names in the xarray.DataArray.attrs attribute as well as index dimensions are replaced by the respective value (see examples below). Furthermore a single format string without key (e.g. %%i, %%s, %%d, etc.) is replaced by a counter. tight: bool If True, it is tried to figure out the tight bbox of the figure (same as bbox_inches='tight') concat: bool if True and the output format is `pdf`, all figures are concatenated into one single pdf close_pdf: bool or None If True and the figures are concatenated into one single pdf, the resulting pdf instance is closed. If False it remains open. If None and `output` is a string, it is the same as ``close_pdf=True``, if None and `output` is neither a string nor an iterable, it is the same as ``close_pdf=False`` %(Project.format_string.parameters.use_time)s ``**kwargs`` Any valid keyword for the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` function Returns ------- matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages or None a PdfPages instance if output is a string and close_pdf is False, otherwise None Examples -------- Simply save all figures into one single pdf:: >>> p = psy.gcp() >>> p.export('my_plots.pdf') Save all figures into separate pngs with increasing numbers (e.g. ``'my_plots_1.png'``):: >>> p.export('my_plots_%%i.png') Save all figures into separate pngs with the name of the variables shown in each figure (e.g. ``'my_plots_t2m.png'``):: >>> p.export('my_plots_%%(name)s.png') Save all figures into separate pngs with the name of the variables shown in each figure and with increasing numbers (e.g. ``'my_plots_1_t2m.png'``):: >>> p.export('my_plots_%%i_%%(name)s.png') Specify the names for each figure directly via a list:: >>> p.export(['my_plots1.pdf', 'my_plots2.pdf']) """ from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages if tight: kwargs["bbox_inches"] = "tight" not_enough_files_warnings = ( "Not enough output files specified! %i figures are open " "but only %i filenames have been given! This will cause " "that some figures may be overwritten after being " "exported! Use a pdf instead if you want to save all " "figures or include a '%%i' string in the filename to " "avoid duplicates." ) if isinstance(output, six.string_types): # a single string out_fmt = kwargs.pop("format", os.path.splitext(output))[1][1:] if out_fmt.lower() == "pdf" and concat: output = self.format_string(output, use_time, delimiter="-") pdf = PdfPages(output) for fig in self.figs: pdf.savefig(fig, **kwargs) if close_pdf is None or close_pdf: pdf.close() return else: return pdf else: output = [output] * len(self.figs) if utils.is_iterable(output): # a list of strings output = [ sp.format_string(out, use_time, i, delimiter="-") for i, (out, sp) in enumerate( zip(output, self.figs.values()), 1 ) ] if len(set(output)) != len(output): warn(not_enough_files_warnings % (len(output), len(self.figs))) output = iter(output) for fig, out in zip(self.figs, output): fig.savefig(out, **kwargs) else: # an instances of matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages for fig in self.figs: output.savefig(fig, **kwargs) if close_pdf: output.close()
docstrings.keep_params("Plotter.share.parameters", "keys") docstrings.delete_params("Plotter.share.parameters", "keys", "plotters")
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def share(self, base=None, keys=None, by=None, **kwargs): """ Share the formatoptions of one plotter with all the others This method shares specified formatoptions from `base` with all the plotters in this instance. Parameters ---------- base: None, Plotter, xarray.DataArray, InteractiveList, or list of them The source of the plotter that shares its formatoptions with the others. It can be None (then the first instance in this project is used), a :class:`~psyplot.plotter.Plotter` or any data object with a *psy* attribute. If `by` is not None, then it is expected that `base` is a list of data objects for each figure/axes %(Plotter.share.parameters.keys)s by: {'fig', 'figure', 'ax', 'axes'} Share the formatoptions only with the others on the same ``'figure'`` or the same ``'axes'``. In this case, base must either be ``None`` or a list of the types specified for `base` %(Plotter.share.parameters.no_keys|plotters)s See Also -------- psyplot.plotter.share""" if by is not None: if base is not None: if hasattr(base, "psy") or isinstance(base, Plotter): base = [base] if by.lower() in ["ax", "axes"]: bases = { ax: p[0] for ax, p in six.iteritems(Project(base).axes) } elif by.lower() in ["fig", "figure"]: bases = { fig: p[0] for fig, p in six.iteritems(Project(base).figs) } else: raise ValueError( "*by* must be out of {'fig', 'figure', 'ax', 'axes'}. " "Not %s" % (by,) ) else: bases = {} projects = self.axes if by == "axes" else self.figs for obj, p in projects.items(): p.share(bases.get(obj), keys, **kwargs) else: plotters = self.plotters if not plotters: return if base is None: if len(plotters) == 1: return base = plotters[0] plotters = plotters[1:] elif not isinstance(base, Plotter): base = getattr(getattr(base, "psy", base), "plotter", base) base.share(plotters, keys=keys, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def unshare(self, **kwargs): """ Unshare the formatoptions of all the plotters in this instance This method uses the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter.unshare_me` method to release the specified formatoptions in `keys`. Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.unshare_me.parameters)s See Also -------- psyplot.plotter.Plotter.unshare, psyplot.plotter.Plotter.unshare_me""" for plotter in self.plotters: plotter.unshare_me(**kwargs)
docstrings.delete_params("ArrayList.array_info.parameters", "pwd", "copy")
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.save_project") @docstrings.dedent def save_project(self, fname=None, pwd=None, pack=False, **kwargs): """ Save this project to a file Parameters ---------- fname: str or None If None, the dictionary will be returned. Otherwise the necessary information to load this project via the :meth:`load` method is saved to `fname` using the :mod:`pickle` module pwd: str or None, optional Path to the working directory from where the data can be imported. If None and `fname` is the path to a file, `pwd` is set to the directory of this file. Otherwise the current working directory is used. pack: bool If True, all datasets are packed into the folder of `fname` and will be used if the data is loaded %(ArrayList.array_info.parameters.no_pwd|copy)s Notes ----- You can also store the entire data in the pickled file by setting ``ds_description={'ds'}``""" # store the figure informatoptions and array informations if fname is not None and pwd is None and not pack: pwd = os.path.dirname(fname) if pack and fname is not None: target_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) def tmp_it(): from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile while True: yield NamedTemporaryFile(dir=target_dir, suffix=".nc").name kwargs.setdefault("paths", tmp_it()) if fname is not None: kwargs["copy"] = True _update_versions() ret = { "figs": dict(map(_ProjectLoader.inspect_figure, self.figs)), "arrays": self.array_info(pwd=pwd, **kwargs), "versions": _deepcopy(_versions), } if pack and fname is not None: # we get the filenames out of the results and copy the datasets # there. After that we check the filenames again and force them # to the desired directory from shutil import copyfile fnames = (f[0] for f in self._get_dsnames(ret["arrays"])) alternative_paths = kwargs.pop("alternative_paths", {}) counters = defaultdict(int) if kwargs.get("use_rel_paths", True): get_path = partial(os.path.relpath, start=target_dir) else: get_path = os.path.abspath for ds_fname in unique_everseen(chain(alternative_paths, fnames)): if ds_fname is None or utils.is_remote_url(ds_fname): continue dst_file = alternative_paths.get( ds_fname, os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(ds_fname)), ) orig_dst_file = dst_file if counters[dst_file] and ( not os.path.exists(dst_file) or not os.path.samefile(ds_fname, dst_file) ): dst_file, ext = os.path.splitext(dst_file) dst_file += "-" + str(counters[orig_dst_file]) + ext if not os.path.exists(dst_file) or not os.path.samefile( ds_fname, dst_file ): copyfile(ds_fname, dst_file) counters[orig_dst_file] += 1 alternative_paths.setdefault(ds_fname, get_path(dst_file)) ret["arrays"] = self.array_info( pwd=pwd, alternative_paths=alternative_paths, **kwargs ) # store the plotter settings for arr, d in zip(self, six.itervalues(ret["arrays"])): if arr.psy.plotter is None: continue plotter = arr.psy.plotter d["plotter"] = { "ax": _ProjectLoader.inspect_axes(, "fmt": { key: getattr(plotter, key).value2pickle for key in plotter }, "cls": ( plotter.__class__.__module__, plotter.__class__.__name__, ), "shared": {}, } d["plotter"]["ax"]["shared"] = set( other.psy.arr_name for other in self if == ) if d["plotter"]["ax"]["sharex"] = next( ( other.psy.arr_name for other in self if == ), None, ) if d["plotter"]["ax"]["sharey"] = next( ( other.psy.arr_name for other in self if == ), None, ) shared = d["plotter"]["shared"] for fmto in plotter._fmtos: if fmto.shared: shared[fmto.key] = [ for other_fmto in fmto.shared ] if fname is not None: with open(fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(ret, f) return None return ret
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def keys(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Show the available formatoptions in this project Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s""" class TmpClass(Plotter): pass for fmto in self._fmtos: setattr(TmpClass, fmto.key, type(fmto)(fmto.key)) return TmpClass.show_keys(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def summaries(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Show the available formatoptions and their summaries in this project Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s""" class TmpClass(Plotter): pass for fmto in self._fmtos: setattr(TmpClass, fmto.key, type(fmto)(fmto.key)) return TmpClass.show_summaries(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def docs(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Show the available formatoptions in this project and their full docu Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s""" class TmpClass(Plotter): pass for fmto in self._fmtos: setattr(TmpClass, fmto.key, type(fmto)(fmto.key)) return TmpClass.show_docs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.with_indent(8) def from_dataset(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Construct an ArrayList instance from an existing base dataset Parameters ---------- %(ArrayList.from_dataset.parameters)s main: Project The main project that this project corresponds to Other Parameters ---------------- %(ArrayList.from_dataset.other_parameters)s Returns ------- Project The newly created project instance """ main = kwargs.pop("main", None) ret = super(Project, cls).from_dataset(*args, **kwargs) if main is not None: ret.main = main main.extend(ret, new_name=False) return ret
docstrings.delete_params("ArrayList.from_dict.parameters", "d", "pwd") docstrings.keep_params("Project._add_data.parameters", "make_plot") docstrings.keep_params("Project._add_data.parameters", "clear")
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.load_project") @docstrings.dedent def load_project( cls, fname, auto_update=None, make_plot=True, draw=False, alternative_axes=None, main=False, encoding=None, enable_post=False, new_fig=True, clear=None, **kwargs, ): """ Load a project from a file or dict This classmethod allows to load a project that has been stored using the :meth:`save_project` method and reads all the data and creates the figures. Since the data is stored in external files when saving a project, make sure that the data is accessible under the relative paths as stored in the file `fname` or from the current working directory if `fname` is a dictionary. Alternatively use the `alternative_paths` parameter or the `pwd` parameter Parameters ---------- fname: str or dict The string might be the path to a file created with the :meth:`save_project` method, or it might be a dictionary from this method %(InteractiveBase.parameters.auto_update)s %(Project._add_data.parameters.make_plot)s %(InteractiveBase.start_update.parameters.draw)s alternative_axes: dict, None or list alternative axes instances to use - If it is None, the axes and figures from the saving point will be reproduced. - a dictionary should map from array names in the created project to matplotlib axes instances - a list should contain axes instances that will be used for iteration main: bool, optional If True, a new main project is created and returned. Otherwise (by default default) the data is added to the current main project. encoding: str The encoding to use for loading the project. If None, it is automatically determined by pickle. Note: Set this to ``'latin1'`` if using a project created with python2 on python3. enable_post: bool If True, the :attr:`` formatoption is enabled and post processing scripts are allowed. Do only set this parameter to ``True`` if you know you can trust the information in `fname` new_fig: bool If True (default) and `alternative_axes` is None, new figures are created if the figure already exists %(Project._add_data.parameters.clear)s pwd: str or None, optional Path to the working directory from where the data can be imported. If None and `fname` is the path to a file, `pwd` is set to the directory of this file. Otherwise the current working directory is used. %(ArrayList.from_dict.parameters.no_d|pwd)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(ArrayList.from_dict.parameters)s Returns ------- Project The project in state of the saving point""" from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points def get_ax_base(name, alternatives): ax_base = next(iter(obj(arr_name=name).axes), None) if ax_base is None: ax_base = next(iter(obj(arr_name=alternatives).axes), None) if ax_base is not None: alternatives.difference_update(obj(ax=ax_base).arr_names) return ax_base def join_axes(grouper_view, *axes): """Join multiple axes together""" try: grouper = grouper_view._grouper except AttributeError: # matplotlib 3.5 grouper = grouper_view grouper.join(*axes) pwd = kwargs.pop("pwd", None) if isinstance(fname, six.string_types): with open(fname, "rb") as f: pickle_kws = {} if not encoding else {"encoding": encoding} d = pickle.load(f, **pickle_kws) pwd = pwd or os.path.dirname(fname) else: d = dict(fname) pwd = pwd or os.getcwd() # check for patches of plugins for ep in iter_entry_points("psyplot", name="patches"): patches = ep.load() for arr_d in d.get("arrays").values(): plotter_cls = arr_d.get("plotter", {}).get("cls") if plotter_cls is not None and plotter_cls in patches: # apply the patch patches[plotter_cls]( arr_d["plotter"], d.get("versions", {}) ) fig_map = {} if alternative_axes is None: for fig_dict in six.itervalues(d.get("figs", {})): orig_num = fig_dict.get("num") or 1 fig_map[orig_num] = _ProjectLoader.load_figure( fig_dict, new_fig=new_fig ).number elif not isinstance(alternative_axes, dict): alternative_axes = cycle(iter(alternative_axes)) obj = cls.from_dict(d["arrays"], pwd=pwd, **kwargs) if main: # we create a new project with the project factory to make sure # that everything is handled correctly obj = project(None, obj) axes = {} arr_names = obj.arr_names sharex = defaultdict(set) sharey = defaultdict(set) for arr, (arr_name, arr_dict) in zip( obj, filter(lambda t: t[0] in arr_names, six.iteritems(d["arrays"])), ): if not arr_dict.get("plotter"): continue plot_dict = arr_dict["plotter"] plotter_cls = getattr( import_module(plot_dict["cls"][0]), plot_dict["cls"][1] ) ax = None if alternative_axes is not None: if isinstance(alternative_axes, dict): ax = alternative_axes.get(arr.arr_name) else: ax = next(alternative_axes, None) if ax is None and "ax" in plot_dict: already_opened = ( plot_dict["ax"].get("shared", set()).intersection(axes) ) if already_opened: ax = axes[next(iter(already_opened))] else: plot_dict["ax"].pop("shared", None) plot_dict["ax"]["fig"] = fig_map[ plot_dict["ax"].get("fig") or 1 ] if plot_dict["ax"].get("sharex"): sharex[plot_dict["ax"].pop("sharex")].add( arr.psy.arr_name ) if plot_dict["ax"].get("sharey"): sharey[plot_dict["ax"].pop("sharey")].add( arr.psy.arr_name ) axes[arr.psy.arr_name] = ax = _ProjectLoader.load_axes( plot_dict["ax"] ) plotter_cls( arr, make_plot=False, draw=False, clear=False, ax=ax, project=obj.main, enable_post=enable_post, **plot_dict["fmt"], ) # handle shared x and y-axes for key, names in sharex.items(): ax_base = get_ax_base(key, names) if ax_base is not None: join_axes( ax_base.get_shared_x_axes(), ax_base, *obj(arr_name=names).axes, ) for ax in obj(arr_name=names).axes: ax._sharex = ax_base for key, names in sharey.items(): ax_base = get_ax_base(key, names) if ax_base is not None: join_axes( ax_base.get_shared_y_axes(), ax_base, *obj(arr_name=names).axes, ) for ax in obj(arr_name=names).axes: ax._sharey = ax_base for arr in obj.with_plotter: shared = d["arrays"][arr.psy.arr_name]["plotter"].get("shared", {}) for key, arr_names in six.iteritems(shared): arr.psy.plotter.share( obj(arr_name=arr_names).plotters, keys=[key] ) if make_plot: for plotter in obj.plotters: plotter.reinit( draw=False, clear=clear or ( clear is None and plotter_cls._get_sample_projection() is not None ), ) if draw is None: draw = rcParams["auto_draw"] if draw: obj.draw() if rcParams["auto_show"]: if auto_update is None: auto_update = rcParams["lists.auto_update"] if not main: obj._main = gcp(True) obj.main.extend(obj, new_name=True) obj.no_auto_update = not auto_update scp(obj) return obj
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections(base="Project.scp") @dedent def scp(cls, project): """ Set the current project Parameters ---------- project: Project or None The project to set. If it is None, the current subproject is set to empty. If it is a sub project (see:attr:`Project.is_main`), the current subproject is set to this project. Otherwise it replaces the current main project See Also -------- scp: The global version for setting the current project gcp: Returns the current project project: Creates a new project""" if project is None: _scp(None) cls.oncpchange.emit(gcp()) elif not project.is_main: if project.main is not _current_project: _scp(project.main, True) cls.oncpchange.emit(project.main) _scp(project) cls.oncpchange.emit(project) else: _scp(project, True) cls.oncpchange.emit(project) sp = project[:] _scp(sp) cls.oncpchange.emit(sp)
docstrings.delete_params("Project.parameters", "num")
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.dedent def new(cls, num=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new main project Parameters ---------- num: int The number of the project %(Project.parameters.no_num)s Returns ------- Project The with the given `num` (if it does not already exist, it is created) See Also -------- scp: Sets the current project gcp: Returns the current project """ project = cls(*args, num=num, **kwargs) scp(project) return project
def __str__(self): return (("%i Main " % self.num) if self.is_main else "") + super( Project, self ).__str__()
class _ProjectLoader(object): """Class to inspect a project and reproduce it""" @staticmethod def inspect_figure(fig): """Get the parameters (heigth, width, etc.) to create a figure This method returns the number of the figure and a dictionary containing the necessary information for the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure` function""" return fig.number, { "num": fig.number, "figsize": (fig.get_figwidth(), fig.get_figheight()), "dpi": fig.get_dpi() / getattr(fig.canvas, "_dpi_ratio", 1), "facecolor": fig.get_facecolor(), "edgecolor": fig.get_edgecolor(), "frameon": fig.get_frameon(), "tight_layout": fig.get_tight_layout(), "subplotpars": vars(fig.subplotpars), } @staticmethod def load_figure(d, new_fig=True): """Create a figure from what is returned by :meth:`inspect_figure`""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt subplotpars = d.pop("subplotpars", None) if subplotpars is not None: subplotpars.pop("validate", None) subplotpars.pop("_validate", None) subplotpars = mfig.SubplotParams(**subplotpars) if new_fig: nums = plt.get_fignums() if d.get("num") in nums: d["num"] = next( i for i in range(max(plt.get_fignums()) + 1, 0, -1) if i not in nums ) return plt.figure(subplotpars=subplotpars, **d) @staticmethod def inspect_axes(ax): """Inspect an axes or subplot to get the initialization parameters""" ret = {"fig": ax.get_figure().number} if mpl.__version__ < "2.0": ret["axisbg"] = ax.get_axis_bgcolor() else: # axisbg is depreceated ret["facecolor"] = ax.get_facecolor() proj = getattr(ax, "projection", None) if proj is not None and not isinstance(proj, six.string_types): proj = (proj.__class__.__module__, proj.__class__.__name__) ret["projection"] = proj ret["visible"] = ax.get_visible() ret["spines"] = {} ret["zorder"] = ax.get_zorder() ret["yaxis_inverted"] = ax.yaxis_inverted() ret["xaxis_inverted"] = ax.xaxis_inverted() for key, val in ax.spines.items(): ret["spines"][key] = {} for prop in [ "linestyle", "edgecolor", "linewidth", "facecolor", "visible", ]: ret["spines"][key][prop] = getattr(val, "get_" + prop)() if isinstance(ax, SubplotBase): sp = ax.get_subplotspec().get_topmost_subplotspec() ret["grid_spec"] = sp.get_geometry()[:2] ret["subplotspec"] = [sp.num1, sp.num2] ret["is_subplot"] = True else: ret["args"] = [ax.get_position(True).bounds] ret["is_subplot"] = False return ret @staticmethod def load_axes(d): """Create an axes or subplot from what is returned by :meth:`inspect_axes`""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(d.pop("fig", None)) proj = d.pop("projection", None) spines = d.pop("spines", None) invert_yaxis = d.pop("yaxis_inverted", None) invert_xaxis = d.pop("xaxis_inverted", None) if mpl.__version__ >= "2.0" and "axisbg" in d: # axisbg is depreceated d["facecolor"] = d.pop("axisbg") elif mpl.__version__ < "2.0" and "facecolor" in d: d["axisbg"] = d.pop("facecolor") if proj is not None and not isinstance(proj, six.string_types): proj = getattr(import_module(proj[0]), proj[1])() if d.pop("is_subplot", None): grid_spec = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(*d.pop("grid_spec", (1, 1))) subplotspec = mpl.gridspec.SubplotSpec( grid_spec, *d.pop("subplotspec", (1, None)) ) return fig.add_subplot(subplotspec, projection=proj, **d) ret = fig.add_axes(*d.pop("args", []), projection=proj, **d) if spines is not None: for key, val in spines.items(): ret.spines[key].update(val) if invert_xaxis: if ret.get_xlim()[0] < ret.get_xlim()[1]: ret.invert_xaxis() if invert_yaxis: if ret.get_ylim()[0] < ret.get_ylim()[1]: ret.invert_yaxis() return ret
[docs] class ProjectPlotter(object): """Plotting methods of the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` class""" #: the base class for new plot methods. Is set below with the #: :class:`PlotterInterface` class _plot_method_base_cls = None @property def project(self): return self._project if self._project is not None else gcp(True) def __init__(self, project=None): self._project = project docstrings.keep_params( "ArrayList.from_dataset.parameters", "default_slice" ) @property def _plot_methods(self): """A dictionary with mappings from plot method to their summary""" ret = {} for attr in filter(lambda s: not s.startswith("_"), dir(self)): obj = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(obj, PlotterInterface): ret[attr] = obj._summary return ret
[docs] def show_plot_methods(self): """Print the plotmethods of this instance""" print_func = PlotterInterface._print_func if print_func is None: print_func = six.print_ s = "\n".join( "%s\n %s" % t for t in six.iteritems(self._plot_methods) ) return print_func(s)
@docstrings.get_sections( base="ProjectPlotter._add_data", sections=["Parameters", "Other Parameters", "Returns"], ) @docstrings.dedent def _add_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add new plots to the project Parameters ---------- %(Project._add_data.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Project._add_data.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Project._add_data.returns)s """ # this method is just a shortcut to the :meth:`Project._add_data` # method but is reimplemented by subclasses as the # :class:`DatasetPlotter` or the :class:`DataArrayPlotter` return self.project._add_data(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod @docstrings.get_sections(base="ProjectPlotter._register_plotter") @docstrings.dedent def _register_plotter( cls, identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls=None, summary="", prefer_list=False, default_slice=None, default_dims={}, show_examples=True, example_call="filename, name=['my_variable'], ...", plugin=None, ): """ Register a plotter for making plots This class method registeres a plot function for the :class:`Project` class under the name of the given `identifier` Parameters ---------- %(Project._register_plotter.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- prefer_list: bool Determines the `prefer_list` parameter in the `from_dataset` method. If True, the plotter is expected to work with instances of :class:`psyplot.InteractiveList` instead of :class:`psyplot.InteractiveArray`. %(ArrayList.from_dataset.parameters.default_slice)s default_dims: dict Default dimensions that shall be used for plotting (e.g. {'x': slice(None), 'y': slice(None)} for longitude-latitude plots) show_examples: bool, optional If True, examples how to access the plotter documentation are included in class documentation example_call: str, optional The arguments and keyword arguments that shall be included in the example of the generated plot method. This call will then appear as ``>>> psy.plot.%%(identifier)s(%%(example_call)s)`` in the documentation plugin: str The name of the plugin """ full_name = "%s.%s" % (module, plotter_name) if plotter_cls is not None: # plotter has already been imported docstrings.params[ "%s.formatoptions" % (full_name) ] = plotter_cls.show_keys( indent=4, func=str, # include links in sphinx doc include_links=None, ) doc_str = ( "Possible formatoptions are\n\n" "%%(%s.formatoptions)s" ) % full_name else: doc_str = "" summary = summary or ( "Open and plot data via :class:`%s.%s` plotters" % (module, plotter_name) ) if plotter_cls is not None: _versions.update(get_versions(key=lambda s: s == plugin)) class PlotMethod(cls._plot_method_base_cls): __doc__ = cls._gen_doc( summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str, show_examples, ) _default_slice = default_slice _default_dims = default_dims _plotter_cls = plotter_cls _prefer_list = prefer_list _plugin = plugin _summary = summary setattr(cls, identifier, PlotMethod(identifier, module, plotter_name)) @classmethod def _gen_doc( cls, summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str, show_examples, ): """Generate the documentation docstring for a PlotMethod""" ret = docstrings.dedent( """ %s This plotting method adds data arrays and plots them via :class:`%s` plotters To plot data from a netCDF file type:: >>> psy.plot.%s(%s) %s""" % (summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str) ) if show_examples: ret += "\n\n" + cls._gen_examples(identifier) return ret @classmethod def _gen_examples(cls, identifier): """Generate examples how to axes the formatoption docs""" return docstrings.dedent( """ Examples -------- To explore the formatoptions and their documentations, use the ``keys``, ``summaries`` and ``docs`` methods. For example:: >>> import psyplot.project as psy # show the keys corresponding to a group or multiple # formatopions >>> psy.plot.%(id)s.keys('labels') # show the summaries of a group of formatoptions or of a # formatoption >>> psy.plot.%(id)s.summaries('title') # show the full documentation >>> psy.plot.%(id)'plot') # or access the documentation via the attribute >>> psy.plot.%(id)s.plot""" % {"id": identifier} )
[docs] class PlotterInterface(object): """Base class for visualizing a data array from an predefined plotter See the :meth:`__call__` method for details on plotting.""" @property def _logger(self): name = "%s.%s.%s" % ( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self._method, ) return logging.getLogger(name) @property def is_imported(self): """True if the module for this plot method has been imported already""" return self.module in sys.modules @property def plotter_cls(self): """The plotter class""" ret = self._plotter_cls if ret is None: self._logger.debug("importing %s", self.module) mod = import_module(self.module) plotter = self.plotter_name if plotter not in vars(mod): raise ImportError( "Module %r does not have a %r plotter!" % (mod, plotter) ) ret = self._plotter_cls = getattr(mod, plotter) _versions.update(get_versions(key=lambda s: s == self._plugin)) return ret _prefer_list = False _default_slice = None _default_dims = {} _print_func = None @property def print_func(self): """The function that is used to return a formatoption By default the :func:`print` function is used (i.e. it is printed to the terminal)""" return self._print_func or six.print_ @print_func.setter def print_func(self, value): self._print_func = value def __init__(self, methodname, module, plotter_name, project_plotter=None): self._method = methodname self._project_plotter = project_plotter self.module = module self.plotter_name = plotter_name docstrings.delete_params( "ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters", "plotter_cls" ) @docstrings.dedent def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters.no_plotter_cls)s %(Project._load_preset.parameters.preset)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.returns)s """ preset = kwargs.pop("preset", None) if preset: preset = self._project_plotter.project._load_preset(preset) if len(args) >= 2: fmt = args[1] else: fmt = kwargs.setdefault("fmt", {}) for key, val in preset.get(self._method, {}).items(): fmt.setdefault(key, val) valid = list(self.plotter_cls._get_formatoptions()) for key, val in preset.items(): if key in valid: fmt.setdefault(key, val) return self._project_plotter._add_data( self.plotter_cls, *args, **dict( chain( [ ("prefer_list", self._prefer_list), ("default_slice", self._default_slice), ], six.iteritems(self._default_dims), six.iteritems(kwargs), ) ), ) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.plotter_cls._get_formatoptions(): return partial( self.print_func, getattr(self.plotter_cls, attr).__doc__ ) else: raise AttributeError( "%s instance does not have a %s attribute" % (self.__class__.__name__, attr) ) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self else: try: return getattr(instance, "_" + self._method) except AttributeError: setattr( instance, "_" + self._method, self.__class__( self._method, self.module, self.plotter_name, instance ), ) return getattr(instance, "_" + self._method) def __set__(self, instance, value): """Actually not required. We just implement it to ensure the python "help" function works well""" setattr(instance, "_" + self._method, value) def __dir__(self): try: return sorted( chain( dir(self.__class__), self.__dict__, self.plotter_cls._get_formatoptions(), ) ) except Exception: return sorted(chain(dir(self.__class__), self.__dict__))
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def keys(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Classmethod to return a nice looking table with the given formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- summaries, docs""" return self.plotter_cls.show_keys(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def summaries(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Method to print the summaries of the formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- keys, docs""" return self.plotter_cls.show_summaries(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def docs(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Method to print the full documentations of the formatoptions Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.show_keys.parameters)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(Plotter.show_keys.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(Plotter.show_keys.returns)s See Also -------- keys, docs""" return self.plotter_cls.show_docs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def check_data(self, ds, name, dims, decoder=None, *args, **kwargs): """ A validation method for the data shape Parameters ---------- name: list of lists of strings The variable names (see the :meth:`~psyplot.plotter.Plotter.check_data` method of the :attr:`plotter_cls` attribute for details) dims: list of dictionaries The dimensions of the arrays. It will be enhanced by the default dimensions of this plot method is_unstructured: bool or list of bool True if the corresponding array is unstructured. decoder: :class:``, dict or a list of them The decoders to use per array. Dictionaries are parsed as keyword arguments to the :meth:`` method Returns ------- %(Plotter.check_data.returns)s """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types): name = [name] dims = [dims] decoders = [decoder] else: dims = list(dims) decoders = list(decoder if decoder is not None else [None]) variables = [ds[safe_list(n)[0]] for n in name] if decoders is None: decoders = [CFDecoder.get_decoder(ds, var) for var in variables] else: for i, (decoder, var) in enumerate(zip(decoders, variables)): if decoder is None: decoder = {} if isinstance(decoder, dict): decoders[i] = CFDecoder.get_decoder(ds, var, **decoder) default_slice = ( slice(None) if self._default_slice is None else self._default_slice ) for i, (dim_dict, var, decoder) in enumerate( zip(dims, variables, decoders) ): corrected = decoder.correct_dims( var, dict( chain(six.iteritems(self._default_dims), dim_dict.items()) ), ) # now use the default slice (we don't do this before because the # `correct_dims` method doesn't use 'x', 'y', 'z' and 't' (as used # for the _default_dims) if the real dimension name is already in # the dictionary) for dim in var.dims: corrected.setdefault(dim, default_slice) dims[i] = [ dim for dim, val in map( lambda t: (t[0], safe_list(t[1])), six.iteritems(corrected) ) if val and (len(val) > 1 or _is_slice(val[0])) ] return self.plotter_cls.check_data( name, dims, [ decoder.is_unstructured(var) for decoder, var in zip(decoders, variables) ], )
# set the base class for the :class:`ProjectPlotter` plot methods ProjectPlotter._plot_method_base_cls = PlotterInterface
[docs] class DatasetPlotterInterface(PlotterInterface): """Interface for the :class:`DatasetPlotter` to a plotter""" # there are not changes here compared to :class:`PlotterInterface`, except # for a different docstring for the __call__ method docstrings.delete_params( "ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters", "plotter_cls", "filename_or_obj" ) @docstrings.dedent def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters.no_plotter_cls|filename_or_obj)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.returns)s """ return super(DatasetPlotterInterface, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class DatasetPlotter(ProjectPlotter): """Interface between the :class:`xarray.Dataset` and the psyplot project This class can be used to make new plots from a given dataset and add them to the current :func:`psyplot.project` """ _plot_method_base_cls = DatasetPlotterInterface def __init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs): super(DatasetPlotter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._ds = ds docstrings.delete_params( "ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters", "filename_or_obj" ) @docstrings.get_sections( base="ProjectPlotter._add_data", sections=["Parameters", "Other Parameters", "Returns"], ) @docstrings.dedent def _add_data(self, plotter_cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Add new plots to the project Parameters ---------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.parameters.no_filename_or_obj)s Other Parameters ---------------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.other_parameters)s Returns ------- %(ProjectPlotter._add_data.returns)s """ # this method is just a shortcut to the :meth:`Project._add_data` # method but is reimplemented by subclasses as the # :class:`DatasetPlotter` or the :class:`DataArrayPlotter` return super(DatasetPlotter, self)._add_data( plotter_cls, self._ds, *args, **kwargs ) @classmethod def _gen_doc( cls, summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str, show_examples, ): """Generate the documentation docstring for a PlotMethod""" # leave out the first argument example_call = ", ".join(map(str.strip, example_call.split(",")[1:])) ret = docstrings.dedent( """ %s This plotting method adds data arrays and plots them via :class:`%s` plotters To plot a variable in this dataset, type:: >>> ds.psy.plot.%s(%s) %s""" % (summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str) ) if show_examples: ret += "\n\n" + cls._gen_examples(identifier) return ret @classmethod def _gen_examples(cls, identifier): """Generate examples how to axes the formatoption docs""" return docstrings.dedent( """ Examples -------- To explore the formatoptions and their documentations, use the ``keys``, ``summaries`` and ``docs`` methods. For example:: # show the keys corresponding to a group or multiple # formatopions >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)s.keys('labels') # show the summaries of a group of formatoptions or of a # formatoption >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)s.summaries('title') # show the full documentation >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)'plot') # or access the documentation via the attribute >>> ds.psy.plot.%(id)s.plot""" % {"id": identifier} )
[docs] class DataArrayPlotterInterface(PlotterInterface): """Interface for the :class:`DataArrayPlotter` to a plotter""" # we reimplement the call method because we do not use the # prefer_list, etc. keywords. And we reimplment the check_data method # because we use the data array directly docstrings.delete_params("Plotter.parameters", "data") @docstrings.dedent def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.parameters.no_data)s Returns ------- psyplot.plotter.Plotter The plotter that visualizes the data """ checks, messages = self.check_data() if not all(checks): raise ValueError( "Cannot visualize the data using %s! Reasons:\n %s" % (self.plotter_name, "\n ".join(filter(None, messages))) ) return self._project_plotter._add_data( self.plotter_cls, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def check_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check whether the plotter of this plot method can visualize the data""" plotter_cls = self.plotter_cls da_list = self._project_plotter._da.psy.to_interactive_list() return plotter_cls.check_data( da_list.all_names, da_list.all_dims, da_list.is_unstructured )
[docs] class DataArrayPlotter(ProjectPlotter): """Interface between the :class:`xarray.Dataset` and the psyplot project This class can be used to make new plots from a given dataset and add them to the current :func:`psyplot.project` """ _plot_method_base_cls = DataArrayPlotterInterface def __init__(self, da, *args, **kwargs): super(DataArrayPlotter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._da = getattr(da, "arr", da) @docstrings.dedent def _add_data(self, plotter_cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Visualize this data array Parameters ---------- %(Plotter.parameters.no_data)s Returns ------- psyplot.plotter.Plotter The plotter that visualizes the data """ # this method is just a shortcut to the :meth:`Project._add_data` # method but is reimplemented by subclasses as the # :class:`DatasetPlotter` or the :class:`DataArrayPlotter` return plotter_cls(self._da, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _gen_doc( cls, summary, full_name, identifier, example_call, doc_str, show_examples, ): """Generate the documentation docstring for a PlotMethod""" # leave out the first argument example_call = ", ".join(map(str.strip, example_call.split(",")[1:])) ret = docstrings.dedent( """ %s This plotting method visualizes the data via a :class:`%s` plotters To plot a variable in this dataset, type:: >>> da.psy.plot.%s() %s""" % (summary, full_name, identifier, doc_str) ) if show_examples: ret += "\n\n" + cls._gen_examples(identifier) return ret @classmethod def _gen_examples(cls, identifier): """Generate examples how to axes the formatoption docs""" return docstrings.dedent( """ Examples -------- To explore the formatoptions and their documentations, use the ``keys``, ``summaries`` and ``docs`` methods. For example:: # show the keys corresponding to a group or multiple # formatopions >>> da.psy.plot.%(id)s.keys('labels') # show the summaries of a group of formatoptions or of a # formatoption >>> da.psy.plot.%(id)s.summaries('title') # show the full documentation >>> da.psy.plot.%(id)'plot') # or access the documentation via the attribute >>> da.psy.plot.%(id)s.plot""" % {"id": identifier} )
if with_cdo: CDF_MOD_NCREADER = "xarray" docstrings.keep_params( "Project._add_data.parameters", "dims", "fmt", "ax", "make_plot", "method", ) class Cdo(_CdoBase): __doc__ = docstrings.dedent( """ Subclass of the original cdo.Cdo class in the module Requirements are a working cdo binary and the installed python module. For a documentation of an operator, use the python help function, for a list of operators, use the builtin dir function. Further documentation on the operators can be found here: and on the usage of the module here: For a demonstration script on how cdos are implemented, see the examples of the psyplot package Compared to the original cdo.Cdo class, the following things changed, the default cdf handler is the :func:`` function and the following keywords are implemented for each cdo operator. If any of those is specified, the return will be a subproject (i.e. an instance of :class:`psyplot.project.Project`) Other Parameters ---------------- plot_method: str or psyplot.project.PlotterInterface An registered plotting function to plot the data (e.g. `psyplot.project.plot.mapplot` to plot on a map). If ``None``, no plot will be created. In any case, the returned value is a subproject. If string, it must correspond to the attribute of the :class:`psyplot.project.ProjectPlotter` class name: str or list of str The variable names to plot/extract %(Project._add_data.parameters.dims|fmt|ax|make_plot|method)s Examples -------- Calculate the timmean of a 3-dimensional array and plot it on a map using the psy-maps package .. code-block:: python cdo = psy.Cdo() sp = cdo.timmean(input='', name='temperature', plot_method='mapplot') which is essentially the same as .. code-block:: python sp = cdo.timmean(input='', name='temperature', plot_method=psy.plot.mapplot) # and sp = psy.plot.mapplot( cdo.timmean(input='', returnCdf=True), name='temperature', plot_method=psy.plot.mapplot) """ ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if cdo_version < (1, 5): kwargs.setdefault("cdfMod", CDF_MOD_NCREADER) super(Cdo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if cdo_version < (1, 5): self.loadCdf() def loadCdf(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load data handler as specified by self.cdfMod""" if cdo_version < (1, 5): def open_nc(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop("mode", None) return open_dataset(*args, **kwargs) if self.cdfMod == CDF_MOD_NCREADER: self.cdf = open_nc else: super(Cdo, self).loadCdf(*args, **kwargs) else: super(Cdo, self).readCdf(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, method_name): def my_get(get): """Wrapper for get method of Cdo class to include several plotters""" @wraps(get) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): added_kwargs = {"plot_method", "name", "dims", "fmt"} if added_kwargs.intersection(kwargs): plot_method = kwargs.pop("plot_method", None) ax = kwargs.pop("ax", None) make_plot = kwargs.pop("make_plot", True) fmt = kwargs.pop("fmt", {}) dims = kwargs.pop("dims", {}) name = kwargs.pop("name", None) method = kwargs.pop("method", "isel") if cdo_version < (1, 5): kwargs["returnCdf"] = True else: kwargs["returnXDataset"] = True ds = get(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(plot_method, six.string_types): plot_method = getattr(plot, plot_method) if plot_method is None: ret = Project.from_dataset( ds, name=name, dims=dims, method=method ) ret.main = gcp(True) return ret else: return plot_method( ds, name=name, fmt=fmt, dims=dims, ax=ax, make_plot=make_plot, method=method, ) else: return get(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper get = my_get(super(Cdo, self).__getattr__(method_name)) setattr(self.__class__, method_name, get) return get.__get__(self)
[docs] @dedent def gcp(main=False): """ Get the current project Parameters ---------- main: bool If True, the current main project is returned, otherwise the current subproject is returned. See Also -------- scp: Sets the current project project: Creates a new project""" if main: return project() if _current_project is None else _current_project else: return ( gcp(True) if _current_subproject is None else _current_subproject )
[docs] @dedent def scp(project): """ Set the current project Parameters ---------- %(Project.scp.parameters)s See Also -------- gcp: Returns the current project project: Creates a new project""" return PROJECT_CLS.scp(project)
def _scp(p, main=False): """scp version that allows a bit more control over whether the project is a main project or not""" global _current_subproject global _current_project if p is None: mp = ( project() if main or _current_project is None else _current_project ) _current_subproject = Project(main=mp) elif not main: _current_subproject = p else: _current_project = p
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def project(num=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new main project Parameters ---------- num: int The number of the project %(Project.parameters.no_num)s Returns ------- Project The with the given `num` (if it does not already exist, it is created) See Also -------- scp: Sets the current project gcp: Returns the current project """ numbers = [project.num for project in _open_projects] if num in numbers: return _open_projects[numbers.index(num)] if num is None: num = max(numbers) + 1 if numbers else 1 project =, *args, **kwargs) _open_projects.append(project) return project
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def close(num=None, figs=True, data=True, ds=True, remove_only=False): """ Close the project This method closes the current project (figures, data and datasets) or the project specified by `num` Parameters ---------- num: int, None or 'all' if :class:`int`, it specifies the number of the project, if None, the current subproject is closed, if ``'all'``, all open projects are closed %(Project.close.parameters)s See Also -------- Project.close""" kws = dict(figs=figs, data=data, ds=ds, remove_only=remove_only) cp_num = gcp(True).num got_cp = False if num is None: project = gcp() scp(None) project.close(**kws) elif num == "all": for project in _open_projects[:]: project.close(**kws) got_cp = got_cp or project.main.num == cp_num del _open_projects[0] else: if isinstance(num, Project): project = num else: project = [ project for project in _open_projects if project.num == num ][0] project.close(**kws) try: _open_projects.remove(project) except ValueError: pass got_cp = got_cp or project.main.num == cp_num if got_cp: if _open_projects: # set last opened project to the current scp(_open_projects[-1]) else: _scp(None, True) # set the current project to None
docstrings.delete_params("Project._register_plotter.parameters", "plotter_cls")
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def register_plotter( identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls=None, sorter=True, plot_func=True, import_plotter=None, **kwargs, ): """ Register a :class:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter` for the projects This function registers plotters for the :class:`Project` class to allow a dynamical handling of different plotter classes. Parameters ---------- %(Project._register_plotter.parameters.no_plotter_cls)s sorter: bool, optional If True, the :class:`Project` class gets a new property with the name of the specified `identifier` which allows you to access the instances that are plotted by the specified `plotter_name` plot_func: bool, optional If True, the :class:`ProjectPlotter` (the class that holds the plotting method for the :class:`Project` class and can be accessed via the :attr:`Project.plot` attribute) gets an additional method to plot via the specified `plotter_name` (see `Other Parameters` below.) import_plotter: bool, optional If True, the plotter is automatically imported, otherwise it is only imported when it is needed. If `import_plotter` is None, then it is determined by the :attr:`psyplot.rcParams` ``'project.auto_import'`` item. Other Parameters ---------------- %(ProjectPlotter._register_plotter.other_parameters)s """ if plotter_cls is None: if ( import_plotter is None and rcParams["project.auto_import"] ) or import_plotter: try: plotter_cls = getattr(import_module(module), plotter_name) except Exception as e: critical( ("Could not import %s!\n" % module) + e.message if six.PY2 else str(e) ) return if sorter: if hasattr(Project, identifier): raise ValueError( "Project class already has a %s attribute" % identifier ) Project._register_plotter( identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls ) if plot_func: if hasattr(ProjectPlotter, identifier): raise ValueError( "Project class already has a %s attribute" % identifier ) ProjectPlotter._register_plotter( identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls, **kwargs ) DatasetPlotter._register_plotter( identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls, **kwargs ) DataArrayPlotter._register_plotter( identifier, module, plotter_name, plotter_cls, **kwargs ) if identifier not in registered_plotters: kwargs.update( dict( module=module, plotter_name=plotter_name, sorter=sorter, plot_func=plot_func, import_plotter=import_plotter, ) ) registered_plotters[identifier] = kwargs return
[docs] def unregister_plotter(identifier, sorter=True, plot_func=True): """ Unregister a :class:`psyplot.plotter.Plotter` for the projects Parameters ---------- identifier: str Name of the attribute that is used to filter for the instances belonging to this plotter or to create plots with this plotter sorter: bool If True, the identifier will be unregistered from the :class:`Project` class plot_func: bool If True, the identifier will be unregistered from the :class:`ProjectPlotter` class """ d = registered_plotters.get(identifier, {}) if sorter and hasattr(Project, identifier): delattr(Project, identifier) d["sorter"] = False if plot_func and hasattr(ProjectPlotter, identifier): for cls in [ProjectPlotter, DatasetPlotter, DataArrayPlotter]: delattr(cls, identifier) try: delattr(plot, "_" + identifier) except AttributeError: pass d["plot_func"] = False if sorter and plot_func: registered_plotters.pop(identifier, None)
registered_plotters = {} for _identifier, _plotter_settings in rcParams["project.plotters"].items(): register_plotter(_identifier, **_plotter_settings)
[docs] def get_project_nums(): """Returns the project numbers of the open projects""" return [p.num for p in _open_projects]
#: :class:`ProjectPlotter` of the current project. See the class documentation #: for available plotting methods plot = ProjectPlotter() #: The project class that is used for creating new projects PROJECT_CLS = Project psyplot._project_imported = True